Treasure Adventure World pre-orders are now LIVE!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. StarBatman

    StarBatman Void-Bound Voyager

    I really liked Treasure Adventure Game when I played it - as far as I know it's still a free download from Good Old Games. This'll be a nice HD version, and it looks great! I probably won't buy it, but it looks great. Much better than the spurious 'High Definition' release of Age of Empires 2 that happened awhile back on Steam. That was a complete rip-off. Graphical changes? None. Ability to run on Win 7? Yes, but that doesn't really qualify it for the 'HD' tag. At least this is actually doing something with the graphics.

    As for the negativity, come on, chaps. I've been holding back on commenting about complainers, but surely we're better than this. It's not like Starbound is the -only- game that will be interesting to you now or ever again. You can do other things with your time besides whining for a release date. In fact, I wonder how you'd feel if you spent several years planning and designing a project - something that is your baby, your focus; all your creative design - and then had to put up with 90% [possible hyperbole] of your fanbase complaining, day in, day out, without a moment of respite, that they're entitled to see it before it's done, before it's ready. Before you're ready to have it seen by the world, to have it critiqued by professionals and amateurs alike, to be scrutinised and criticised over your magnum opus.

    I wouldn't want to release something unfinished to my friends, let alone the general public. That's what teasers and trailers, and controlled demonstrations (like in the livestreams) are for. Showing off bits that are ready to show. Minecraft's beta stage was in a stage that could be considered 'finished'. Just because you pre-ordered a beta, doesn't mean you also get immediate access to it! Patience is a virtue, and something that seems to be, unfortunately, in decline...
  2. Ninjabean123

    Ninjabean123 Master Chief

    I want the current game that I pre ordered to come out before I pre order another.
  3. Idlemind

    Idlemind Subatomic Cosmonaut

    To be fair, in general, most games this year with "early access" (or promises of beta a-la Starbound) have been met with a lot negativity as the masses in general do not understand or appreciate how much work goes into releasing a title. IMHO early access on steam for example left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths, while there was a minority who actually appreciated it and fully expected to get a buggy unfinished product. A lot of people seem to think early access = exclusive access to the finished product ahead of time.

    I do have to admit though that Starbound beta access does seem long over do. If you pre-order something on the basis of early access to beta, you would expect the developers to get the multiplayer and basic world gen / stability fixes in first, instead of focusing a lot on game mechanics such as warmth/coldness, double jump, dash attacks.. surely they could have waited until a stable-ish beta was available... aaaaaand now that we know there is a working demo out there from the recent convention, it is easy to assume there is no beta right now simply because they want to put there best foot forward (basically a finished product) and are afraid of negative publicity of the beta isn't quite there (see first paragraph).

    Arhg.. oh look, gonna be late for work hehe.
    Nemesis-489, Svarr Chanston and Luna like this.
  4. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Funny thing about star citizen though.... Chris Roberts doesn't care if I offload all the stuff from the hangar alpha into cryengine and modify it or even make it a playable asset in the sandbox....

    He certainly doesn't go "you can't do that because spoilers! You're seeing too much!!!!"

    But I digress.. back to toying with my Freelancer :)
    Paddon likes this.
  5. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Considering that you have games like Star Citizen, which from looks and game size is every bit if not a hell of a lot more intensive in coding requirements and graphical detail, able to produce a playable (however limited, still playable) Hangar module in just under a year, yet a near 2mil backed game can't produce more than daily updates, a soundtrack, and limited screenshot views because of abject dev fear of spoilers? Yes it is frustrating.

    If they are so worried about initial impressions, maybe they should try releasing the beta before the bad publicity from the forums spills onto the map. I understand Tiy is paranoid about game leaks and controlling his baby after the issues with Terraria launch.... but seriously. move on.
  6. sonic5202

    sonic5202 Industrial Terraformer

    pre buy? never more... ty starbound for teach me that. Seriously Chunklefish...... no joke

    pd: October arrives .... sure you can launch the beta and release in two months? i dude....
    LeifGram, Johan and Pingeh like this.
  7. Cauthon Al'Thor

    Cauthon Al'Thor Void-Bound Voyager

    The difference here is the TAG developer actually deserves my money. He's proven he can make an excellent excellent game already and not only that he released it as freeware. Chucklefish has a lot to gain by you preordering TAG and it being successful so all of you Starbound fanboy and girls, all of you galiant knights out there that jump on people just as soon as they complain there not getting what you pay for, you should probably just go ahead and preorder this.
    RobitStudios likes this.
  8. Musadriff

    Musadriff Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the soundtrack...
  9. seevenup

    seevenup Contact!

    this is not true, i pre order "kerbal space program" the game is not done, has some bugs, but this is a BETA like it should be.
    players can play the game, and get the idea of how is it when it is done. mod_writers have allready done 100 of mods for the game.

    same to FOLK, Prission acher, the games ar not done, but the dont have to be done for e BETA. and i guess chuckle wants do put the beta out, when alsmost 100% is reached of the game goals.

    and the we have to read, that let's play youtuber will get the beta early, it is normal that all the people which pre-order Starbound ar getting pissed of.
  10. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    Need even more money for support? Sure. I rather buy games where everybody knows when they come out, this became ridiculous. Sorry CF, this will be my first and last game from you even though I think it will be great.

