[Voice over] Elspeth Eastman -Rated E with Elspeth

Discussion in 'Other' started by Marshmallow, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. Marshmallow

    Marshmallow Orbital Explorer

    Hello gentlefolk of the stars, I am Marshmallow and this is my suggestion.

    I would like to throw the name of Elspeth into a possible person for voice overs in the game. I realize we already have Logan Cunningham for intros, which I'm extremely excited about. But I feel that we need a female voice in the game and Elspeth is one of the best that I've seen.

    These are her voice over videos on her Youtube:

    -[Character voices- League of Legends and Skyrim]-
    -[Character voices- League of Legends and Nintendo]-
    -[Character voices- League of Legends, anime, and other games]-
    -[Lip readings of cut scenes]-
    -[Voice Demo Reel]-

    Links on where to find her and more of her work:
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