Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

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  1. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank


    Made an egg for you guys that didn't ask for it.

    Games4Playing likes this.
  2. 0ptimistPrime

    0ptimistPrime Big Damn Hero

    just what i wanted :D
  3. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    nom:giggle:...mon:giggle:...nom..that was a nice egg!:giggle:
  4. Quote.

    Quote. Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hm, since I don't really know where else to post this request, I'll put it here. I want Mima from Touhou whacking Marisa (also from Touhou) on the head with her staff. For those who need references..

    Marisa:Click Here

    Mima: Click Here
  5. FolleUno

    FolleUno Aquatic Astronaut

    dapper boy.jpg
    Is this more along the lines of what you were looking for? If not then I'll redraw it again, I just want to know before it's (if you want it) colored.
  6. KoolaidLegend

    KoolaidLegend Void-Bound Voyager

    I guess i can ask this here.
    Can anyone draw Nathan Drake from Uncharted in that one part where he gets lost in the desert, running into the Traveler from Journey?
    I always thought that'd be a funny scenario. :DD
  7. Mr. Mistah

    Mr. Mistah Phantasmal Quasar

    I think the older one has a little more grasp of what I'm looking for. What I'm really looking for is more of a wackier, cartoon style. Dapperboy looks a little childish and acts playful. I don't know if you can make the style that I am looking for, but try if you can. :)
  8. MsSprite

    MsSprite Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Can someone please draw a chibi pink cat girl eating a cookie and has a collar please and thanks ^.^
  9. Zergind

    Zergind Void-Bound Voyager

    I request a beard.
  10. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    You appear to already have one.

    If that is only a virtual beard and you wish for a real life beard, I suggest you do the following:
    1)Check you are male. (I can't know if you are, but if you are NOT then you may as well give up unless you go for no. 5)
    2)Wait for you to grow to an appropriate age where hair begins to appear on your face.
    3) If you want a softish beard; Never shave. Ever. If you want a more rough beard, or the illusion that it is growing quicker, shave it as often as you can.
    4)eventually you will have your stubble growing at speed, leave it and your beard shall appear!
    5)If you're impatient, or this doesn't work (not sure why it wouldn't you definitely not-a-woman you) You can always buy a fake beard and plaster it to your face. Although it may look like you're trying to disguise yourself...

    If you want some kind of drawing of a beard, asking for a beard without any further details could result in a drawing of stubble... Or a drawing of a Windmill beard. The possibility of Awesome is present, but I think not worth the risk...
  11. Zergind

    Zergind Void-Bound Voyager

    This is art thread and i didn't say anything about details because i love every beard in the world, regardless how bad people take care of them, so in the end it doesn't matter what people will draw. I have beard irl and my avatar is bearded too. Now I only need some kind of beard for my mind, that is why i am here.
  12. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    Good to know. I thought it rude to assume however. But I can appreciate the want of more beard.
  13. 0ptimistPrime

    0ptimistPrime Big Damn Hero

    You shall get your beard as soon as my crap updates

    EDIT: Finally getting started, should be at your door around this evening
    Magma Claw and Zergind like this.
  14. 0ptimistPrime

    0ptimistPrime Big Damn Hero

    In its full glory, a beard. (Im kind of new to drawing so gimme a break)
    Zergind likes this.
  15. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    thats is a masterpiece! *french acent*
  16. Crash

    Crash Void-Bound Voyager


    Got bored so attempted to do this. I'm bad at art and had to stop halfway through because of work getting busy. Hence why its just a guy on a rock in front of a bunch of tiny stars. Was fun messing around though.

    Attached Files:

  17. Paranormalcactus

    Paranormalcactus Phantasmal Quasar

    haha nice try i was thinking more along the lines of being on a planet then a asteroid like in a alien desert at night also the revolver could be in a different color because it kinda blends into the background i also had him with a more anime style or colored manga pic in my head i also do not believe lighsabers are that long o_O maybe slightly less saber and more hilt :p next time. guess i shouldeve been more specific.
  18. Damiann47

    Damiann47 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well I may as well throw a request in since I can, something that involves my Starbound avatar here other then that you got freedom to add what you want, within reason of course.
  19. SamuraiJack7

    SamuraiJack7 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oooo oooo oooo me! :-D

    A steam punk inspired Iron smith with a mechanical hand (right one) mid length brown hair (messy) black waist coat, white shirt, brown trousers and big boots. Quite big up top and bit of a belly. Also.... Massive side burns! Think Bill Sykes but less of a c**t.... Until he drinks that wonderous ale! Oh no chaps! Run! Iron Jack is on the tipple again! ARGGGGGGHHHHh! ....gurgle...
    Silvestre and Shadow| like this.
  20. Zergind

    Zergind Void-Bound Voyager

    This is simply beautiful. It should be here
    SamuraiJack7 likes this.

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