Other Shorts & Prompts by Kate [Requests: CLOSED!]

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Skyloft-Farm, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Minimanta

    Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

    Ahaha, that's a serious craving if you're willing to break into a building for it xD
    And then she got caught red-handed anyway, ahh well.
    • ApertureGaming011

      ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Abigail/Sebastian/Sam reacting when they realize that the Farmer used to be a legendary master chef before they came to the farm?
        MarianT likes this.
      • Skyloft-Farm

        Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

        Ahh just saw this one, so I'll get to it soon! Thread disappeared from the front page and kind of forgot about this haha. I'll try to get your request posted within the week! :)
        • Skyloft-Farm

          Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

          In the mean time...
          In celebration of the 1.1 update, I wrote a little short on Shane’s backstory (what I imagine it to be, anyway). All aboard the feels train!

          Shane had just fallen against the couch when his phone rang beside him. He groaned, set his beer down on the floor, and checked the name that flashed on the screen before lifting it to his ear. He balanced the phone between his head and shoulder as he cracked open the beer.

          “What’s up, Ash? Jas trying to convince you she can stay up later?”

          “Shane.” Her voice shook.

          “What’s wrong, Ashley?”

          “I didn’t know who else to call…”

          Shane narrowed his eyes at the tv screen. “What happened?”

          “It’s Greg and Jess… They were in an accident.”

          Shane’s heart raced. “An accident? What do you mean?”

          “I don’t know,” Ashley stuttered. “The cops called. I can’t leave Jas. They were just going out to dinner…”

          “It’s fine,” Shane assured the young babysitter, clearing his throat. It was fine. Everything was okay. “What did the cop say?”

          “They’re at the hospital. That’s all he said.”

          “Okay,” Shane said carefully. “Don’t say anything to Jas. I’ll go check in on everything and give you a call in a bit. Everything will be fine.”

          Shane hung up quickly, jumping off the couch and grabbing his keys in the process. He hurried out the door, down the steps, and through the parking lot where his car waited for him. He fumbled with the keys in the ignition, breathing a sigh of relief as the car roared to life. Everything’s okay, he reminded himself. Just Greg’s careless driving.

          Shane navigated his way through the city, drowning out his worries with loud music. Even though it was almost eight o’clock, the city was bright and alive. He zipped carefully through the streets until he pulled up at the hospital. He parked the car and hurried through the sliding doors, pausing just on the other side as an overwhelming sensation came over him. His eyes darted back and forth around the large lobby area until he found his way to a woman behind a large desk.

          “I’m looking for friends of mine. They were just in an accident.”

          The nurse nodded casually as she clicked away at the keyboard before her. Shane gave the woman the needed information, than sat as he was instructed. He fidgeted in his seat as his eyes fell on to every person around him. People all waiting for some news of their loved ones. His stomach twisted uneasily. He watched as two cops walked by, deeply engaged in conversation. The radio at their hips crackled unsettlingly.

          “Unresponsive adult female. Paramedics requested on scene.”

          He watched as a doctor hurried to the front desk and leaned over, speaking quickly with the receptionist. The woman pointed towards Shane. Shane stood quickly as the doctor approached.

          “Are they okay?” Shane asked quickly.

          “Shane, is it?”

          Shane nodded pathetically as he waited. The doctor began walking and Shane hurried to stay at his side.

          “Family?” the doctor asked.

          “Friend. They don’t have family around here except for their daughter.”

          The doctor paused in a quiet hallway and turned to Shane. “Shane.” The doctor hesitated. “They were in a terrible car accident. We tried everything we could…”

          Shane swallowed. “What?”

          “I’m so sorry, Shane.”

          Shane stared dumbly at the doctor. “Is this a joke?”

          The doctor hesitated. “There’s something else. We need… confirmation… Do you think you can do that?”


          “Of their identities.”

          Shane nodded automatically but still did not process the request. He followed the doctor through the hospital until they reached a clearly marked morgue. Shane stopped outside the door, gawking at the sign, his stomach twisting. He watched as the doctor approached another man, who stood before two covered bodies. Shane followed slowly, stopping before he reached the bodies.

          “Are you sure you can handle this?” the doctor said to him, his hand on Shane’s shoulder.

