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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Well let's agree to disagree pal.
  2. Hebephryo

    Hebephryo Phantasmal Quasar

    Sometimes crawling through threads like this I ask myself "Don't I have a job to do?".

    Beta release in 2013. They could even release it on december 31 and it will be fair. Train your patience,guys.
    If they won't do this...well,shame on Chucklefish.Still I won't make a refund in any case.
    onerb2 likes this.
  3. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah before we go on thinking that, i asked for clarification. And if that is the case, then what does having CF as a publisher do? If no funding is given then it'd really be time for that "you keep using that word" meme to find it's way here regarding "publisher"
  4. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    Read the whole of that post I linked to (which actually was in response to your post) - it seems to give their exact relationship. So CF is clearly not a publisher in the 'traditional' sense of the word. But their role does include elements of a publisher - they provide a means of distribution, and help with the promotion of the game. Call it 'publisher lite' if you prefer.

    Edit: Oops - saw what you meant. I thought the first post there made it clear, but maybe I'm reading things into it. We can wait on your clarification.

    Edit2: Well, that's that, looks like I understood it properly. :)
  5. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    I'm not sure how does anything I said lead you to the conclusion that "beta should come out on 2014". I re-read my post a few times, mind you, and still can't find anything that would lead you to a conclusion like that. I can understand your native language is not English, so please, just ask me to clarify a point if something seems vague.

    To everything else you said - I stand by my point. What happened with minecraft beta was something horrible. No reason for Starbound to follow that example.
    Also, don't mix what "should happen" with what "always happens". Which means all this:
    is right on the theoretical side, though not the practical.
    Just like theoretically, laws should be something everyone upholds willingly and are only there so people could know the extent of what they can do without bothering others, rather than something which forces people to live by those rules. And punishment, theoretically, shouldn't even be needed, because enforcement wouldn't be needed. And, theoretically, wars shouldn't happen.
    I'm not against the beta itself, the opposite, I would like to play the game and help find bugs myself.
    What I am saying, however, is that I am against the "BETA NAO" idea. Just chill, and let the devs release the beta when they think it's ready (they're developing the game, after all, I THINK that means they know when it's most useful for them to release the beta better than you, don't you think?) That means when they have all the main features they want tested in place, when the idea and atmosphere of the game are apparent (don't forget that many people who hadn't bought starbound will see it as the first look of the game, and decide whether to buy it or not on that) and so forth.
    onerb2, Calris and JackOfAllTrades like this.
  6. Admiral RsenHyi

    Admiral RsenHyi Space Spelunker

    Confused traces.

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  7. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

  8. DiscontentWithTheSystem

    DiscontentWithTheSystem Big Damn Hero

    And the piss-poor, jumbled story, bland gameplay, incredibly sexist scenes defining woman as sexual vending machines (kill abusive boyfriend, bone with corpse nearby), hilarious issues that are by no means bugs (infinite power slide), on and on and on. No other game released so far this year is that bad.
    riseoflegends, Zody and onerb2 like this.
  9. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    never really played it actually, i was just saying that because i saw some people complaining on the internet about the game having really stupid bugs (and some bad animation).

    JAGYOUARE Phantasmal Quasar

    Ride to Hell is the worst game of 2013 not because of the bugs. It's because it works as intended but is still a painfully boring with an absolutely horrid plot and just about everything to do with the game is completely dreadful, and at the same time, the game worked, which makes it even more embarrassing.
    riseoflegends, onerb2 and Jonesy like this.
  11. DiscontentWithTheSystem

    DiscontentWithTheSystem Big Damn Hero

    Yup, they can't even make the unfinished excuse.
    onerb2 likes this.
  12. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    they would be much better off following a beta release like kerbal space program where they have all the core sandbox fetchers in and then add content patches monthly. this would take the pressure off the devs and add a lot of free publicity. however it is probably too late now as the hype train has pushed thinks too far for that now.

    sorry for my dyslexic spelling and so on thank you for raiding my post and i look forward to the Beta.
  13. LuisWolfe29

    LuisWolfe29 Void-Bound Voyager

    You have to consider, these guys eat, sleep, and breath this game right now. They have most of the game done, by the degree of the roadmap, and there being loads of videos demonstrating many of the features already in game, which shows the game is currently playable (by the devs at-least). So, a release cant be too far off. I see alot of just bug fixing and polishing atm. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but, ya, that's what I'm seeing.

    But, beyond my speculations, thank you guys for an AWESOME game. My buds and mine cant wait to dump our wallets to get this game.
    onerb2 likes this.
  14. CrestOfArtorias

    CrestOfArtorias Void-Bound Voyager

    Well from what I saw up until now I am more than willing to believe that they will be able to release a playable version pretty soon. Just keep being patient ^^
    Donseluke and onerb2 like this.
  15. LordZ

    LordZ Space Hobo

    Will Starbound go to console anytime soon or will it not come out for console at all?
  16. PS4 support is planned, besides it's not even out yet!
    onerb2 likes this.
  17. ForceablePlace

    ForceablePlace Phantasmal Quasar

    I started out by giving a idea on how they could speed up development, not begging for the beta... Your saying i was Begging for the release...

    and you said,

    "So the optimal time for beta is not more than 1 month before the release, and not less than about 1 week before release. "

    There was word of the Full game releasing in 2014, and IF that was true, that would mean, by your logic, that the beta would come out about a month before the FULL release, making the BETA come in 2014, unless they released the full game in January...

    And my first/native language is English, the only Language i know (Other then tid bits of French) but you just cant read :/

    Anyways, I stand MY point, if they dont want to play the Beta, no need to! Theres no way around it other then ignoring it, or the Beta is not released (Then they CANT see anything about it), sure someone could spam there Email with Spoilers, but they dont have to read them, just when you notice its about Starbound, forget it and move on!

    But as i said, i was giving a IDEA for a way to speed up Development of Both the Beta, and Full Release, then you came in and now where talking about how people can avoid spoilers,
    just give up ;) and i was trying to be nice, and not be a dick, until you started to say dick-ish things... So fuck you ;)
    Darkhog likes this.
  18. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    :facepalm: Man, you lost your reason there. He wasn't a dick at all at his post, he was telling you his point civilly, so no reason to cuss him.
  19. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If he truly just assumed english wasn't his first language, rather than misunderstanding a previous comment, then that is pretty d*ckish. It's actually quite insulting and used all the time.

    "I can tell you're a little bit slow, so let me try and explain myself using small words"

    That's the gist, but yeah. I'm not going to read all of their posts back and forth to figure that out... just a thought i had by reading those latest two.
    onerb2 and Donseluke like this.
  20. Donseluke

    Donseluke Phantasmal Quasar

    You sir are correct, English isn't his first language. Its actually pretty sad that someone has to use that on a regular basis as a weapon just because of miscommunication. That stuff starts wars.
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