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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Corpj123

    Corpj123 Starship Captain

    Man, in this thread, for like the past 10 pages, based on what I've been reading through...

    onerb2 likes this.
  2. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    Nah just crazy.
  3. imrevned

    imrevned Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't see how the full release could be in 2013, wouldn't that pretty much render the beta phase pointless?
  4. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    we will get our hands on the game in "2013". beta will be for the public as long as you purchase it so i would call it...a beta release. it is still a release but...don't put my word on the phrasing. a beta release is pretty much unable to get "Ratings" or an "ERSB" score i believe.
  5. imrevned

    imrevned Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I understand what a beta is and that it will come out this year. I was saying that a full release in 2013 wouldn't make much sense.
  6. keyless15

    keyless15 Void-Bound Voyager

    Wulpher likes this.
  7. Voxelite

    Voxelite Industrial Terraformer

    Im not gonna ask for a refund because I want to support chucklefish with starbound, however I am worried about development as of recent. I used to think the daily updates were pretty up to date until I discovered they've only actually finished tier one of gameplay. This worries me because the daily updates make the game out to be close to completion and finding out how far back they are is actually a shock. I understand they're a small team and theyve done a good job so far apart from the questionable yogscast thing, who are by all means a bunch of berks with no respect for the game. Understand im only concerned because this is an investment to me in good faith, as I am a student and cannot afford to spare much money for anything really. I just feel chucklefish shouldn't work on story and questing until after beta. I for one couldn't give a damn about story. I never play sandbox games for the restrictive nature a story imposes, and I would be fine just messing around with sandbox to see how the game plays when beta is released. Im not saying "give me beta now" as I have plenty of other games to occupy myself with, I just feel we'd see a faster beta release and more content done if the team focused on story content after beta release. Im more interested in taking in the scenery and building forts and stuff at the moment, but im fine with qhatever the team does as long as they focus on getting the core content ready and ensuring the game is in a playable state. Bugs arent too much of an issue as long as they arent game breaking, after all, thats part of what beta is about.
    Supafly, enemarius86, Pingeh and 2 others like this.
  8. keyless15

    keyless15 Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't hold me to too much of this, but I think a lot of the content itself is there. When they said they finished tier one, I think that means they've made the stuff craftable/avalable to players entering the game with nothing. The "quest" thus far seems to be showing players how to get things done, which I think is important to deal with before any kind of release. And there are clearly still a handful of "game breaking" bugs. The demo at Insomnia had crashed that resulted in player save wipes. No one wants to play a game where you lose your game to bugs every third time you take off to another planet.

    I understand your worries, but I'm sure everything will be fine.
  9. HolyHeadshot

    HolyHeadshot Aquatic Astronaut

    You know, I have to throw my 2 cents out there. I usually don't support Kickstarters and I am hesitant to put any money down on a 'to be released' project. That being said, I have supported a handful of Steam's Early Access titles and I have also pre-ordered 2 copies of Starbound (one for me, one for the kids). I would love to see a beta, and I can't wait to get my hands on any build of the game but I don't pretend to have the cajones to believe that my preorder gives me any right to hassle the team about when the beta will be released or what I think they 'should' be working on. They are professionals, they are working on it and they will release a product when it is ready, that is why I trusted them and put up my money early. It's disheartening to see the entitlement and lack of respect for these hard-working individuals. Your pre-order doesn't give you the right to make decisions on the game, that's for the dev team to work out. All this talk about refunds? I can't imagine the difficulties they go through only to see their community lash out at them.

    To the team, thank you for all of your hard work. I may not post often in the forums but I do check the updates on the website, on Twitter and on your Facebook page. I really like the fact that you have started giving daily updates as much as humanly possible and as excited as I am to see your work firsthand, I remain patient and very content with my pre-order. God bless you guys! :geek:
  10. Voxelite

    Voxelite Industrial Terraformer

    Hey, im not lashing out at them in any way. Just like you, I was only throwing my two cents in. I have a lot of respect for the dev team doing what they do. Its just that im very poor at the moment so I have to think carefully about what I put money towards. I enjoy seeing how they're doing on the game in the daily updates, and im looking forward to beta as much as anyone. I was merely offering a suggestion, im perfectly fine with waiting for the devs to get a product that they're happy with. I specifically said I didn't want a refund too. Sorry if it came across in any unintentioned manner.
    Pingeh likes this.
  11. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    As far as I am aware, the devs are leaving the story until post beta. They had to put the framework in for it since the tutorial uses the story/quest system, but that's as much of it as they have done, and there are no plans that I'm aware of for any more to be done until beta has been released.

    Only tier 1 has been completed, but they have a ton of mostly-finished subsystems. I don't think they're that far off from releasing beta. They're working off a list to be completed by beta, and they're still saying 2013, so I'm happy things are on track.
  12. enemarius86

    enemarius86 Cosmic Narwhal

    They are on track untill they aren't, like they were back in 2012... Nothing is set in stone... Anything is subject to change... I don't understand nothing anymore...
    I'm going depressive:cry::cry::cry: If Starbound will have paid DLC i'm going to burn my laptop...
  13. NoGod

    NoGod Void-Bound Voyager

    It will be done when they are happy with it. If they aren't happy with the way the game is now, or they don't have it up to their standards why would you even want it?