          “Just do it,” Shane muttered, forcing the words out in a hoarse breath.

          The man removed the sheets, revealing the bloodied, sleeping faces of his best friends, Greg and Jess.

          Shane’s stomach twisted sickeningly as his hand flew to his mouth. He closed his eyes from the sight and bit back a sob.

          “This can’t be,” he muttered.

          There was shuffling as the man covered the bodies back up.

          “I’ll give you a minute,” the doctor said to Shane. “But there are some people that want to talk to you.”

          Shane’s head buzzed erratically. “Talk to me? Who? Why?”

          “Social Services.”

          “No,” Shane stuttered. “Jas is fine. She’s safe.”

          “You’ll need to talk to them about her.”

          Shane nodded quietly, still trying to process what he had just seen. “Okay,” he said quickly. “I’ll talk to them.”

          He followed the doctor through the hospital once more until the doctor stopped and shook a woman’s hand, introducing her to Shane.

          “Is Jas alone?” the woman asked him.

          Shane shook his head. “She’s home with the babysitter.”

          “Does Jas have any immediate family?” she asked softly. Her eyes were apologetic.

          Shane hesitated. “No. I don’t know. I’m her godfather.”

          “No grandparents or close relatives?”

          He shook his head. “Not around here.”

          “Are you the one who’s to get custody of her, then?”

          Custody. Shane’s heart raced. “Um. Yes. I guess so.” He hesitated. “No. No. I can’t.”

          “You can’t?”

          “No. I can’t. I can’t raise a little girl. No. She has an aunt, in the valley. She should go there.”

          “Is Jas close with this aunt?”

          “I don’t know. Maybe.”

          “Is she close to you, Shane?”

          “I don’t want her,” Shane said quickly. He cleared his throat. “The valley would be better for her. I just have a small apartment.”

          The woman nodded carefully. “We won’t take her into custody if we don’t have to. Can you stay with her until we can arrange a change in guardianship?”

          Shane nodded and shook the woman’s hand once more.

          “I’ll be in touch,” she said softly. “Take care.”


          Shane found himself in the driveway, just outside of the house. It was late. Jas was likely already asleep, unaware of what had just happened to her parents. Shane sucked in a breath and forced himself out of the car, up the front steps, and inside the house. A light streamed from the living room where Ashley waited.

          “You didn’t call,” she accused, but her voice softened. “Are they okay?”

          “You can go home, Ashley,” Shane said quietly.

          “Are they okay?”

          Shane let his body fall onto the couch, his knees too week to hold him up any longer. He stared at the tv across the room. “Where’s Jas?”



          Ashley grabbed her keys from the coffee table. She glanced uneasily at Shane.

          Shane met her gaze and forced a smile. “Don’t worry about it.” He turned back to the tv. “Drive safe.”

          Ashley let herself out of the house, closing the door quietly behind her, but a presence lingered.


          Jas poked her head in from around the corner. She smiled at her godfather, but he did not return her greeting. She made her way to him, climbing on the couch next to him and resting her head against him.

          “What are you doing here?” she asked.

          “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”

          “I was.” Jas straightened and searched his face. “When’s Mom and Dad coming home?”

          Shane avoided her gaze. He didn’t want to have this conversation with her. Not now. Not ever.


          Shane pulled Jas onto his lap and met her gaze. “I have to tell you something,” he said, his voice shaking.


          “Mom and Dad… something happened. They got hurt.”

          Jas’s face was sad. “Are they going to be okay?” she asked.

          Shane pinched his lips, blinked back tears, and shook his head. “No,” he forced out. “They’re not coming home.”

          Jas tilted her head slightly. “Will they come back tomorrow?”

          Shane shook his head. “They… They won’t come back, ever.”

          Jas’s eyes welled up and her lip quivered. “Why not? Did I do something wrong?”

          Shane swallowed and closed his eyes. “No, Jas, of course not.” He forced a smile.

          “Then why aren’t they coming home?” she sobbed.

          Shane pulled the girl into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. He buried his face in her hair, wet with his tears. “I don’t know,” he choked out.


          “I just want this done,” Shane said forcefully. “The house will be empty. Just sell it and get rid of it.”

