Modding Discussion Testers wanted

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by bk3k, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Phosphor converted light emitting diodes can produce white light from a single led. What your saying about white light used to be true though until this was developed. The same basic idea is behind the leds in a blue Ray player.

    And real LEDs are typically encased in transparent plastics rather than glass which can indeed be tinted to allow more or less of different light spectrums through.

    But honestly I wasn't thinking "real world logic" when changing this. I was thinking "Starbound logic" which is pretty ridiculous in every way. I mean the "wiring" doesn't even make a complete circuit :p

    But if you still feel the recipe needs reverted, I'll do so. It was an impromptu idea that came when the topic of dyes came up
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
  2. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    I like the new recipe. I never got why we went with printer and old led logic for that stuff...
  3. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    Well, the reason I made the recipes that way in the first place was based on my first hand (apparently outdated) experience with LEDs. I'll grant you that was a good 12+ years ago, though.

    Edit: How about this: just use dyes for those that would use dye in real life. They're not going to bother dying an LED red when we can make an LED that emits red light. Same goes for green, blue and apparently white. The rest of the colors could be with dye.

    Oh, yeah, and there is plastic in the mod if you want to replace the glass...
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
  4. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    I went ahead and added something extra to most of the basic racial crafting recipes, plus updated some non-gemspark glowing blocks a bit.

    Here's a list of the changes I made (these are all additions, not replacements):
    • Apex blocks require a Silver Bar.
    • Avian blocks require a Gold Bar.
    • Fish blocks require Orange Dye.
    • Pink Floran blocks require Pink Dye.
    • Dark Floran blocks require an Iron Bar. Since Rusty is a Floran alternate tileset, I realized that iron made perfect sense as an electroplate here.
    • Glitch Blocks require a Copper Bar.
    • Human Hull blocks require Red Dye, because the columns, trim and one of the platforms derived from them are red/have red parts. I felt that the Wall Panel and Striped Wall were fine as is, since they don't ever show any red color unless painted.
    • Hylotl blocks require Blue Dye.
    • Novakid Brass blocks require a Copper Bar and 5 pixels (zinc isn't available in-game; I seem to recall it having ore and bars, but is not obtainable).
    • Other Novakid blocks require various dyes, based on color.
    • Rusty blocks require a Tungsten Bar, but still also require an Iron Bar and Water. Again, the reasoning is that it's iron plated over tungsten, but in this case, the iron is rusty.
    • Novakid Glowing Panel requires a AA Battery, for it's glowing nature.
    • Ship Engine Block requires a Battery. I figured a ship engine needs a heavy-duty battery.
    • Video Screen Block now requires a AA Battery, since it also glows.
    None of the above changes heat sinks in any fashion.

    bk3k, while working on this, I found some rusty recipes in the wrong folder. They should have been with the other racial recipes, instead of in "tiles_craftingfurniture". The only one there that shouldn't be moved is the rusty stone, which is actually part of the iron tileset. One of the out of place recipes in that folder is a slightly screwed up duplicate of a recipe for Rusty Hull Plating.

    Edit: Novakid Brass Pipe is in that same incorrect folder.

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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  5. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    This one is largely about fixing various small bugs, mostly in recipes.

    The big bug I noticed is that the voxel blocks were pointed to dropping non-existent items. I've re-targeted these at the vanilla voxel items, as they were designed to do. This allows a player to build with their money, to show off their wealth and then, when they need it, they can break the blocks to get the voxels, which can be taken to the Pixel Compressor to turn them back into money.

    The Uranium Stone and Plutonium Stone recipes could not be used, because Uranium and Plutonium are no longer available in-game, so I re-worked the recipes to be based on Erchius Crystal Fuel, since that was their replacement.

    The biggest thing I did was to go though various recipes and fix changes that I'm guessing were accidentally made using an automated editing tool (beware the power of regular expression editors; they'll get you into trouble as often as they help). Many, many recipes were calling for 2 bars instead of 1 for no reason. Nearly every recipe calling for Glass was using it in massive numbers, similar to how every instance of dye I've found was in factors of 10.

    I also reverted the Spring tileset back to using petals, instead of dye. Petals are from the Spring biome, remember? That's why the Spring blocks used them in recipes. This was the only place in the mod where petals were used by design, rather than as an alternative to using dye (which had been disabled at the time).

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  6. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    This one mostly just fixes the batch sizes for ore-derived (copper, iron, silver, etc.) alternate hull recipes. They now work in groups of 20.

    However, I also noted the total lack of having seen Cell Materia drop since 1.0, so I made it craftable from Bio Sample, instead, which is just as biological, but not as gross looking. Woo! Snot blocks! ;-)

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  7. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    1. I committed those changes.

    2. Uranium/plutonium I think still exist in the assets, but not actual game implementation anymore. I think FU puts them back into generation, but it isn't desirable to make people use another mod too - especially as one with as wide-sweeping changes.

    Actually I wouldn't half mind supporting the use of external (optional) mod content, but Starbound doesn't handle recipes well enough to really consider it. You get tons of log errors, and people see PGIs for ingredients. And while stuff that is still in the game technically can be supported, I suppose that does create an inconsistency where you're adding only a few select things but not others. Plus all the "where do I find" questions that would spawn.

