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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. Moar politicks

    I wonder how the isolationism of the USCM is going to deal with this new development.
  2. DeltaV

    DeltaV Pangalactic Porcupine

    Everyone knows that killing an Agaran only causes the spores of more to spread. The only solution is to orbitally bombard every single mushroom biome until the last has been eliminated.
    Viriato, Ketoth and Hawk Novablast like this.
  3. Incendiary

    Incendiary Ketchup Robot

    I wouldn't address it this way, I mean Starbound was kind of built around the tentacle monster right? So isn't that sort of the main bad guy? But that is really only a problem for humans. I guess Agarians are a main bad guy in the sense that they oppose the other races? But the Florans oppose all races but the glitch, so were the florans the main bad guys in the begging, and are now, somehow, goodguys? I feel it is more likely the agarians are leading up to another boss or something? Or maybe it's the ground work for goblin raids like terraria?
    Viriato and Hawk Novablast like this.
  4. lupadim

    lupadim Pangalactic Porcupine

    theres no such thing as bad guys or good guys

    it depends on your race
    Viriato, Khuur, LastDay and 3 others like this.
  5. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    The tentacle monster is the big baddie for humans only. None of the other races really care about it, to be frank.
    Florans are an aggressive people, but they aren't always "attack on sight". They're definitely less mentally gifted, more primitive, and more prone to violence, but they can speak and have relations with other races, i.e. Greenfinger.
    These Agarans, however, seem to be spreading (like a fungus), have no interest in peaceful relations with other races, and are even taking prisoners (including florans, who they're "close" too).

    Sounds to me like they're someone's new henchmen.
    FloomRide, MilkCalf, Ketoth and 3 others like this.
  6. Incendiary

    Incendiary Ketchup Robot

    Well that is exactly why I was disagreeing with the term "main bad guys".
    Well, I do personally believe, the tentacle monster is going to be the 10th boss, it is *currently* only an issue for the humans, but Greenfinger has mentioned that there are others. And yes the florans can communicate and have relations with others, but I'm sure at one point in time they just killed everything and the universal translator didn't include their dialect. The agarians just need more time to grow as a race!

    Edit: That being said, I do agree they seem fishy and are likely development towards a boss or event as I speculated earlier, just I wouldn't call them more main bad guys than any other boss.
    LastDay likes this.
  7. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    Agarans remind me of the Antarans, bad guys of Master of Orion 2.

    I second that!
    Mouse Invictus likes this.
  8. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    I can agree that the tentacle beast would be the last boss for humans, but the lore for other races doesn't fit. Imo Big Ape for Apex, The Creator for Glitch, Kluex for Avian.

    They have grown, though. They are already much more advanced than the Florans, and have found a way of space travel without actually space traveling. They *used* to be peaceful as stated, but not very numerous. Now they're suddenly everywhere, violent, and prisoner-taking, Florans included? Seems like a weird overnight transition without some outside influence.

    Perhaps they're going to tie in to the Hylotl/Floran "last boss". Currently, there's nothing really pointing to them having a "main antagonist" like the other races.
  9. Incendiary

    Incendiary Ketchup Robot

    Ah, I see what you're saying now. But I personally do not believe that players will be rewarded with a different experience depending on their race. Like I said, we will have to see. And I still agree with, and never disagreed with, it certainly seems like an outside force swayed the direction of the agarians.
  10. Heartstrings

    Heartstrings Giant Laser Beams

    Wait, I live on a planet full of these guys! They're actually kind of nice if you get to know them.
    Bejamin and [pixelmonster] like this.
  11. Mouse Invictus

    Mouse Invictus Void-Bound Voyager

    True for many people IRL. (Its good to see another member of the herd here :))

    Ive yet to run into these guys but Im really liking how the lore is starting to take shape. For me a good story makes a good game even if its primarily a sandbox.
  12. Arpples

    Arpples Big Damn Hero

    They appear to bathe in pools of lava and the tears of their enemies. Nice people.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
  13. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    They're spreading like a . . . thing . . . that spreads . . . easily.
  14. cooltv27

    cooltv27 Heliosphere

    this part right here, if you remember the part about florans and drysap, how it changes some of them in to anti social, strange beings
    I think we have a connection between florans Agaran and the "oaken soldiers" a codex mentions
  15. Incendiary

    Incendiary Ketchup Robot

    This is an interesting point, I don't think mushrooms would be oaken soldiers because if anything mushrooms should be softer than plants? But it gives me more reason to believe greenfinger is behind the whole thing.
  16. Elrond Hubbard

    Elrond Hubbard Lucky Number 13

    I didn't have time to snap a pick, but I once saw a group of Agaran's burn a human villager alive (iron bull style).

    Was a little vicious.

    Tasty meat though.
    MilkCalf and Heartstrings like this.
  17. I can't wait to find out more about these guys and those other color coordinated weirdos too.
  18. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Spreading like fungus? Hahaha
    LastDay likes this.
  19. Jacomo

    Jacomo Orbital Explorer

    Well, happened to me, that I was merrily scouting the unknown planet and came across a huge pit of red water (Not lava. Blood? :D ), which was guarded by a group of Agarans. And guess who was enjoying the bath in the pit.. yeah, a Floran. There is some evil sh*t going on.
  20. Lanceler

    Lanceler Void-Bound Voyager

    hope they will also make a thread about the other new specie, the ninja bunnies (not sure if its really new, never saw them before)

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