Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


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Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
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  1. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Requesting art to replace the wallpaper for the month of June on the Home page!

    Colored text for emphasis!

  2. Elemiire

    Elemiire Intergalactic Tourist


    Jeez this one took forever. I like the result though. :3 Enjoy~!
    Silentniko, Seajun_, Justown and 2 others like this.
  3. Elemiire

    Elemiire Intergalactic Tourist

    Thanks! I'd like to see more of your artwork as well. :3 And yes, I've heard of Macromedia. I remember making animated GIFs in highschool for fun. Though I'm not sure how good at it I'd be now. I've been thinking of saving up for the program.

    Hope to see more from you in the future! ^^
  4. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    Pardon my French but that's fricken awesome I love it :)
    Elemiire likes this.
  5. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    Oh my god. I can read french.
  6. Cathriana

    Cathriana Phantasmal Quasar

    *Is currently out of words, and just crying silently with a happy giddy smile on her face*
  7. Josephdud66

    Josephdud66 Void-Bound Voyager

    What program do you use to draw, and what type of musician are you talking about? :)
  8. Elemiire

    Elemiire Intergalactic Tourist

    P-please don't cry! :c

    Thank you. I always try to practice with different poses. With hands I'll actually take a picture with my phone and reference it as I draw. I also found that wearing the expression that you're trying to draw helps (atleast it helps me).. Even if it makes you look like a dork (though I much prefer being called a dufus~).

    As I previously stated, I'm not good at firearms so I referenced the Laser Pistol from XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
    Justown likes this.
  9. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    hahaha i do the same thing when trying to draw expressions too, but i think it was just habbit cause i had no idea i was doing it till someone pointed it out, sitting there with a goofy look on my face for so long concentrating on what im drawing :rofl:.

    Might be entertaining to do a Speed paint but a camera on myself and on what I'm drawing would turn out hilarious i think :rofl:
  10. Elemiire

    Elemiire Intergalactic Tourist

    I never noticed it.. My fiance pointed it out a couple weeks ago when I was sketching out what I was going to carve into a pumpkin. I guess I had a psychotic toothy grin and he couldn't stop laughing.. Since then I find expressions to be a little more fun since I can just turn my head to look at him and he'll crack up. I'm considering asking for a request myself. But as my scanner doesn't work, I'll just have to draw up the characterr first. *laughs*
  11. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    I'm sure you have a phone with a camera, if your scanner does'nt work :p
  12. Elemiire

    Elemiire Intergalactic Tourist

    Unfortunately, I don't have a computer connection cord to my phone. :c Otherwise I would be using that. My scanner is missing it's connection cord, but I KNOW it's here somewhere.. *stares at the vast mess of the house* ..Somewhere..


    Alrighty! I have a better picture of her as well as a side ref on paper, but this one will have to do. Would someone be so kind as do doodle up of this girl? She has five tail spines, the same color as her horns, they're small rounded triangles and they go from small, little bigger, biggest, little smaller and small again. She currently has no outfit.
  13. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    Link is broken :( but i can take this on for you :D
  14. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    pigrocket and Elemiire like this.
  15. Cathriana

    Cathriana Phantasmal Quasar

    =x I wish I could draw to help you out <3
  16. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    here is your signature you requested :)

    I kept it simple stupid thought laying on clouds seemed kinda cool, Plus i added Elemires Autograph to her image :)

    pigrocket, Elemiire and HedgeFlanders like this.
  17. Cathriana

    Cathriana Phantasmal Quasar

    Justown makes these awesome ones that I really like but Elemiire makes my favorite <3<3<3<3
    ImmortalFrog and Elemiire like this.
  18. Elemiire

    Elemiire Intergalactic Tourist

    Justown likes this.
  19. HedgeFlanders

    HedgeFlanders Big Damn Hero

    Thanks! Lol it makes me think of "Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls"
    Elemiire likes this.
  20. Justown

    Justown Big Damn Hero

    Excellent I will see what I can whip up, doubt it would be anywhere near as cool as yours though :p

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