Starbound file types and what they mean

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Eight, Dec 5, 2013.


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  1. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

    I noticed that there isn't any api documentaation ore anything yet, so, i've gone through all the files to try and make sense of it all.

    It's nowhere near complete and some details may be wrong, and i'll continue to work on it.
    If you think something should be changed, post below.

    last edit: (8/12/2013) (edit #1)
    I've sorted files by the objects they are used for
    "frames" : "<name>.png", //Name of the animations png file
    "variants" : int, //variatants of this animation
    "frameNumber" : int, //number of frames
    "animationCycle" : 0.5,
    "offset" : [0, 0]
    "frameGrid" : {
    "size" : [int, int], //size of sprite
    "dimensions" : [int, 1] //sprite sheet grid (2nd value is no longer used)

    "name" : str, //name of augment
    "icon" : [ ], //unused (?)
    "kind" : str , //effect type (TODO add list of possible types)
    "statusEffects" : [
    { "kind" : str //name of augment, "amount" : 30.0 }
    //not all vars shown

    "settings" : {
    "verticalOrigin" : -15,
    "definitions" : {
    <name> : {
    "baseCount" : int, //unknown
    "mod1Count" : 0,
    "mod2Count" : 0
    "Layers" : [
    "kind" : <name>, //name of background
    "offset" : [0, 450],
    "parallax" : 12,
    "nightCorrelation" : 0,
    "minSpeed" : 0,
    "maxSpeed" : 0,
    "weather" : int, //weather id, not used if normal weather
    "modifiers" : "?brightness=int?saturation=-int",
    "fadePercent" : float //unknown

    Cinematics- (unused)

    "id" : <name>, //name of the codex (not shown)
    "title" : str, //Title (shown in-game)
    "contentPages" : [
    "page 1 content",
    //pages are seperated by 1 line
    "page 2 content"

    "codexId" : <name>, //name of the codex (not shown)
    "title" : str, //Title (shown in-game)
    "inventoryIcon" : "<name>.png", //inventory image for this codex
    "codexkind" : "codex",
    "itemName" : "<name>Codex", //Inventory item name
    "rarity" : "<rarity>",
    "description" : str, //description
    "shortdescription" : str //short description


    -<name>.effectsource (TODO)
    "kind" : <name>, //effect name
    "definition" : {
    "duration" : float, //duration of effect
    "loops" : boolean, //does the effect loop?

    Inventory item-
    "itemName" : <name>,
    "rarity" : "<rarity>",
    "inventoryIcon" : "<name>.png",
    "maxStack" : int,
    "description" : str, //description of the item
    "shortdescription" : str //Short description (igame item name ?)
    "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [] //list of blueprints learned when item is first aquired

    World ojbect-

    "objectName" : <name>, //object name
    "rarity" : <rarity>,
    "category" : <category>, //category eg "decoratorive"
    "price" : int, //price
    "description" : "str, //description
    "shortdescription" : str, //short description
    "race" : <race>,

    "apexDescription" : str, //apex description
    "avianDescription" : str, //avian description
    "floranDescription" : str, //floran description
    "glitchDescription" : str, //glitch description
    "humanDescription" : str, //human description
    "hylotlDescription" : str, //hylotl description

    "inventoryIcon" : "<name>.png",
    "orientations" : [
    "leftImage" : "<left>left.png:default",
    "rightImage" : "<right>right.png:default"
    "imagePosition" : [-8, 0],
    "frames" : 1, //1 unless animated
    "animationCycle" : 0.5,
    "spaceScan" : 0.1,
    "anchors" : [ "bottom" ]

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
    mrflippy and dante161 like this.
  2. dante161

    dante161 Title Not Found

    Hi, if i'm not mistaken, I think that in Inventory Item maxStack property is missing

    However, this little documentation is very usefull, keep it up!
  3. Supergeek

    Supergeek Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    dante161 likes this.

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