Skull Cavern: Why go there?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xylia, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. LuthienNightwolf

    LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

    Everyone says the serpents are bad but I feel like I've taken far worse damage from mummies...or at least, they seem to knock my health bar down a lot faster when they hit me, vs. serpents.
    • Lilliput

      Lilliput Supernova

      Not your imagination. Serpents have a base damage of 23, according to the wiki, as opposed to the Mummies' base damage of 30. Mummies also have far greater hit points, meaning they don't go under as quickly.
      • Minimanta

        Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

        The reason why serpents are the worst is because they're inescapable wallhackers. Mummies you can run away from, serpents not so much.
        And they swarm too occasionally like bats and cave flies do, mummies don't.
        • LuthienNightwolf

          LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

          All the same, I get much more satisfaction blowing up piles of dead mummies than I do waving a sword at the occasional serpent. lol
          • Reuter

            Reuter Space Spelunker

            Cuz iridium makes everything easier? I'm not to good with the SC but I never find all the artifacts to get to Krobus very fast. And I don't wanna wait until 3rd year to start getting iridium sprinklers. And when I do hoe or chop or have to water or whatever its so much nicer to have irdium tools instead of the gold or silver ones. Dunno. I know people play for different reasons. Kinda seems like a why does anyone bother planting worse crops because you can buy almost anything you make with em from Gus or the pig lady at some point or another? And its so satisfying putting down a huge bomb and blownig up the mummies to kill em off totally Luthien!
              LuthienNightwolf likes this.
            • Honeywell

              Honeywell Phantasmal Quasar

              I've never been but I'm excited to go... looks fun and I love loot! I wish it was a proper dungeon though with armor sets, unique objects and fun recipe drops of all sorts to be had. If the game is still being developed (outside of multiplayer) this is the one area that could breathe the most life into the mid or late game for me; I want fun things to do and places to go off of my farm.
              • Filmstudy

                Filmstudy Subatomic Cosmonaut

                Honestly, you're right. Most people are not playing this game to maximize or if they are, not the same things I am.

                I put the quotes around the word "need" because it's really just a "want" like everything else in the game. That said, I hope folks respect that what I want from a game in terms of maximization is acceptable and when folks start maximization discussions, I am likely to hop in.
                  Jerev likes this.
                • Jerev

                  Jerev Pangalactic Porcupine

                  Oh I am counting on you in certain threads. Every time there could be a better way of mining. Your post just sounded a little bit forceful. Maybe I was too blind to read it right. :badpokerface:
                  • Fuzzyman

                    Fuzzyman Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    I generally have enough iridium for a few sprinklers from omni geodes and fishing treasures that by the time I'm craving it for tools it's already winter of year two and grandpa will be by in just a few weeks so yes the skull caves to me are mostly an exercise in getting spanked, so not enough reward for the aggravation. Unless I get lucky and the travelling cart has specialty fish, rabbit feet and desert stuff, It's usually close to year three before I can finish the community center and unlock junimos, so the junimos are also basically too late to be of any real help.

                    The slime hutch also is something that I don't see much benefit in, also sheep since you can get plenty of wool from rabbits. Maybe the sheep could drop horns useful for something?

                    I could see an expansion where at 10 hearts each with Linus and Sandy a story line opens where Linus is tired of living in a tent in the winter and asks you to build him a shed / house in the desert. He's initially happy until he realizes that not much grows there and what he really needs is a prismatic slime egg, which you have to breed in the hutch. Take him the slime egg, a slime egg incubator, and an iridium sprinkler, till and fertilize the ground (because Linus doesn't have any tools) and then Sandy shows up and says, "Hey this would be a great place to plant Blue Agave. Maybe she gives you a seed which on your farm can only be planted in the greenhouse. They ask for upgrades, basement casks, kegs, junimo hut etc. They get married and live on their tequila farm. Then Linus gives you a gift in thanks. It's the recipe to make armor, or maybe unlocks a viking helmet at the hat shack, a helmet that is upgradeable with gems and minerals, maybe sheep horns and rabbit's feet, the rare drops. Then you have the defenses to go into the skull cave and if you get deep enough (like Mr Qi's level 25) you find an old mine shaft which collapses when you get out but you land at an unlocked new bus stop. There's an old phone there, you call Pam it's another destination
                      Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
                    • Smallcorners