          The realtor leaned back in her chair. “Okay,” she said simply. “I know this is hard for you, Shane-”

          “Are we done here?”

          The woman cleared her throat. “Yes, we’re done. I will be in touch with prospective buyers.”

          “I don’t care who buys it.”

          “Okay,” she said again. “Just need your signature in a few places. The money will go into the trust you designated for Jas. Sign here, here, and here, and this will all be over with.”

          Shane scribbled his signature quickly where indicated and stood up. The woman stood and stretched her hands toward him. Shane stared at the hand without returning the gesture. He met her gaze. “It will be empty this weekend.”

          Without another word, Shane left the realtor’s office. He climbed into his car and made his way to the empty house. Marnie had picked Jas up that morning; all that was left was to go through the rest of the things in the house before it went up for sale.

          Shane pulled into the driveway and made his way into the house. Empty boxes already lined the hallway, waiting for things to be packed or tossed. Shane stood in the doorway. He couldn’t remember a time when the house was so quiet. Jas and Greg were always wrestling in the den. Jas and Jess baking and making a mess in the kitchen. Shane and Greg shouting at the tv over the latest gridball game.

          Shane made his way through the empty house. Where the hell was he supposed to start? So many things. Furniture, pictures, nick-nacks. He started to make a mental list. Furniture wasn’t necessary. It could be sold or given away. Dishes, towels, blankets… there was no use for any of it anymore.

          He picked up a framed picture of Greg, Jess, and Jas. They were smiling; happy. A family. He dropped the frame into an empty box. Useless. It was all useless. No room for any of it, anywhere. No room for the memories.

          He stared at the broken glass, the figures still smiling up at him. He reached into the box, pulled the picture out of the broken frame, and held it carefully in his hands. There was room. There would always be room.


          The house was empty by the weekend, just as Shane promised. Some had been moved to storage, but otherwise, everything was sold, given away, or thrown out. The realtor waited outside, where the for sale sign was already in place. Shane made one last walk through the house, taking in every room, before making his way to the front door. He paused in the doorway, his hand on the door knob, and glanced one last time inside the house, his chest burning. He sighed, closed and locked the door, and dropped the keys in the realtor’s hand. Without a word, he made his way to his car and left the house behind.


          “She misses you, Shane.”

          Shane put his legs up on the couch. “I’ll come visit some time.”

          “Shane, you should be here with her.”

          “She doesn’t need me.”

          “Yes she does. She loves you. She lost her parents - don’t make her lose you, too.”

          “I said I will visit,” Shane growled. “But I’m not raising a little girl.”

          “It’s no wonder you’re still single,” Marnie said. Shane could practically hear the eye roll in her voice.

          “Kids aren’t for me.”

          “Greg and Jess made you her godfather. You have a responsibility.”

          “She’s not my child. She’s better off with family.”

          “You’re her family.”

          “I’m not leaving the city,” he shot at her.

          “What do you have there?” Marnie raised her voice. “There’s nothing for you in that city.”

          “Thanks for the support.”

          “Come here with me and Jas. There’s plenty of room. She needs you. Do it for her.”

          Shane sighed and rubbed his temple. “The house is still on the market. I’m still trying to get rid of everything.” Shane paused to swallow the lump in his throat. “There’s still a lot that needs to get done.”

          “Will you leave after that?”

          Shane hesitated. He looked out the window of his apartment over the city. Marnie was right - there was nothing keeping him in the city. And he did miss Jas. It wasn’t fair to send her away from her home alone. “Yes.”


          It didn’t take long for the house to sell. Shane didn’t care about the logistics - prime location, well built, close to schools - the burden was finally off his shoulders. His apartment, as promised to Marnie and Jas, was packed with the few belongings that he had. The bigger items were shoved into a moving truck which waited for him just outside. The rest of his things were shoved in the trunk and the back seat of his car.

          Shane closed and locked the door to his apartment. He trotted down the steps, stopping in his landlord’s office on his way out to drop off the keys.

          “Good luck in the valley, kid,” the man said to him, tipping an imaginary hat. “You were one of the good ones. Hope no partiers move in there.”

          “You’ll scare ‘em out easy, Fred,” Shane said with a smile.

          Fred lifted his beer bottle. The coozie around it read “Beer:thirty.” It was only eleven o’clock.

