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Water pump?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Graciel, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. Graciel

    Graciel Aquatic Astronaut

    Post about flooded dungeons made me think.

    Is it known if there is some way to pump water out of one area into another?
    failcake likes this.
  2. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    So far I've only seen a manual bypass. I.E. Connect the area with water to an empty hole and let it flow into that space.

    Of course, if you just want to get rid of the water, you can take out the back wall, though I think dungeons are protected against that.
  3. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Since there is a water pressure system i would assume there will be a pump as well. Now as for this idea of un-flooding flooded dungeons? I like it. Perhaps a hose item or feature for pumps that would let you just toss it in so it's not just one single layer of liquid at a time. Then ways to extend it with other pumps or extra hose length to keep going if it's deeper than the initial amount... Could be lots of fun. Also leads into interesting base defense systems that way.
  4. Pingeh

    Pingeh Pangalactic Porcupine

    There damn well better be buckets or something at least. We have access to spaceships that can fly anywhere within minutes, cloning, etc, it'd be silly not to have buckets.
    Skarn likes this.
  5. GeorgeV

    GeorgeV Art Director

    Not yet. Various liquid tools are planned though.
  6. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    They should make a quest based on using a waterpump. Like "drain this underwater cavern city so we can colonize it!".
    Graciel and DotBeta like this.
  7. Graciel

    Graciel Aquatic Astronaut

    Ha! This is why I ask. Why build your own fortress, when you can repurpose/remodel an existing one.
    Hebephryo and MrLevi like this.
  8. We'll probably have water pumps like in terraria to to move water from one place to another.

    That sounds like a pretty sweet idea :up:
    MrLevi likes this.
  9. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    I think it would make a good quest. :) I figure this is partly a building game, so some building/infrastructure quests would probably be pretty fun.
  10. Sci-Fi Diplomat

    Sci-Fi Diplomat Phantasmal Quasar

    Of course it would have to be rather difficult to set up, seeing as we don't want to circumnavigate any of those horrific water based traps chucklefish might be making. Maybe make it that you need to break the dungeon protection first?
  11. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    I dunno, I think it would be cool to have more than one solution to a problem. If you want the treasure in the dungeon you can:

    1) Obtain a diving suit, and fight through the underwater dungeon.
    2) Build a complex pumping system to slowly drain the water in the dungeon and pump the water into a nearby valley, leaving all the fish-monsters flopping around harmlessly.

    I can see both ways being pretty fun to different players.
  12. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Strange, i thought something like this would be core/priority what with all the effort and work that went into making the fluid system work as amazingly as it does. To be honest the fluid demo was one of the reasons i started following starbound so closely.
  13. In my opinion a core or a priority in this case is to get the fluid system working properly etc, then we can expect more features like the water pump itself to be added.
    I cannot wait for some amazing things players are going to be able to come up with with the whole fluid system :p
  14. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    No i get ya, i'm not sore about it, just if they put so much into making the fluid run so smoothly (which MANY games fail to do) including packing a lot of water into a small space i figured they'd make a point to take advantage is all.
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  15. I'm sure they will, I imagine they just have other more important things to do now than some water pumps ^^
  16. Dwagon

    Dwagon Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Hmmm. So, does this mean we could theoretically see traps that pump nasty liquids into closed areas in dungeons and the like?
    Because if so, I have a few suggestions. ;p
  17. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex


    I would say yes. :)

    Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure water pressure is one of those things that seemed cool at the time, but they couldn't realistically find much use for it. So it probably won't be in the game in any meaningful way.
  18. seanos1998

    seanos1998 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Waterpumps would be awesome for traps and underwater bases...
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  19. Phyrex

    Phyrex Parsec Taste Tester

    "not yet" as in "its not implemented in the beta yet" or as in "it's planned to be implemented post-release" ?
  20. Master_Discord

    Master_Discord Big Damn Hero

    If there's a pressure system... would a siphon work? Could you suck liquid out of a container by using the vacuum pressure of the water flowing through a passage?
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.

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