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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Gikkomelma

    Gikkomelma Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  2. ForceablePlace

    ForceablePlace Phantasmal Quasar

    Lol i mentioned that in my comment about 7 times, and i said "Please release the beta soon (After the game deleting bug is fixed)" too!

    I was just saying to release it AFTER that bug is fixed, and any other bad bugs,

    this is one time i said it

    "Btw guys? Did you forget there fixing things like the Crash that would delete your saves?! Do you want a Beta with those kind of bug in it?! No!"

    then you just said what i said lol

    please read my whole comment, like i asked you to in the start of it, before answering my point when ive already stated AFTER the save deletion bug is gone :)
    §hifter likes this.
  3. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    I daresay, I would have, but I've been a bit busy. Sorry about that. Most of your points are valid (though 2 and 5 are pretty much the same thing and point 3 isn't even an argument for beta, it's simply what the beta is for - seeing what's wrong and changing things). Anyway, I believe the other main reason they want to avoid beta too early is because they're afraid it will lead to a scenario similar to that of minecraft beta.

    Just think about the cons of beta as well. It is good for working out bugs, seeing how the prayers interact with everything and what they use to do what, sure. But... I could explain the cons as I see them to you, but that would only lead to you countering them, and then me adding another detail or disagreeing with something, and then you and then me and... An argument. I think the best way you can find the cons is by thinking about them yourself. If the devs haven't released the beta yet, they must have reasons, right? Now, what could those be?

    I say just trust the developers. They will release the beta when the time is right.
    onerb2 likes this.
  4. ForceablePlace

    ForceablePlace Phantasmal Quasar

    Theres no doubt theres Cons, like the Save Deletion bug witch needs to be fixed before even thinking of beta, but id say as long as its playable, and you can keep your Saves, it could be ready for a Beta lol
  5. poboy

    poboy Void-Bound Voyager

    3.5 months left in 2013. Let's say they are a 10 person team and 10 000 people use the beta to report bugs. If the beta is released tomorrow that means 35 000 person months of beta testing. If they continue coding the game and release it jan 1, that means 35 person months of development. Which is more beneficial to the general quality of the game? Probably a balance that they have to find and implement. I'll tell you something: I'd rather manage the 35 than the 35 000.
  6. DrPhibes

    DrPhibes Pangalactic Porcupine

    Small thing to add: generally, less than 5% percent of beta participants post bug reports.
    Jonesy and onerb2 like this.
  7. ForceablePlace

    ForceablePlace Phantasmal Quasar

    How do you know? hmm? just cuz its Starbound doesent mean its users wont report bugs! Just say somewhere on the Beta to Report all bugs to XXX.

    Look at minecraft, there getting Bug Reports every day on their Bug Tracker, TBH Starbound should get a BugTracker... It will help with people Posting the Same Bug Twice too!
    onerb2 likes this.
  8. NFossil

    NFossil Phantasmal Quasar

    Just saying something never works.
  9. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    are you saying that telling the devs about the bugs that occurred won't solve them? (sorry, didn't really get what you mean by that.)
  10. NFossil

    NFossil Phantasmal Quasar

    It's for the previous reply, i.e. " Just say somewhere on the Beta to Report all bugs to XXX." won't make people that won't report bugs report bugs, just like this thread never stopped people making beta date threads.
    onerb2 likes this.
  11. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Gave them a good excuse to lock those threads though, and thank goodness to them too. :)
    Neimi likes this.
  12. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    for all the people that thinks the devs ignore all the community, just see Armagon last post:
    Thank you for your continued patience guys! I realize the tensions are high as many in our community are keen to play the game right now, but rest assured we’re doing everything we can to get the game into your hands in a truly enjoyable state as soon as possible! We’re continually humbled by the sheer amount of passion and eagerness on display from our community, and we’re very fortunate to have you with us! Please bear with us a bit longer! (http://playstarbound.com/september-14th-15th-update/)
    TuefelHundenIV and MrDragco like this.
  13. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    That depends on what do you define as "playable". Being able to move with your character in an empty world with 1 block type and 1 planet, where your character is a pixelated cube is "playable", basically.

