Modding Help [solved]Problem with beamUpRule in Instanceworld.config.patch

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by soldierfast90, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Right, so I want a mission that absolutely punishes players by making it have players drop their items on death (which wipes due to how mission worlds work), and having no escape (like Nuru's Arena), along with hunger still depleting.

    Problem is that the beamUpRule apparently doesnt recognise "Nowhere"

    "beamUpRule" : "Nowhere",
    This is the same line of code used for the instance world in the vanilla SB instance_worlds. Mind you that I've linked an entire outpost-like hub-world where an npc is linked to this quest and gives out the quest by talking to said npc. The quest also uses Nuru's Arena Quest as a base (which isn't too different from regular quests).

    All is in working order, except for the game for some reason not recognising that "Nowhere" means to not have players beam up. Obviously the game recognises
    and other spellings like "NoWhere" crashes on trying to load a now invalid file.

    Here's the instance world patch for 1 of the missions (I have a couple others not in this code view thingy):
      "op" : "add",
      "path" : "/ue_uscmlunarbase",
      "value" : {
        "type" : "FloatingDungeon",
        "dungeonWorld" : "ue_uscmlunarbase",
        "seed" : 1234,
        "spawningEnabled" : false,
        "beamUpRule" : "Nowhere",
        "disableDeathDrops" : false,
        "skyParameters" : {
          "spaceLevel" : 3000,
          "ambientLightLevel" : [ 24, 28, 24 ],
          "satellites" : [ {
            "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.35497 ],
            "layers" : [ {
              "scale" : 0.000,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/liquids/water.png"
            }, {
              "scale" : 0.000,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/2.png"
            }, {
              "scale" : 0.000,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/20.png"
            }, {
              "scale" : 0.000,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/5.png"
            }, {
              "scale" : 0.000,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png"
            } ]
          } ],
          "planet" : {
            "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ],
            "layers" : [ {
              "scale" : 0.35,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png?hueshift=-80"
            }, {
              "scale" : 0.35,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds_0.png?hueshift=-70?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/3.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png"
            }, {
              "scale" : 0.35,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds_1.png?hueshift=-77?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/28.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png"
            }, {
              "scale" : 0.35,
              "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png"
            } ]
          "skyType" : "barren",
          "horizonImages" : [ ],
          "dayLength" : 1153.36,
          "surfaceLevel" : 1000,
          "seed" : -5288806180628666923

    This code works, and the SB Log displays no errors, all is linked. So all I need is if ANYONE knows why SB can't read the patch properly. Damnit I really want a mission to punish those casual skrubs.
  2. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    I tested your problem with my own dungeon. I could prevent the casual player from warping away, but you can't make the casual player lose his items. The main purpose of the item drop rule is to keep normal difficulty players from permanently losing items.
    I think you mentioned that you wrote this rule in the instance_worlds.config.patch, that is correct and you have beamUpRule properly punctuated. I do not see anything out of the ordinary. Do you have a packed version of the same mod in you folder, .pak files will override all other mods in folders causing any changes you made to be ignored.

    "op" : "add",
    "path" : "/mission_name",
    "value" : {
    "type" : "FloatingDungeon",
    "dungeonWorld" : "Canidsmission",
    "seed" : 1234,
    "spawningEnabled" : false,
    "beamUpRule" : "Nowhere",
    "disableDeathDrops" : false,

    This is the first part of my mod, it is important part in this discussion.
  3. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nope, no .paks nor have I subscribed to my own mod (that would be stupid).

    I only have 1 version on my computer which I "edit" constantly, then I upload it once I'm done updating said mod. Only other mod I have is a "firstobject" mod that I used to study how json works but other than that all mods have been checked. Now I want to clarify that by "casual" I mean players who aren't prepared for extreme challenges, since for too long it's been pretty easy to farm them. So, yes, I want to make sure ALL players feel the brunt of dying in my soon-to-be onetime branching path mission.

    I just want to give players hell.
  4. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    When you tested the beam up rule were you in admin mode? Being an admin should allow you to beam up anytime no matter what rule. A little trick I use for modding, I edited the Starbound.config in the storage folder where your universe and characters are saved;
    "allowAdminCommandsFromAnyone" : true, Will allow you to use admin commands without being an admin. It is surprisingly handy to not have to switch back and forth all of the time. Just remember to switch back before inviting friends or else they can use commands too.
  5. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Argh jeeze! I completely forgot about admin mode's beamuprule override! Gonna test it again now!
  6. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Damnit! It ended up being something ultra-simple again! Yeah it was admin mode the whole time.
  7. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    I do things like that all the time. Good luck finishing your mod!

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