Modding Discussion [SVCOP] Stardew Valley Customizable Overhaul Project

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Kiddles, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Kiddles

    Kiddles Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello everyone!

    I am hoping to start a little-big project that enables you, the user, to customize the mechanics of Stardew Valley more to your liking. This would be done, of course, by allowing you to modify a wide variety of parameters, such as buy/sell values, starting stats (health, energy, money), health and energy regeneration, and so much more! I realize that there are a variety of mods out there that already do much of the stuff I have planned. The purpose of this mod is more to offer a sort of all-in-one solution to those who want to change a lot of the mechanics in the game, without having to manage multiple mods, and hopefully allow them to change some parameters that other mods may not have.

    The main purpose for this discussion is to get a bit of feedback as to whether such a mod would be desired, and also to get some additional requests of what type of things should be added. I won't deny that my own programming skills are still largely at novice level, but I am hoping that taking on such a project will help me to better learn. And, if I really need to, maybe I can recruit someone more skilled to help me out, and hopefully I can get a little help along the way from users in the #modding channel on Discord or in the forum. For now, however, this is merely a discussion, NOT a release, or even a full work-in-progress.

    As for planned features, here is a list, so far, of things I would like to give the freedom for others to modify:

    - Modifiers for starting health/energy values
    - Add health/energy regeneration parameters
    - - Option for regen values to be based on number or percentage of max health/energy
    - - Whether or not to regenerate while moving or running
    - - Whether or not to regenerate when exhausted
    - - Regeneration delay after taking damage/using energy
    - - Option to use energy while running, along with value per second
    - - Option for food to grant/increase regeneration for a duration
    - - - Values for raw food
    - - - Values for cooked food
    - Modifiers based on skill levels (e.g. add 5 stamina per farming level, etc)
    - Modifier for how much energy (and maybe health) Stardrops give your farmer
    - Multiplier for damage taken and energy usage
    - Option to enable energy use when using a weapon or scythe
    - Option to lose energy when taking damage
    - Modifiers for item recovery values

    - Modifier for starting amount
    - Buy/sell multipliers for each category (fruit, vegetable, forage, fish, etc)
    - Possibly enable modifying the price of specific items by format of <Item ID, Buy Price, Sell Price>
    - Quest reward multiplier

    - Modifiers for how much friendship is gained or lost when giving certain types of gifts
    - Modifiers for how much friendship is gained or lost when giving a birthday gift
    - Modifiers for how much friendship is gained or lost for talking to an NPC/not talking to them
    - Modifiers for how much friendship is gained or lost with certain dialog choices
    - Modifier for how much friendship is gained when completing a quest
    - If possible, modifier for how much friendship is lost when you fail to complete an accepted quest in time
    - Modifier for chance of friends to give you a present
    - Modifier for losing friendship with spouse when gifting other bachelors/bachelorettes
    - If possible, add chance of "bad days" for NPC's, where:
    - - Gifting them something they love makes their day, thereby doubling the friendship gain
    - - Gifting them something they like only grants half the friendship gain
    - - Gifting them something they are neutral about has zero effect
    - - Gifting them something they dislike or hate has double the friendship loss
    - - Extra dialog would be added for such scenarios, if possible

    - Modifiers for energy use reduction for proficiency levels
    - Attack, resistance and immunity modifiers based on combat level
    - Scythe proficiency, if scythes use energy
    - Weapon proficiency, if weapons use energy
    - Modifier for fishing bar and per fishing level modifier
    - Modifier for fishing bar bounce and per fishing level modifier
    - Modifier for axe swings
    - Modifier for pickaxe swings
    - Potentially add optional level 5 and level 10 skill perks, and add modifiers for current ones
    - Modifier for chance to gather extra items based on skill level (e.g. chance to harvest an extra crops based on farming level)
    - Multiplier for exp gain

    - Modifiers for growth rates of trees and crops
    - Modifiers for animal goods production
    - Modifiers for animal friendship gain/loss
    - Modifiers for artisan production rates and cask aging
    - Modifiers for chance of logs, rocks, bushes, etc. to spawn on farm

    - Starting Inventory size modifier
    - Modifier for chance of rain
    - Modifier for passage of time
    - Modifier for witch/fairy/etc. chance
    - Modifier for good/bad fortune chance
    - Modify days in which Queen of Sauce plays new episodes and reruns
    - Modify days in which certain shops are open and closed
    - Multiplier for enemy drop rates
    - If possible, add drops to enemy drops tables by format <Monster ID, Item ID, Quantity, % Chance>

    More ideas to come. Let me know what you guys think.
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2016

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