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Tutorial Steam workshop mods on dedicated server

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Fruiteyes, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Fruiteyes

    Fruiteyes Phantasmal Quasar

    I've noticed that a lot of people have been struggling to get the built-in dedicated server to work with mods downloaded from the Steam workshop, both on this forum and on the Steam discussion for Starbound. Some discovered a workaround that involved editing the sbinit.config file, which is found in both the win32 and win64 folders of the Starbound directory. However, they stated that you had to add a line for each individual mod, which would mean you'd have to edit the file every single time you subscribed or unsubscribed to any mod. I've discovered a much better fix that is much simpler, and will always work, regardless of how many mods you subscribe or unsubscribe to.

      "assetDirectories" : [
      "storageDirectory" : "..\\storage\\",
      "defaultConfiguration" : {
        "gameServerBind" : "*",
        "queryServerBind" : "*",
        "rconServerBind" : "*"
    This is what the sbinit.config file looks like by default. Whenever you start up the Starbound server, or if you launch the Starbound executable outside of Steam, it only checks for assets in the assets folder and the mods folder. If you want it to load workshop mods too, add a comma to the end of the
    line, and then add this line directly below:
    Now Starbound will search the workshop folder for assets, and it will include the subfolders, despite what most of the users who have posted previous fixes have stated. This means you don't have to copy the workshop mods over to your mods folder, nor do you have to add or remove lines in the sbinit.config file each time you subscribe or unsubscribe to a mod from Steam workshop. MUCH, much simpler.

      "assetDirectories" : [
      "storageDirectory" : "..\\storage\\",
      "defaultConfiguration" : {
        "gameServerBind" : "*",
        "queryServerBind" : "*",
        "rconServerBind" : "*"
    Carneball likes this.
  2. Sajoplejer

    Sajoplejer Void-Bound Voyager

    Makes crash

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