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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Ruban Crusade

    Ruban Crusade Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wow...just wow...
  2. New.TroN

    New.TroN Aquatic Astronaut

    Збагойствие, только збагойствие!
  3. New.TroN

    New.TroN Aquatic Astronaut

    Збагойствие, только збагойствие!
  4. Voxelite

    Voxelite Industrial Terraformer

    Fortunately Uni starts in two weeks so I'll have that. I might even start my own video game up called GaseousHeavenlyBodyDestined, and then take ages to release a beta.
    Tactix likes this.
  5. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    They will probably want to release it as late as possible, so they could add as much content as they can and fix as many bugs as they can while still keeping to the "2013" release date. I think it would be amusing if they released the game on December 31st, only 5 minutes before midnight.
  6. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    i don't, there's alot of people that want to get their hands on the game. Yeah i think the right thing to do is correct gamebreaking bugs, but small bugs are normal on betas. There could be some updates on the beta to correct smaller bugs, this way they could release the game as soon as possible.
  7. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    Oh, I understand most people would get angry and make drama out of it (what does it matter, if it's month earlier or later?) I'm just saying it would be amusing to watch the internet-riots of people who give this too much meaning.

    I pre-ordered myself, but the only obligation to me from the dev side on that account is that they will finish it within a reasonable amount of time(they're doing rapid progress right now; reasonable amount of time would mean working at the usual pace of game development) and I will receive my game.
    onerb2 likes this.
  8. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    i think you got me wrong, i'm not saying that i would be mad if the game is launched 5 minutes before midnight, i'm totally ok with that, im just saying that it would be foolish to delay the launch to remove smaller bugs and etc...

    edit: oh, now i got your point, i'm sorry, tought you was saying that i was making a lot of drama LOL
  9. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    Jonesy, Gikkomelma, Supafly and 11 others like this.
  10. Kaleb_22

    Kaleb_22 Void-Bound Voyager

    What prevents developers to release a demo on one planet and cut down the amount of chips?
    Just get used to the controls and combat system.
    Project zomboid does not hesitate to spread developments for public beta testing.
    Just in projects such errors are mainly players, not teams of testers.
    I would like to play the demo version of the i49.
    And why not?
    Supafly, Plooters and Pingeh like this.
  11. neutralentropy

    neutralentropy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I debated about posting here for a while and was just wondering about the rumour about Bart saying that an October release wasn't likely (paraphrasing obviously.) Here and there Ive seen people settling on a Nov 5th - 16th window as a good time for beta and was wondering if there were a load of IRC quotes or some math done on likely dates to back this up? Does anyone have any solid links that they could post on this?

    I'm not really approaching this from a beta now pls standpoint more from a best-time-to-market-a-game standpoint. So more the time honoured tradition of theory crafting when the game will release than taking shots at devs or flaming previous posters. If I was to pick a given month on a recent year to point to as being the worst time to try to market a new game, be it a beta product or full release, this November of 2013 would be the literally the worst I could think of. No matter which platform you the reader own, which side of console v pc, or Xbox v Ps4 etc this November has some of the most eagerly anticipated and most respected releases that I can think of to split your focus from a starbound beta. If you happen to follow a particular gaming news site, this November offers the time when such a hotly anticipated news story as the starbound beta going live will be buried under countless other newsworthy stories. If you happen to follow a particular Youtuber I would struggle to point to another month in which they have a more packed video schedule offering their existing fanbases content that they already accept. You might have visions of certain content creators starting lets plays, certain content creators doing beta coverage or whatever but how will they find the time amongst the dozens of releases that they have been able to anticipate the release date of and actually plan some sort of video around it. We already have blatant confirmation that chucklefish set up I49 because they are industry savvy enough to plan for youtube coverage and are interested in growing the userbase outside of the core that have currently been following it.

    I can't even really say there's a lull around a given weekend from looking at release dates that stands out as being friendly to a beta release. The crop of multiplats from the big publishers release either at the start or end of the month on PC and 7th gen consoles then once again for the US PS4 release on the 15th, the X one release on the 22nd and the ps4 EU release on the 29th. For me personally the release of X rebirth on the 15th stands out as being particularly difficult for starbound to compete with. A PC release of a AAA space sim/ 4x sandbox game with a focus on a virtual economy and exploring a vibrant Sci fi universe. A game that's been 7 years in the making that's finally got it marketing and PR together following a rocky couple of years and is close enough to whet the appetite of the Star Citizen crowd no less. I actually really hope the devs read this and have taken it into consideration above all.

    Not only am I scratching my head about why people have proposed a Nov 5th - 16th ish window for these reasons I would probably think less of the devs for forcing a needless clash between IP that we have actually been able to plan for in advance if they even touched nov. I think the quotes provided post I49 about the 10 questions re progress on beta after complete tier 3 and the 30th august quote about tier 2 progression being playable make an October release more likely. For the most part October seems free of drama barring pokemon X&Y on the 10th. Trouble is for my theory crafting is that despite logic and planning being all well and good now and again we get a quote such as the pre alpha howler and the October release not likely from respected members of the team that shakes confidence of the community. I suppose sarcasm sometimes doesn't come across so well in a 3rd party Chinese whisper style quote.
    Karamunin, Snowfalcon and Terriculum9 like this.
  12. Gaikang

    Gaikang The Number of the Minibeast

    Jim Jones likes this.
  13. mjkkjkk

    mjkkjkk Big Damn Hero

    really hope can be early
  14. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    Think we need a reminder of this thread...several multipage threads about beta release date on front page currently :p
    Serenity likes this.
  15. Admiral RsenHyi

    Admiral RsenHyi Space Spelunker

    6 months have passed. Congratulations on the anniversary of deception, my friends! 2013-09-04_22h39_48.jpg
  16. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Oi vey release date threads...

    Those have been around since this fourms creation.

    I really wish new-people would at least look around before posting them...
    Serenity and onerb2 like this.
  17. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    Braxtrose, Serenity, §hifter and 2 others like this.
  18. icerimp

    icerimp Big Damn Hero

    "Deception". That's not melodramatic or anything.

    Hey look, I found a picture of Tiy.
    Serenity, onerb2 and riseoflegends like this.
  19. yellowmonkeys

    yellowmonkeys Industrial Terraformer

    Math is power!
  20. Toasty

    Toasty Industrial Terraformer

    Nobody can exactly put the blame on Chucklefish for anything, like they have been trying to.
    They said it would be released in 2013, and hey, it's still fucking 2013.
    Just because things don't happen the way you want them to, doesn't mean you should create a ruckus.

    While I personally wish they wanted to release a beta that isn't pretty much the full game, and would prefer an unfinished product so I can watch as the game grows/evolves.
    I don't think that I, as a customer and not a developer or contributing member in any sort of way, am able to complain at the pace of which production is taking place.

    Though I will be pretty cheesed if the beta's early release is only a week or two earlier than the full game.
    That wouldn't be what I paid for. Like when you pre-order a game, you expect it on release date, not a few days after.
    Serenity, onerb2 and riseoflegends like this.
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