    Why you ask? Let's see:
    Summer 2012, 2012, early 2013, 2013, beta 2013 rest you don't know. Why those delays? We don't know. This is not how pre-order should work, and you will learn this.
    SumoMoses, Johan and bebigy like this.
  11. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    ...Except the preordering didn't start until April. That's only 5 months, so far.
    Kristopher and Sir Ginger Ale like this.
  12. TheKeyLimit

    TheKeyLimit Phantasmal Quasar

    I understand that all of us are very..... unhappy with the time it's taking for Starbound to come out. And i suppose thats normal. Not all humans have the patience of Buddha, but still.

    I'm not gonna entirely defend CF. But even so, some of you guys really are impatient. This Game is by far the most expansive Game i've ever seen. Games like this take time. If you can't handle the wait period, do something else (Assuming you already are). Read, Learn to cook, Do something. Complaining isn't going to help.

    I feel your pain that Starbound isn't out yet, but instead of voicing that pain, go play.... Something i guess.

    Complaining gets you nowhere. (at least, most of the time.)
  13. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    actually studies show that voicing displeasure (or pain) helps people neurochemically
    ZdzichuCzarny and Medic like this.
  14. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm not so sure that I really like this title, so I think I'll have to decline that preorder. But thank you for trying to fill the gap of your game's release with something else, that's at least better than leaving us with absolutely nothing every step of the way. Can't wait for beta, guys. Do try to get that done soon, ya'hear? ;)
  15. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I don't mean to be Mr. Sassy Pants here, but this looks in no way any different from the original TAG other than that it has had a graphics update (and looks not as good as the original, frankly). The new graphics look cartoonish, sort of like they were going for a chibi-anime style, but it doesn't work. And maybe there really are new islands to discover, but they sure didn't show any in the trailer: every single level I saw was from the original game, and every single monster was too. Except maybe for that big slime...I can't remember if that was in the original or not because it's been a while. But I mean...why just re-vamp the same old game? Why not use the side-scrolling platform format, the same mechanics, but make a whole new game since you're redesigning all of the graphics anyway? Just saying...
  16. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Till Chucklefish actually releases a game... Pass.
  17. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Yea but dude, betas *are* meant to be released "before it's ready to be seen by the world". That's the point of a beta: fixing bugs prior to the actual game release so that when the game goes international (Internetional? :D) it has had all of the kinks and bugs worked out of it.

    Yes, I acknowledge that the devs feel there are still enough obvious bugs in the game that they want to fix the game up some more first. However, the i49 demo works passably well (there are some game crashers, yes, but hey, that's what beta is like). I continue to advocate for a release to the pre-order folks of the i49 demo. This would satisfy the people clamoring for a release now, it would technically count as a beta release before the end of 2013, and it would free up C-fish from having to push for a beta and would let them just focus on the nitty gritty of the game while their player base reported bugs.

    So yea, whining about it is sort of an obnoxious approach to try to get what is wanted, but most people aren't whining really. They're making well-reasoned requests for a product they feel they have earned per the pre-order agreement and their patience for over a year now. Reclassifying this as whining is a fallacious attempt to dismiss the behavior instead of dealing with it.
  18. Luna

    Luna Pangalactic Porcupine

    C'mon, guys, this isn't Starbound. It shouldn't be affecting your decision to pre-order a game.

    ..Not that pre-ordering games is a good idea anyway :sneaky:. But you should at least have a reason that isn't "the publisher hasn't released some other, totally unrelated game yet!".
    Sir Ginger Ale and Von Marlon like this.
  19. sserenkiy

    sserenkiy Orbital Explorer

    Make pre-order and then wait a year!!???? No tnx
    LeifGram, Johan, Pingeh and 5 others like this.
  20. Metaphoenix78

    Metaphoenix78 Aquatic Astronaut

    First I want to say something positive. I want to applaud chucklefish for the amount of time they have spent keeping the community informed about the progress with this game. I've been a kickstarter backer for many projects that flat fell short in this regard, and I want to say I'm thrilled with the way this community management has been handled.

    With that said, I have been waiting for this game for a year now... I have put my money where my mouth is to fund it's development, I spread info about it through social media, told my friends about it in painful levels of detail, and hung onto every detail of every update. I feel like Im in a relationship with a woman and got stuck in the "friend zone". No matter how patient or excited Ive been, she runs off to a gaming festival and lets a bunch of other guys play with her (metaphorically speaking). There is soo much getting ready to come down the pipeline with a whole new console generation, multiple exciting games, and yet I sit here faithfully watching and waiting for something solid to hang on to for this game. I must be honest though, the wait and the hype is wearing thin, and like that guy in the friend zone Im getting tired and frustrated as summer came and went but there is still no light at the end of this tunnel. I supported wanderlust because it would help CF, I supported Risk of Rain hoping it would help CF, and I supported stardew valley to help CF and here comes another requesting my support... I can't do it anymore...

    Maybe you released info about this game way too early in production, and maybe you had to show off and let people play at insomniac because it was great for your marketing and PR, but you took my money and right now I feel a little sad and cheated that summer is now gone and others who did not support CF like I and much of this community have were the first to experience what I hope is an amazing product. I apologize in advance for anyone who feels insulted about my view, but I don't think I can possibly be alone in this regard...

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