The Demon Syndicate RP

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by zooey, Apr 9, 2013.

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  1. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Xertra held her hand and started running faster "Arawn was pretty annoying to me, but I know he was important to you, we have to save him."
    "Oh? What do the coloured eyes do? I imagine your no where near human." She said now getting up from the wall.

    The four walked up to the door and Luna wasted no time kicking the door in "now where the fuck is that girl." She said in probably the most annoyed voice anyone could have heard. "You two know what do to." And with that, they split up. Katrika went her own and way and so did Lucia. Ivory of course being on a leash was stuck with Luna.
  2. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Kalissa was also running to the catacombs now and said "Thank you..."

    Lilly was now reading in her notebook of runes in her lab, thinking "Now to get to work on Xertra's little project..."
  3. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Meanwhile Enigma was headed down towards the library to check something out.
    She had been bothered by a few details that were missing when she did some research on the succubus queen and decided it might be worth doublechecking.
  4. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Luna of course went straight to the throne room, pulling Ivory along with her. All of the succubi already knew the layout of the entire castle, having already lived here once before.
    Lucia of course had spent time on studying Enigma. Know she had beef with Xertra could be used to her advantage. She headed to the library, expecting her to be there and being the smartest to plan ahead.
    Katrika on the other hand, headed to the labs. She expected some old rune type things she had worked on a long time ago to have some things left she could potentially use to her advantage.
  5. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Xertra nodded smiling to her "of course Jasper."
  6. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma arrived at the library and opened the door.
    She didnt really bother to look around and headed straight to where she knew the books about the castle's history were.
  7. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Lucia had already beat her to the library. She saw Enigma walk in and wasted no time walking up to her. After she had stopped to look at book. She leaned on a book case "your Enigma am I right?"
  8. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Ominethious sighed, his eyes turning Cyan before changing back to blood red he said, "Eh, it was something one of my friends inventions gone wrong, it was a little device that when shot at a person could detect emotional patterns, he 'accidentally' shot it at me, thus giving me eyes that change to emotion... At times it REALLY annoys me..." Ominethious stayed on the wall, looking at her again, making a slight fool of himself by moving his eyes slightly down at her boots, and with his bright red eyes, its obvious to notice his eys moved.
  9. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Heading down the catacomb stairwell, Kalissa said "I hope this is the last time this happens... And I am going to make sure that Maeja won't be able to do it again..."

    Lilly flipped through the pages before reaching the section with binding runes and mumbling "Let's see... If I take a soul-binding rune and modify the framework of it with that of a shapeshifting rune..."
  10. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma looked over at the blue haired succubus.
    " Um... Yeah. " She said a bit confused.
  11. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    She nodded "so, I'd beat that blue colour was a negative emotion of some sort?"
    "it will be, I'll make sure of that." She sounded very serious.

    Katrika barged into the lab, not really expecting anyone else to be there but found Lily and overheard her lost couple of words "Oh, you must be the new runic mage huh?" She invited herself over to see what she was doing.
    She never wasted any time getting to the point "what if I gave you an opportunity, to kill Xertra."
  12. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma looked rather confused.
    " Context please? What the hell are you even talking about? "
  13. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    "I'm here with Luna, the old queen's daughter. Were going to take back this castle. I'm sure you'll hear fighting any second. We are of course the most powerful demons in this castle right now, it would take quiet a force to stop us. You can take this opportunity and get your revenge. Were strong and can help you with whatever you like of course if you help. Otherwise, your going to die today." She smirked.
  14. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Ominethious replied, "More of... Mourning personal thoughts is all... Nothing concerning the gun-" Omin stopped himself from finishing, trying not to remember old thoughts.
  15. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "Good..." Kalissa replied, as they reached the bottom of the staircase.
    "Hopefully I can get us back to the den she was in, definitely not the same one she had last time..." she added, now moving towards the entrance to the tunnels.

    Lilly looked over from the small desk to the succubus who had walked in, and said "I suppose..?"
    Looking closer for a moment, she added "Very nice runework, by the way, who miught you be? I take it you are quite the runic mage yourself?"
  16. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma looked rather suprised.
    " Why the hell... Look, Why are you even here? Im not killing anyone but i wont get myself killed. Tell me just what reason you have to "Reclaim" this place and kill people here and ill consider it. "
  17. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Iota meanwhile was in his quarters in the residential ward. His door was slightly ajar, and his sound system was blasting some heavy rock and roll. He was sitting at his table, busy filling out some sort of paperwork and dying for something a little less dull to present itself to him.
  18. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    "Don't need to bring up stuff that doesn't concern me. I've been meaning to go visit Xertra if you wanna come."
    Xertra nodded again "okay, don't worry, were gonna find her and shut this down."

    Katrika smirked "thanks, I was known to be the best at the time. I'm Katrika, I'm here with princess Luna. I do hope you don;t actually like Xertra, I'd like to be friends with you."
    "Oh wow, I expect you to know at least a little more, come on here Enigma. Xertra stole Luna's throne and were here to take it back, that's all there is to it. She's in Luna's throne and we intend to take it back."
  19. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma did infact know quite a bit about the whole history of the castle.
    But she wanted to know just who Lucia was and if there was more to it.
    However she had exhausted all her options to prolong the conversation.
    " Alright you want the throne back, And... You need to kill Xertra for that? Why do you want me for that? "
  20. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    "Why not? You hate her, we hate her, we have something in common, and I mean the more the merrier am I right? We have an advanced runic mage with us, she can help you turn human if you want, anything you want or need. Power? your humanity back? You'd be surprised at what a demon that's be turned for years can do."
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