RELEASED [SMAPI] Natfoth's Mods (Stamina Regen, Weather Controller)

Discussion in 'Gameplay Mechanics' started by natfoth, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. R4dzki

    R4dzki Lucky Number 13

    It's going to be updated to SMAPI Ver 39.2 ???
    • LPkun

      LPkun Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Amazing mod! Waiting for an update to SMAPI v39+ :mwahaha:
      • ChefxD

        ChefxD Space Hobo

        I hope this gets updated q.q
        • evilpdor

          evilpdor Void-Bound Voyager

        • lordsith54

          lordsith54 Space Hobo

          dose not work for me :( i was hoping to get energy regen but it dose not run fro some reason. i put the mod into my mods folder and unpacked it, i ran the API but still no luck. my energy wont regen
            ChefxD and camilamps like this.
          • Sapioit

            Sapioit Space Hobo

            Make it compatible with the last version of SMAPI by adding the following file:

              "Name": "Stamina Regen",
              "Authour": "Natfoth",
              "Version": {
                "MajorVersion": 1,
                "MinorVersion": 0,
                "PatchVersion": 0,
                "Build": ""
              "Description": "Regenerate Stamina over time",
              "UniqueID": "StaminaRegen",
              "PerSaveConfigs": false,
              "EntryDll": "StaminaRegen.dll"
              demiseitrofv likes this.
            • ChefxD

              ChefxD Space Hobo

              Wait so what do i do then with that... could you give me a zip download with it all set up so i can run it like that?
                lordsith54 likes this.
              • lordsith54

                lordsith54 Space Hobo

                ya if u can walk us through it or give me a detailed step by step walkthrough that would be much appreciated!
                  ChefxD likes this.
                • evilpdor

                  evilpdor Void-Bound Voyager

                  i will update stamina regen for 0.39 soon (tomorrow?)
                    lordsith54 likes this.
                  • ChefxD

                    ChefxD Space Hobo

                    please do i feel it will make the experience of stardew valley much fun
                      lordsith54 likes this.
                    • evilpdor

                      evilpdor Void-Bound Voyager

                      Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
                      lordsith54 likes this.
                    • ChefxD

                      ChefxD Space Hobo

                      what thread :s where i cant find it link please
                        lordsith54 likes this.
                      • Phoenix and Asriel

                        Phoenix and Asriel Yeah, You!

                        so im new to moding where can i find the StardewModdingAPI.exe on this site?
                        • R4dzki

                          R4dzki Lucky Number 13

                          u need SMAPI :V
                            Schaeffer likes this.
                          • demiseitrofv

                            demiseitrofv Void-Bound Voyager

                            You are my hero!
                            • schattenmeister

                              schattenmeister Void-Bound Voyager

                              Hi, i have installed the Mod, and it loaded, but the stamina don't change...
                              Any Tips?
                              • Lelm8420

                                Lelm8420 Space Hobo

                                Dosent seem to be working for me. Installed both files in the correct places, but it just dosent want to work
                                • evilpdor

                                  evilpdor Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
                                • GARRthePIRATE

                                  GARRthePIRATE Big Damn Hero

                                • russ

                                  russ Space Hobo

                                  it doesn't work for me I found the file but when I enter the game it doesn't work

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