The Demon Syndicate

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan TDS, Jul 17, 2013.

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  1. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    As the most beautiful one in the clan, I'd like to say
    Joobley, Ominethious and BrutorDragon like this.
  2. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Please, for the sake of Sanity, do NOT ask this to Crazyon... o_O
    harnackam, CaptainMcManface and Luna like this.
  3. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard


    Ava'yorn guys...

  4. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Im the weakest one...
  5. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Bown-chica-bow-wow :iswydt:
    harnackam and Ominethious like this.
  6. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    >_> Dat is SOOOO Punny...
    BrutorDragon likes this.
  7. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Alright ive managed to agree with Squidgi and im not leaving just yet. Depending on how this goes i might stay.
  8. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Now hold the fucking phone. This sort of action REALLY should've been warned about when Acrale first helped Luna. Hell, she didn't even do anything. And the most powerful antagonist ever? Bitch, Cony did more damage than Luna EVER did.

    Blackleaf and I had already been talking about how Acrale would likely be imprisoned, and then we could argue for her release.

    I feel like I'm still missing some information, so I dont' want to rant TOO much until Squids is back online.
    Britefire and Blackleaf like this.
  9. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Also, sorry not to reply to you Stu. Looks like you found someone to rp with anyway though. :rolleyes:
    Ominethious likes this.
  10. I wouldn't say that. You have 2500 HP, a resistance to fire, and attacks that can take out about half the player's health, as well as lower his defense.
    BrutorDragon, Blackleaf and Britefire like this.
  11. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    All i request, is a hidden bawse battle for Omin... thats ALL i want... >,.,>
  12. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    What whould Xertra have? The abillity to seduce party members?
    (( If murky can be recruited as a party member then let that be a scripted event PLEASE. ))
    CaptainMcManface and Ominethious like this.
  13. I don't know yet. That sounds like a viable power.
    No existing members will actually join the party. Instead, the characters I have planned so far are "New User" and "Space hobo".
    New user being the main character and damage dealer, space hobo being support and healing.
    CaptainMcManface and Blackleaf like this.
  14. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    She should offer for the player to just give up and be her little slave, and accepting gives an immediate game-over. :D
    Blackleaf likes this.
  15. Err... That may be pushing it. I want to keep this somewhat PG.
  16. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Doesn't need to sound bad. Just something like
    "Why dont' you just give up and be my new little pet?"
  17. I think that's worse.
  18. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    That can't be worse than fighting a fetus boss in Earthbound.
    Blackleaf likes this.
  19. No, I'm preeeety sure it can.

    I'll add an insta-kill in there, just... Let me write it up, kay?
  20. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Pfff, alright then. o_O
    Who's making this exactly?
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