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Stardew Valley won't load...

Discussion in 'Support' started by musical74, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. musical74

    musical74 Space Kumquat

    It's been awhile since I last played it and was thinking it'd be fun to play again, only...it now won't load. Other games from Steam WILL load so it's not a Steam-related issue. It had no problems loading before and I haven't added any new mods since the last time I played it so I'm not sure why it suddenly won't load. Steam SAYS that I played it so somehow or another something got corrupt. Am I better suited to uninstall/reinstall? Outside of not playing it for awhile, don't think I've done anything odd...any ideas?

    EDIT: seems it won't synch properly, does that mean anything?
    EDIT2: Found the problem, fixed it...had to deal with a corrupt NET framework.
      Last edited: Aug 20, 2017

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