    3. It does look like something needs fixed besides recipes. The boosters in this mod don't activate for FTL. At some point how the boosters work changed completely. So far it looks like the sort of "fix" that involves rebuilding these entirely. Not the first thing I've fixed, but thought I was past it... no biggie.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  8. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    Been thinking about plastic and transparent plastic, since the comment by bk3k about glass being used to make LEDs, so I decided to make a couple of new blocks.

    • Added Transparent Plastic - Does what it says on the tin and looks very similar to glass, only less shiny and with a slightly less clear appearance.
    • Added Plastic Ship Window - Again, very similar to Ship Window, but uses the new Transparent Plastic texture in place of glass.
    • Added Transparent Plastic to the alternate ore plans, since plastic had no alternate hull plating.
    • Added Transparent Plastic and Plastic Ship Window to the plans for misc. ship parts.
    • Altered Macro LED recipes to use Transparent Plastic instead of glass.

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    SivCorp likes this.
  9. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    Found the recipes for spray paint tools more than a little strange. They were a mixture of dyes and other odd stuff. Looks like that automated pass over recipes to replace petals hit this too, but failed to alter the extra ingredients into dye.

    Anyway, I fixed all of it to work on dyes, since that's what I would have preferred in the first place (I'll never understand why the Starbound devs disabled dyes for a while during the Beta; makes no sense).

    Each requires 6 dye of the right shade or in a few cases, 6 total dye in two shades.

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  10. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    Really tiny fix. Noticed that one of the blocks sold by the Instant Mail Catalog was calling for iron and tungsten bars, instead of pixels.

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  11. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    bk3k, you've still got duplicate recipes for the rusty tileset in two folders, with differing recipes. These two folders are "recipes/tiles_craftingfurniture2" and "recipes/tiles_racial_craftingfurniture2".

    The ones in "recipes/tiles_craftingfurniture2" should be moved to replace the ones in "recipes/tiles_racial_craftingfurniture2", because the rusty tileset has always been a racial tileset (it's an alternate Floran).

    The only recipes that have duplicates are the base blocks that are made from bars and water. The others (columns and trim) are fine as is and in are in the correct folder "recipes/tiles_racial_craftingfurniture2", so don't accidentally erase them.

    Edit: Took a much closer look at "recipes/tiles_craftingfurniture2" and saw that you've got quite a few racial recipes sitting there and they're duplicates of files in the other folder, so it's not just the rusty tilset. They also have different recipes, too. My suggestion is to get rid of one or the other folder, but don't erase any recipes until you're sure you've got them all in the right place.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
  12. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    So, is there a working version available yet?

    I'd like to get messing with the HPB stuff again soon.
  13. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    Look at the first post of this thread. There's a link there. He's been updating the site it points at regularly without saying anything here.
  14. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Yes, but then I haven't had time too much lately. My current (temporary) chaotic sleep schedule has messed up my ability to be terribly productive for the time being. I've currently re-prototyped the small thrusters and should be able to reuse the same animation file and script for the other ones. The new implementation will require fewer files.

    As you say, that link will continue to point to the current WIP. Well I need to have the client running again I guess. I was going to finish up the thrusters first (before letting it commit changes), then get to that recipe matter you pointed out.

    I think it is currently in sufficient shape overall that you shouldn't have much fear of using it.
    SivCorp likes this.
  15. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Found a problem....

    [23:34:35.208] [Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (ObjectException) Error loading object '/objects/farmables/floralytplantseed/floralytplantseed.object': (MaterialException) Error loading material file /materials/platforms/humanredplatform.material
    Caused by: (MaterialException) Duplicate material id 42033 found for material humanredplatform
  16. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Could you kindly post your entire log? With spoiler and code tags?

    That isn't so much a problem with this mod, as it is with some other mod author not respecting that the ID range they're using has been reserved - a really long time ago at that. There is no shortage of usable IDs (over 65 thousand in fact) and no reason they should use the ones this mod has long used.
    I'd like to know which mod this is though. They're gonna need to change their IDs. There is no way to make the mods compatible otherwise. Your log can narrow this down, but if you happened to string search your mods for
    That would take you right to it and thus save me the need to search/download/scan every mod you have. I might suggest they too should reserve a range of IDs to reflect their needs... a range that isn't spoken for.
  17. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    I think it is the FU mod... for they are the only ones that add flora to my knowledge.

    Full log is here.

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  18. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    It isn't FU.

    I'll keep searching.

    I should mention this.
    Error loading object '/objects/farmables/floralytplantseed/floralytplantseed.object
    actually that object has NOTHING to do with it. Starbound handles these exact errors badly. It names some psuedo-random object in an error that has NOTHING to do with any objects. This is a tile materialId conflict.

    The real question is which mod adds the tile in question.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
  19. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Well, I've ruled out all my main mods... I'll just start doing the old pull one, test, repeat method :/
  20. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Found the problem. The madtulip spaceship mod that I am cleaning up and fixing had some mat ID's I had missed. They are now fixed. I also got on and reserved those ID ranges for this project, case I decide to release it :)
    bk3k likes this.

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