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Tutorial Starbound Web CP - Nightlies (LIVE DEMO / DL)

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Tinderlight, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Kingie

    Kingie Poptop Tamer

    Just an idea, don't know how realisable it is:
    But can't you make some kinda install.php that creates a config files with a some variables like the installation directory of starbound?

    And what is your problem with the steamcmd, I was able to get the steamcmd work on a CentOS 6.4 and download the complete starbound client. My problem is starting the starbound server in x64 mode.
  2. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    the issue is not with steamCMD, its with writing a script that launches the update script, then once steamCMD prompts for the security key (emailed to the user) it needs to enter that steamCMD console and paste the key then wait for the update to finish before allowing the user to start the server.

    An install.php might happen later down the road, for now its very easy for the user to manually edit the config.php file

    The issue I need help with is having the script find out what its path is so I can go one directory up from the scripts path and then include the config.sh script to grab the starbound install path and starmap path
  3. Kingie

    Kingie Poptop Tamer

    I see and very nice that you're planning to build in the install.php. What did you exactly mean with referencing the apache and starbound paths in sh files?
  4. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    FIXED! :)

    Im a noob
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  5. geokhentix

    geokhentix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just wanted to say this is amazing and I've been looking for something like it and it exceeds my expectations. I've got it running, but when I click Start Server, or anything really, nothing happens. It says "Starting Server", but the server never starts, and nothing shows up in the console. What dependencies are needed to run this with full functionality, and has anyone encountered this before?
  6. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    Thank you! Did you make sure to add the sudoers.d file (starmap) to the /etc/sudoers.d folder? Also what OS are you running?
  7. geokhentix

    geokhentix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Was running Ubuntu 12.04 64, but rebuilt to 13.04 64. The starmap file was in sudoers.d, but do I have to change the permissions on it at all?
  8. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    Change where it says apache to www-data for ubuntu :)

    and make sure the files in config reflect on your install location for starbound and starmap
  9. geokhentix

    geokhentix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Defaults:www-data !requiretty
    www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/screen
    www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/killall
    www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tail
    www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/zip
    My starbound directory is /home/starbound/linux64, config file:
        //Path to your starbound installation's linux folder (32 or 64 depending on your OS)
        $install_path = "/home/starbound/linux64";
        //This will be one folder up from your linux folder
        $assets_path = "/home/starbound/assets";
        //Enter the path to where your hosting your starmap folder
        $starmap_path = "/var/www/html/starmap";
    If I start the server manually, Starmap detects it and displays the chat and console. It doesn't let me do anything else though.

    ...Would it matter if I disabled password login to substitute it with an SSH private key?

    Also: I have a suggestion for a feature. Maybe make a section where you can upload ./ manage zips to the /starbound/mods folder. Then server mods could also be done entirely on starmap.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  10. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    that may help but what would really let me know is if you go to the functions directory, next replace the code in restart.php to this

                // $_GET["cmd"]
                $command = "sh ${starmap_path}/shell_scripts/restart_starbound.sh 2>&1";
                $commandres = shell_exec($command);
                echo "$commandres";
    then go to http://yourIP/starmap/functions/restart.php

    paste what it says there
  11. geokhentix

    geokhentix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    screen: no process found /var/www/html/starmap/shell_scripts/restart_starbound.sh: 2: /var/www/html/starmap/shell_scripts/restart_starbound.sh: source: not found
  12. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    Hmm I'll have to have a look at this issue with ubuntu, it seems like one of the bash dependancies is missing

    Off the top of my head you need


    but if you feel comfortable with giving me temporary access I can add you on skype and work with you to fix the bugs -- It would be very useful. If not I will spin up a ubuntu vm tomorrow and debug. :)
  13. geokhentix

    geokhentix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I can't skype right this second, but I'll be home soon then I can. I was reading on Stack Overflow that it'll work to call /bin/bash explicitly (/bin/bash -c source blahblahblah), so I'm in the process of giving that a whirl.
  14. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    Alright, I will not be available until tomorrow sometime -- Let me know how the fix goes :)
  15. Stadl0r

    Stadl0r Contact!

    Hey, THanks for putting this mod together. Any tips for installing on a CentOS box? Currently I'm running the starbound server on Root which has no var/www directory and I'd like to have the panel running on the domain I host on the same box. How might I set this up? I followed the setup as much as I could but had internal server errors
  16. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    Hello, Please see the tutorial video on the first page, if starbound is located under the root directory of your box you'd just put in the path to the linux64 or linux32 folder; probably something like /server/linux64

    also the /var/www/html is where you would place the starmap folder. If you dont have that folder do 'yum install httpd php -y'

  17. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    Added functionality to update and reset universe. Enjoy!
  18. Circuitbomb

    Circuitbomb Phantasmal Quasar

    I had a bit of a time with getting the sudoers file setup on my system (Debian) and just wanted to make note of it here. The problem was with !requiretty as sudo was completely ignoring it and giving me an error that tty wasn't available. I ended up aliasing the apache user and completely removing the defaults:user !requiretty line from the sudoers file and it ended up working. Something to note, it's probably a good idea to create a new user with permission to only those needed scripts defined in the sudoers file and granting the webserver(apache, or www-data; whatever yours may be) to sudo that user instead of (root) or (all).
  19. Tinderlight

    Tinderlight Astral Cartographer

    Sweet, thanks for the tips Circuit
  20. bkg

    bkg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hoi, have setup it with no problem, but the dont like to configs :) path. i droped you a pm.

    have now installed it on 2 systems ewary time prob taht he dont know wher the donfig is and mean its still /home/starbound.

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