          Shane smiled and said good bye. He slid into the car, turning the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life and he pulled out of the parking lot, the moving truck following close behind. He made his way to the outskirts of the city, crossed over the bridge, and merged north on the highway, bound for Stardew Valley.
            Minimanta likes this.
          • lilly_ampleton

            lilly_ampleton Void-Bound Voyager

            Oh this is just wonderful! I loved every bit of your story about the farmer and Alex and Shane during the war! So many feels.:cry: Your writing style is awesome.:up:
            I hope you're still open for some requests?

            My birthday is the 5th of June. I'd like to see the (female) farmer who's had a crush on Gunther for a year or so, seeking shelter at the museum during the flower dance, because all the happy couples are making her feel sad and lonely. Gunther then offers her some comfort. (Gunther <3 farmer) I'll leave the rest to you! :love:
            • Skyloft-Farm

              Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

              ahh skjdhfskjhdfs thank you that means so much to me! I'm still posting too - there's a lot left to that story! the feels aren't over yet haha ;)
              definitely open for requests! i've been in a bit of a writing slump so having these little prompts usually help and are pretty fun. and i LOVE that request! there isn't always a lot of some of the other npcs like Gunther, Willy, Linus, etc. i'm away this weekend so if i dont get to it tonight, i will next week, along with the other prompt i still owe xD
                lilly_ampleton likes this.
              • lilly_ampleton

                lilly_ampleton Void-Bound Voyager

                OMG!!! Thank you soo much! You just made my day! I can't wait to read either of the two (my request and your story)!:love:
                • Skyloft-Farm

                  Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

                  I debated whether to do three separate kind of 'reaction' shorts, or just combine them. I decided to just use the three characters in one short haha.

                  It was late in the afternoon when I finally finished harvesting the latest batch of crops. Cases among cases of corn, peppers, cabbages, melons, tomatoes and radishes. Just in time for the Luau. And I knew exactly what I was going to make for the event the next day: a sweet bruschetta paired with my famous tomato basil squares. And my tomatoes were just perfect for the dish. It was always a hit back in the city; I was sure everyone in Pelican Town would love it, too.

                  The kitchen quickly filled with familiar smells the next morning as I prepared my plate for the Luau. Tomatoes, basil, and sweet, fresh bread. I busied myself at the stove, moving swiftly between the pots and pans, mixing here and adding a dash of spice there. I worked all through the morning until everything was finished. I quickly put everything into their appropriate containers, sealed tight and still hot to be brought to the beach.

                  It was a perfect day for the Luau. The sun was bright and warm and the sea breeze felt refreshing on my face. I made my way to the tables, putting my plates down with the rest of the food, nodding at those who greeted me. I admired my dishes along with the rest of the food on the table. Everything looked delicious.

                  "Mmm," Mayor Lewis said over my shoulder. "That smells wonderful. May I?"

                  I slapped his hand away from the tomato basil squares. "You know the rule, Mayor," I reminded him. "Soup first."

                  Lewis nodded. "Yes," he said quickly. "Of course. I hope the Governor will approve of the soup this year. He comes all the way here every year for that soup."

                  "And it's always perfect," I assured him.

                  "Well, maybe we should start the festivities," Lewis said, eyeing the bruschetta hungrily. He made his way back to the Governor as Abigail and Sam approached, Sebastian just lagging behind them. Abigail smiled to me as her and Sam peered at the food.

                  "Ugh, I'm starving," Sam muttered.

                  "What did you bring?" Abigail asked me.

                  I shrugged. "I had a ton of tomatoes, so I made a bruschetta and some tomato basil squares."

                  Sam narrowed his eyes at me. "Bruschetta? Sounds fancy."

                  I watched as they straightened and looked passed me.

                  "I didn't think I was seeing clearly," a voice from behind me said. I turned and greeted the Governor with my best smile.

                  "Governor," I said. "It's nice to see you again."

                  "The pleasure is most certainly mine. They must be honored to have you here in their quaint little village. Much quieter than that city life, I'm sure."

                  "Ah, well," I started, sheepishly. "I like it here."

                  "I do hope to see you in the city again soon, though. Have you ever thought of returning to that restaurant?"

