Modding Help Starmap upgrading

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Demon Pazuzu, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Demon Pazuzu

    Demon Pazuzu Void-Bound Voyager

    Has anyone figured out how to add the starmap upgrades into one item? I've tried and failed.
    This causes the engine to ignore the item:
      "itemName" : "ftlmap",
      "rarity" : "Legendary",
      "inventoryIcon" : "tier2engine.png",
      "image" : "tier2engine.png",
      "shortdescription" : "FTL Upgrade",
      "description" : "I can use this to upgrade my ships engine, allowing flight into all sectors.",
      // Remember you can override this with parameters, no need for more than one
      // unlock item
      "sectorUnlock" : "beta",
      "tierRecipesUnlock" : "tier2",
      "sectorUnlock" : "gamma",
      "tierRecipesUnlock" : "tier3",
      "sectorUnlock" : "sectorx",
      "tierRecipesUnlock" : "level31",
      "unlockMessage" : "Starmap Updated. New data has been uploaded to your ships navigation systems. Select the beta sector from the top of the navigator when in galaxy view to advance."
    The engine recognizes this item, but it turns out to perfectly generated green block that does nothing.

      "itemName" : "ftlmap",
      "rarity" : "Legendary",
      "inventoryIcon" : "tier2engine.png",
      "image" : "tier2engine.png",
      "shortdescription" : "FTL Upgrade",
      "description" : "I can use this to upgrade my ships engine, allowing flight into all sectors.",
      // Remember you can override this with parameters, no need for more than one
      // unlock item
      "sectorUnlock" : "beta, gamma, sectorx",
      "tierRecipesUnlock" : "tier2, tier3, level31",
      "unlockMessage" : "Starmap Updated. New data has been uploaded to your ships navigation systems. Select the beta sector from the top of the navigator when in galaxy view to advance."
  2. Xuhybrid

    Xuhybrid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can only unlock one sector at a time with these items.
    However, it might be worth testing a jSON array. I doubt it though.
      "sectorUnlock" : [
        "beta", "gamma", "sectorx"
      "tierRecipesUnlock" : [
        "tier2", "tier3", "level31"
  3. Demon Pazuzu

    Demon Pazuzu Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll give it a shot and report back.

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