    I honestly don't understand why people think that whining and yelling at them to do it faster helps anyone. You want them to push it out as fast as possible, but that comes with a bigger price in the long-run. A more broken game, with the developer not feeling as confident in the title. Early reviews are bad, and it deflates the community and makes it smaller.

    When you buy into a kickstarter, or pre-order an Indie you have to wait, and sometimes wait a long time. Simple games don't take as long, but we don't want Alpha releases with noting to do either. It's pointless. Look at Cube World right now. I REALLY wanted that game, but man there is nothing to do. It's in Alpha and it functions, but it isn't even close to being even a Beta. I'm sure many here may have bought this game as their first kickstarter to an Indie. They probably don't have an idea of how this works and expect things to move much faster, but they just don't. Getting Starbound as a BETA on their terms is what you should want. Games coming out before that point stink usually and are nearly unplayable. THIS WON'T BE LIKE THAT. So the newbies to the kickstarter thing will actually get a legit game instead of a skeleton like most Indie releases are early.

    If these guys don't feel like the game is up to THEIR standards, which I think are very high, and something I COMPLETELY support when looking at a game, the game just shouldn't be released to us.

    This isn't the only game in the world here. WE have hundreds of games out there we can play in the mean time. These guys are working daily, and very hard. Keeping us up to date as much as they can. You can see their passion for it, and their love for their game. Maybe they are being perfectionists, but wouldn't you rather have them be that way than someone that is just making the game for the money? Having the passion will make them the money eventually. Without the passion you may get the money, but not the LOVE. :p
  14. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    i'm losing the will to rage. just a little transparency would help.

    all the abandoned stuff like the road map and daily updates that tell us nothing.

    all i now is if beta ends up pushed back to 2014 there are going to be angry mobs. not because the beta was pushed back but because of the empty promises. after all i think most people have given up the hope that full release will be this year.
  15. DrSmileyFace18

    DrSmileyFace18 Space Hobo

    Its now september4th...
  16. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex


    From that post:

    "We've been kinda letting some things float because we've been running on crazy push mode for quite a while now. I'm terribly sorry. I haven't forgotten about the Q&A thread, or the trailer, or the roadmap, or the lore. It's just been pushed as "not as important as beta release." I'm sure you can agree."
    onerb2 and keyless15 like this.
  17. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    first think it says is "This is simply what I understand beta release to require. I might be missing part of the picture and I might simply be mistaken, so please do not take this as gospel."

    and beta was not as important as I49 demo


    but i don't want to rage for rage sake.
    Donseluke, Jonesy and Pingeh like this.
  18. Leather Rabbit

    Leather Rabbit Big Damn Hero

    Read through this thread. People are losing their goddamn minds over such craziness. There are an alarming number of people freaking out that "it's getting too close to the end of 2013" and that there is no way beta could be released in 2013. Who knows? Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Maybe the full release will be a year or more after beta until it's fully released. Honestly, the only thing you can do about it is to sit patiently, enjoy every tease we get until then, and engage the community while you wait. Sure, I guess you could refund somehow, if it really bothers you, but that almost seems a little an archaic practice.:p

    All and all, I'm happy to wait. I know that with each passing day, the content becomes more and more finished; more and more polished. Sure, it's hard waiting sometimes (especially when you have been for a couple years), but it is well worth the wait.:)

    Cheers, dev team. Keep up the awesome work.:iswydt:
    onerb2, keyless15 and primitiveType like this.
  19. MrDragco

    MrDragco Big Damn Hero

    I dont know m8 i did buy a 4-pack to play with my friends.. (as they said it will make the beta comeout faster if we will preorder it) , I think am the only one that didn't forget about this game.. of all my friends..
    I feel really disipointed so far.. as it getting closer to 2014 .. am realy asking myself why did we do the preoder if it took still almost a year to just put out a beta..

    keep checking this site every month and its realy crapy to see we are not close , they keep adding stuff instead trying to get the beta out so the fans that have preoderd the game have somthing to be happy about as they work to finish the game.. (one planet with a minimum off stuff would be fine ) just to test the feel of the game and keep bizzy..

    Okey thats enof of my rumbling
    srry for my english guys.
  20. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    I was responding to your statement

    " just a little transparency would help."

    The link I gave would seem to qualify for that, don't you think?

    Marketing is an important part of the process, and I can understand them devoting resources to it, even if it doesn't benefit me personally. I think that is the part that a lot of people (not necessarily you) have trouble with - they seem to expect that anything that benefits Chucklefish must necessarily also benefit them, and so if something that Chucklefish does doesn't benefit them, then it wasn't worth doing. I'm afraid the logic doesn't follow.

    If you say so.
    Serenity likes this.
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