                  "I do," I admitted. I had missed my life in the city. And though I missed the life I had in cooking, it had gotten to be too much for me at that point in my life. "But I needed to get away for a bit."

                  "Well, no one just turns down a chance to have their own cooking show," the Governor said. "But you need to do what's best for you. I understand."

                  "Trust me, cooking is still what I love. I even brought my famous bruschetta."

                  The Governor smiled widely. "I always come for the amazing soup, but I think your bruschetta will definitely top that." He turned to Mayor Lewis. "This all looks amazing," he said, moving toward the mayor. "I don't think I can wait a moment longer."

                  I turned back to see Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian gawking at me.

                  "Restaurant?" Abigail said.

                  "Cooking show?" Sam repeated.

                  "Chef Addenell."

                  Abigail and Sam turned to Sebastian, their eyebrows raised.

                  "What?" he said defensively. "I like cooking shows." He turned to me. "You were on The Queen of Sauce."

                  I blushed and nodded.

                  "The Queen of Sauce?" Abigail repeated, turning back to me.

                  "Oh, yeah!" Sam exclaimed. "I remember that episode! You're like, the best chef in all of Stardew Valley."

                  Abigail turned to Sam and Sebastian. "Is that what you guys do when you hide away in Sebastian's room? Watch friggen cooking shows all day?"

                  "We like food," Sam mumbled.

                  "If you're the best chef in Stardew, what are you doing here?" Abigail said, turning back to me, her eyes narrowed.

                  "Trying to get away from that life," I said quietly. "It gets pretty hectic. Don't tell anyone."

                  Sam zipped his lips. "Only if you promise to make us your bruschetta every now and then."

                  I smiled. "Deal."
                    ApertureGaming011 likes this.
                  • Skyloft-Farm

                    Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

                    Aisha stood alone just outside the the entrance to the meadow where the Flower Dance was beginning. She watched as couples linked arms happily, despite many earlier objections. She started to wonder why she even bothered to attend the festival. Every year it was the same; she was left out, standing alone, watching them laugh and smile and dance. They all had each other. She was the outside, and she always had been since the day she moved to the valley.

                    She couldn't stand to be there a second longer. And no one would even notice if she left. They probably didn't even notice she was there in the first place. Aisha made her way through the forest, the music quickly fading in the cool protection of the trees. Her mind wandered as she walked aimlessly. She hadn't seen Gunther at the festival; maybe he was spending the day in the library, alone like her. She wanted to be there with him. Just her and him, alone in the library she had grown to love. Gunther always noticed her. Gunther was the only one who had really welcomed her and accepted her.

                    She blushed as she thought about him. She spent a lot of time with him in that library. At first, she only went for the books, her biggest weakness. She would make a nest for herself in the far corner of the library with a stack of books beside her. She was eager to devour each one and lose herself in the story.

                    Soon, new books had started to appear in her littler corner. It didn't take long for her to realize that Gunther had been leaving them there for her. And then notes started to appear with them. "Aisha - this was one of my favorites. I thought you might enjoy it."

                    She loved every book he left her. It was hard enough being an introvert in the first place, but also being the new girl in a small town? She didn't think she'd ever fit in. But Gunther made an effort. And they quickly bonded over their love of books. The library was the only place she felt comfortable and accepted. Gunther was the only person that she felt safest with. And she wanted to see him now more than ever.

                    She hurried through the forest and to the far side of town where the library waited, welcoming her with it's familiar columns. The smell of old books greeted her warmly when she opened it's doors. Gunther looked up from his seat behind his desk and smiled.

                    "Aisha. What are you doing here?"

                    Aisha shrugged and felt herself blushing. She cleared her throat. "Everyone's at the Flower Dance."

                    Gunther nodded and looked around the library. "Yup. Every year. You know," he hesitated. "I used to go. Tried to spend some time with everyone. But it's kind of depressing. Everyone's got someone..." He trailed off.

                    Aisha nodded. "Yeah. I couldn't stand to be there another minute. Just reminds me of how unnoticed I am." She sighed.

                    Gunther smiled warmly and met her gaze. "You're not unnoticed."

                    Aisha shrugged. She found herself wandering towards her favorite corner. She stopped and admired the new stack of books. The book on top had a striking cover - an image of a man and a woman in an embrace. They looked peaceful and happy.

