Tapping Stumps

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ShneekeyTheLost, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. ShneekeyTheLost

    ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

    So, if you put a tapper on a tree stump, does it still provide the appropriate resource? There's a youtuber I watch by the name of Hootless who tried this tactic in his two year 25m challenge, but I'm not sure if it actually produced anything or not.

    If so, this makes tree farms much easier to handle...

    As of the 1.1 update, you can no longer tap stumps. Sorry.
      Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    • Corraidhín

      Corraidhín Supernova

      I... never considered using a tap on a stump... lets find out!
      • LuthienNightwolf

        LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

        Never tried it myself (I prefer to have the whole tree there) but my guess would be probably not, since I don't think the game can differentiate what kind of stump it is anymore and therefore doesn't know what to produce...? Just my guess though, I could be wrong. Do it for science!
          MrToni300 likes this.
        • CjBeats

          CjBeats Weight of the Sky

          I kinda doubt not just for what Luthien said but also for just the reason then no one would need full trees and they can just chop them all down. Well to a stump. Why is that a bad thing you ask? Then it's too easy to get wood in a sense, and while wood comes in many many plentiful times in the later years, the first one, or just the first season it's a challenge to have enough wood and I feel like CA would just want to make getting sap a little, I don't want to say tougher but like.. worth more if that makes sense. Like if you have a full tree you have to sacrifice the wood for that sap. That's what I would do if I made this aspect anyway, but hey i don't actually know what would happen, this is just my guess. If you do try it, or if anyone tries it, do let us know.
          • Corraidhín

            Corraidhín Supernova

            Well... tapping stumps does indeed work, I guess it makes sense since cutting down trees to the stump does not change a thing about what tree it was, they re all different :p

            • Minimanta

              Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

              Yes it does, my entire tapping farm is nothing but tree stumps :) 18 stumps all reliably giving me products.

              Now, are they supposed to produce stuff as stumps? Probably not, but they do indeed still produce stuff.
                CjBeats likes this.
              • Corraidhín

                Corraidhín Supernova

                aw if only I knew xD well, it was fun to find out anyway! time to cut this stump off!
                • LuthienNightwolf

                  LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                  Interesting - I guess the stumps do all look different then? I thought maybe they had the same sprite after being cut down but I guess that's not the case. Well - stump away I suppose. lol
                    MrToni300 likes this.
                  • Minimanta

                    Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                    The stumps look different depending on what tree it is yes. They look like the bottom of the different trees :)
                    • gummywyrms

                      gummywyrms Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Sorta off-topic, but wouldn't surrounding the tree with paths also do the trick? Was planning to do that. Even if it works with the stumps, the whole trees still look nicer.
                        LuthienNightwolf likes this.
                      • LuthienNightwolf

                        LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                        That's what I did on my farm when I still had trees tapped, kept them from scattering seeds around them.
                          MrToni300 likes this.
                        • Lilliput

                          Lilliput Supernova

                          When I was your age, this was nothing but trees as far as the eye could see! Now you'll inherit the finest stump farm in the lower forty-eight, son!
                          • ShneekeyTheLost

                            ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

                            That's not why I would stump things. I stump things so I can see who is ready to be harvested. With all the trees, you can't see who is ready and who isn't.
                            • LuthienNightwolf

                              LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                              It kinda depends on how far apart you space them. I kept two tiles in between mine and the little bubbles that indicated they were ready to be harvested would juuuust peek over the top of the tree in front of them. Or of course you can just put them in a straight line and then no tree is in front of the other, but it really all comes down to aesthetics and what the person prefers to look at. If stumps is your thing, go for it.
                                MrToni300 and ShneekeyTheLost like this.
                              • Rezzo1971

                                Rezzo1971 Space Spelunker

                                This is cool, i have the above problem mentioned in the fac I have to go right up to the trees to see if they are ready, this will help enormously.
                                • ShneekeyTheLost

                                  ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

                                  That's an idea too, staggered columns so every other row is offset by one to the left/right. It has the same effect of being able to see the bubble, but in a grid with 1x around instead of 2x around, so more compact.

                                  This... is what I will be doing for my LP. Staggered columns.

                                  Also, I just got something AMAZING in my current save. I can't say yet because spoilers, the relevant episode will be out on Monday.
                                  • Minimanta

                                    Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                                    I had my tapper farm trees in a straight west-east line before I knew tappers worked on stumps. Buuut then I learned tappers worked on stumps and efficiency won over aesthetics yet again and now I have them in two straight north-south lines.
                                    • LuthienNightwolf

                                      LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                      @ShneekeyTheLost Got a link for your LP? I'll check it out, I like watching other people play. Have been going through Aavak's series recently.
                                        MrToni300 likes this.
                                      • Corraidhín

                                        Corraidhín Supernova

                                        Oh, there is a slight transparency when harvesting produce, or tappers, and if you approach the trees they will become almost completely transparent! pretty useful since I have a lot of tappers thruout the forest :3
                                          ChaosAzeroth likes this.
                                        • ZeroMGA

                                          ZeroMGA Industrial Terraformer

                                          I don't know why but it surprises me to see someone else refer to the lower-48. I say it on a few other forums here or there and people are really confused by it.

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