    And I'm not talking about cons as in "bug x is there, and so is bug y, both of which are cons to beta release". I'm talking about things like waning excitement, if beta and the final release are spaced too far apart. I'm talking about all systems that need testing being in place. Look more broadly. Many other things I haven't mentioned, and possibly some I haven't noticed either.

    I think the best time to release beta is when there's enough stuff to occupy people and not get their excitement down (not more than 1 month before release, at max), but enough time to take note and change things that need changing (ore rarity, game pacing, levelling curve, etc.)
    So the optimal time for beta is not more than 1 month before the release, and not less than about 1 week before release.
    onerb2 likes this.
  14. MrDragco

    MrDragco Big Damn Hero

    they do a great job in my opinion with the community , they show screens, game footage , and the daily info (that doesn't tell much) , they dont need to do it but still they do.
    I like the devs very much and the community is great , exept some hardcores in both directions.
    they are lucky many ppl like them and try and defend them on forums that i really do get.
    But some ppl realy need to understand that many ppl can't wait months (years) to play a game let stand to get any info on the release date or beta.

    they do a very poor job if it goes for setting things on there place ..
    at the start of the year it was okey but now if they dont know when they will release or can't give any info on beta thats just not responcible
    No one did predict it would look like this after so many months of waiting
    we didnt get even smarter from where we where some months ago
    they showed us many many videos of starbound so even the I49 didn't change a thing
    onerb2 likes this.
  15. MrDragco

    MrDragco Big Damn Hero

    Btw they posted a bit longer??
    as its still 3 months and a bit to end of the year
    if they would be close to beta they would for sure be able to set a date in that timeframe
    as they don't you know it wil take much longer.

    and again it shows.. the disipointment that there will be in december
    i will consider refund on the 4 pack i both as 2 of my friends have othere games to play and lost intrest in starbound and now am left with 3 extra keys.
    Darkhog and Pingeh like this.
  16. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    This is clearly the most difficult thing for people to understand, but the fact is that the game could be 99.99999% done, and they still may not be able to give you an accurate release date. Yes, it can be that difficult.

    It might be that there is a single issue that is stopping release - a gamebreaking bug - that they can't release until they fix it.

    It may be that the bug is a one character change to a single line of all the code they have written for this game.

    It might only take five seconds of time to fix it, once they have found where the error is.

    But the problem is that you can't estimate the time it will take to track down that sort of problem. It could take less than a minute if they are really, really lucky and spot it straight away, or it could take a couple of weeks of going through all the code line by line 3 times over before someone finally spots it. But there is simply no way to tell how long it will take until they've done it.
    onerb2 likes this.
  17. enemarius86

    enemarius86 Cosmic Narwhal

    They had all the time in the world to fix all of the gamebreaking bugs.
    Instead we get daily updates that everyday say TONS of bugs were fixed, TONS of features added, TONS of bla bla... Empty words...
    We deserve at least a beta release date

    I've lost my trust in the devs
    Darkhog and Pingeh like this.
  18. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    Really? I hadn't noticed. (By which I am being sarcastic, since every post of yours I've seen on this forum has been about your lack of trust in the devs and their missing of release dates or whatever else you perceive the devs have done.)

    You don't seem to be a happy person. You're seriously fixated on this - it's unpleasant for those of us who share this forum with you, and it's not a good thing for you to be this negative. You also aren't willing to listen to anyone, and reject anything that anyone says, preferring to keep your own negative hateful opinion about things. It's not healthy.

    Seriously, take a break and get some perspective. Everyone would be better off for it.
    onerb2 likes this.
  19. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    oh give me a break. It's not like they lied to you to your face. I certainly know what that is like. Tiy said at the beginning of the year that it would come out 'in 2013' and by saying that you could easily extrapolate that it would be late in 2013.
    onerb2 likes this.
  20. enemarius86

    enemarius86 Cosmic Narwhal

    This is not the way i am, is the way SB developing makes me feel.
    Oh, btw have no worries for me, i'm like this only on this forum. I'm a very happy person cheers:DD
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