                    "I searched the entire city for that one," Gunther said, now at Aisha's side. She met his gaze and Gunther blushed.

                    "Looks like a sappy romance book," Aisha said.

                    "Yeah. Okay. Kind of. I have a soft side, sometimes." His face brightened and he shrugged. "I don't know. I thought you might like it. I really did."

                    "What's it about?" Aisha asked, picking up the book and flipping through it's pages.

                    Gunther scratched his head. "Well, it's actually about this woman who moves to a new city. Doesn't know anyone there. She has kind of this dark past, you know? Trying to escape it, but has a hard time starting over, meeting people."

                    "And she finds comfort in this strikingly good looking man?" Aisha pointed to the man on the cover.

                    Gunther shrugged. "Yeah. You know. Boy meets girl." He paused. "You think he's striking?"

                    Aisha shook her head. "Actually, no. Not really my type. Never cared for the whole tall, dark, and handsome thing."

                    "Oh yeah?"

                    "I guess when you don't look like that," Aisha pointed to the woman on the cover, "you know, tall, blonde, and gorgeous, you don't expect anyone to be into you."

                    Gunther scoffed. "Woman like that aren't gorgeous."

                    "Are you crazy?" Aisha said, holding the book to his face. "Even I want this chick."

                    Gunther laughed. "Guess tall and blonde was never my thing."

                    "We need a book with two average people on the cover," Aisha said. "Just two, every day people, living every day lives."

                    "Maybe," Gunther started. "But that sounds kind of boring."

                    "Okay, okay," Aisha said quickly. "Two average people living incredible lives. Full of action and adventure. Crime fighting average people."

                    "I don't know," Gunther said. "Sounds dangerous. How about two average people who meet in an old library in a middle of nowhere town who have a slight obsession with books?"

                    Aisha pondered this for a moment. "Can they go on adventures?"

                    "The books come to life and suck them in to the story."

                    Aisha laughed. "They're transported to new worlds and have no way to get back home."

                    "Yes. I like that."

                    "What do you suppose will happen to them?" Aisha asked, returning the book to the pile.

                    "Well," Gunther started. "I suppose they learn to trust each other. They help each other through each adventure until they do make it home."

                    "Maybe they fall in love," Aisha suggested and met his gaze. "I have always been a sucker for a good romance."

                    Gunther smiled. "Me too.

                      lilly_ampleton likes this.
                    • ApertureGaming011

                      ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      YES, this was amazing! Thank you so much for doing this! Well... Uh, If it's okay to do another, is it okay if The same Trio reacting to the young farmer when they realize that he/she was a really popular E-Sports StarCraft player?
                        Skyloft-Farm likes this.
                      • Skyloft-Farm

                        Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

                        Aw haha thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! I had no idea where I was going to go with it for a while lol. I can definitely do another! I'm in a writing zone right now, working on a bunch of things right now haha. I'm going to do a couple of other writing things today, but I'll definitely get to this one soon. I'll just need to look up StarCraft... lol xD
                          ApertureGaming011 likes this.
                        • ApertureGaming011

                          ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Addition: the farmer is femal and is dating Sebastian.
                            Skyloft-Farm likes this.
                          • lilly_ampleton

                            lilly_ampleton Void-Bound Voyager

                            OMG! I just love it. Thank you so much. I love how you wrote Gunther. He is so sweet and polite. Makes you want to read more about him... *Wink* Thank
                            you so much
                            • lilly_ampleton

                              lilly_ampleton Void-Bound Voyager

                              Well, since I can't stop thinking about this wonderful little scene with Gunther you wrote for me I thought I might be cheeky and post another request.