                      Smallcorners Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      I personally have not delved deep into the caverns, once I managed to get lucky enough to fall down all those shafts. I did put Grandpa to rest, I'm friends with Krobus, but not Dwarf yet as that last scroll still eludes me. Sandy is a friend too, perhaps because she feeds my starfruit addiction (>.>). I do wish that there was more to do in the desert, and a greater purpose to the Caverns. Perhaps a secret way to another part of Ferngill? Maybe a lush, deep, jungle?

                      But for iridium? I am not a superfarmer, Krobus has supplied all the sprinklers I would ever need and then some. Thanks to Grandpa my tools are all upgraded. I do think there needs to be something to revisit those saves once all the things are done and won.

                      This is my second save, the first having fallen very far behind mostly due to my cluelessness. I have started a third on Riverlands for a greater challenge, before I am even done with the second, mostly because what is left to do?
                      • LuthienNightwolf

                        LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                        ^ I would actually love the ability to do some farming up in the desert. Unique crops and trees that can only grow in an arid climate would be perfect.
                          Fuzzyman likes this.
                        • Minimanta

                          Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                          So you wanna be a cactus farmer, basicly? :p
                          Farming in a desert sounds... counterintuitive.

                          I'd love a jungle area though. I love jungles. It wouldn't really have much to do with farming or farm life but hey, we have lots of different stuff to do in this game, so why not add some proper adventure in it too!
                          • Funcrunch

                            Funcrunch Void-Bound Voyager

                            I'm loving the ideas of prismatic slime and blue agave.
                              Fuzzyman likes this.
                            • LuthienNightwolf

                              LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                            • Borodin

                              Borodin Oxygen Tank

                              Please Grandpa, get four candles...iridium doesn't always require running from maniacal flying serpents and melee-proof mummies, if you follow me.
                              • Jack Of Shades

                                Jack Of Shades Pangalactic Porcupine

                                My thing is the store in the desert, not so much the Caverns. I only tend to go into that place if I have a HUGE load of bombs and a decent stock of stone in my inventory (for stairs). Otherwise, I'm hiking myself to the desert for Star Fruit seeds.
                                • Reuter

                                  Reuter Space Spelunker

                                  Right......but I said after I don't want to wait until the 3rd year for iridium. A year takes 20 hours irl and I don't want to wait another 20 hours of playing for something I can get in the 1st winter. The game loses it's appeal for me after grandpa to so that's my restarting point since everything is easymode after you get that and the other cat statue. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you. That's cool if you and other people want to wait, the op was asking what the point was and I was giving my view. I'm not some hardcore with this game and I like its relaxing most of the time but I think its good the game has something to get people out of there comfort zone.
                                  • Borodin

                                    Borodin Oxygen Tank

                                    Fair enough. The nice thing about SDV is that in many cases it doesn't force you down a single route to your goal. :You can find iridium in the lower levels of the mines, or you can buy geodes in the desert, or you can please grandpa. Or any combination of the above.
                                    • ariadne_spencer

                                      ariadne_spencer Void-Bound Voyager

                                      I like to go fishing in the desert when it's raining/snowing on the farm. It's nice to be able to escape bad weather for awhile :)
                                        Honeywell likes this.
                                      • Honeywell

                                        Honeywell Phantasmal Quasar

                                        I really hate rainy days in Stardew Valley (so depressing) but I never thought of escaping to the desert - great idea! Thanks.

                                        I've finally made it to Skull Caverns (Let's Play if anyone is interested) and they're just flat out fun for me. The loot is just a bonus. Being undergeared (Obsidian's Edge, steel pickaxe) with foraged food and no stone or bombs means death lurks around every corner. Exciting!

                                        I'm sure they'll never be this fun again but I'm enjoying them while the newness lasts. Would still like new content/drops for them like I listed above though!
                                          Last edited: Mar 20, 2017

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