                              How about the female farmer und Gunther who are secretly in love with each other go on an expedition together where they accidentally get locked or lost in a cave and have some nice little alone time. You could also use the same farmer from the last one and this could be shortly after their talk at the museum!? This would be awesome if you could do this, but I don't want to be bugging you with my love for Gunther. You just wrote him so well
                                Skyloft-Farm likes this.
                              • ApertureGaming011

                                ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Please tell me that you're still writing here...
                                  Skyloft-Farm likes this.
                                • Skyloft-Farm

                                  Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

                                  yessssssss i've just been a little distracted, admittedly, but i'm done goofing with photoshop and have been working on all my catch up stuff, including yours and lilly's request, which has been sitting in my drafts on tumblr (oops!!) so ill be sure to post that today and still open for other requests if there are any :)
                                    ApertureGaming011 likes this.
                                  • Skyloft-Farm

                                    Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Gunther followed Aisha hesitantly through the cave as she bounded forward eagerly. He hurried to keep up with her as his eyes wandered around the dimly lit cave. He held his lantern higher.

                                    “Are you sure its safe in here?” he asked.

                                    Aisha turned around and smiled to him. “C’mon, you promised me an adventure, right?”

                                    “Yes,” he said, hesitant. “But I didn’t expect you to drag me to Skull Cavern.”

                                    Aisha turned around and continued through the cave. “Are you scared?”

                                    Gunther cleared his throat. “Of course not.” He hesitated. “Do you know where you’re going?”

                                    “Not really,” Aisha admitted. “But I’m sure it’s no different than the mines.”

                                    “Doesn’t mean its safe,” Gunther pointed out. “I worry when you go down there.”

                                    “I can take care of myself,” she said confidently.

                                    “I know, I know.” Gunther’s eyes continued to wander around the large cave until he noticed it grow dimmer. Aisha’s light was gone. His heart raced as he hurried forward, following the path around the corner where the room glowed around them. Aisha stood in the middle of the room, admiring the glitter stalactite above her.

                                    “Not exactly what I had in mind for a first date,” Gunther mumbled as he joined her.

                                    Aisha met his gaze. “This is a date?”

                                    “No?” Gunther said quickly. “I mean, I thought… No. Of course not.”

                                    Aisha smiled and turned her gaze back to the stalactite. “Well,” she started. “I guess I did drag you over here.”

                                    “I shouldn’t have assumed,” Gunther said.

                                    Aisha looked around them before meeting his gaze once more. “Can I tell you something?” she said softly.

                                    Gunther’s heart raced. “Of course,” he said.

                                    “I think we’re lost.”

                                    Gunther was quiet for a moment as he processed her words. “Lost? What do you mean we’re lost?”

                                    “I mean,” Aisha started, “I don’t know where we are or how to get back.”

                                    Gunther looked around, forcing himself to remain calm. “Well,” he said slowly. “We should just retrace our steps, right? Go back the way we came.”

                                    Aisha nodded. “Right, of course.”

                                    Gunther straightened confidently and lifted his lantern. “Come on, I’ll get us out of here.” He took Aisha’s hand in his, catching himself off guard at the impulsive notion, and hesitated. He felt Aisha’s squeeze his hand and he lead her through the cave, tracing their steps as best as he could until the reached a large room with multiple tunnels. They stopped and studied each tunnel for a moment.

                                    “Well?” Aisha asked.

                                    Gunther hesitated. “Well,” he said. “It’s one of these.”

                                    Aisha pushed passed him, heading for a familiar tunnel. “This way,” she said simply.

                                    Gunther grabbed her hand, pulling her back. “Wait.”

                                    Aisha stopped and met his gaze. “Don’t trust me?”

                                    “Of course I trust you,” he said. “But I don’t want you running off ahead of me. You don’t know what’s down there.”

                                    “What if there’s something big and bad?” Aisha said. “We don’t exactly have anything to fend it off with.”

                                    “You let me take care of it,” Gunther said. “Stay behind me.”

                                    He kept his hand on Aisha’s as he lead her down the dark tunnel, their lanterns just barely lighting their way. A soft, steady roar echoed off the walls, coming from deep within the tunnel. Gunther hesitated, moving his lantern across him as he searched for a creature waiting to attack. As they moved deeper in, then roaring grew louder and more thunderous, until the tunnel opened up to a larger cave where a waterfall crashed down from high above. A river ran through the cavern and followed another tunnel through the cave. Sun streamed through the opening above the waterfall, lighting the room in a soft, golden glow.

                                    “Crappy first date, huh?” Aisha asked as she admired the waterfall.

                                    “Almost like you planned this the whole time,” Gunther said, turning to her. While she admired the waterfall, he admired the way her dark hair seemed to glisten in the sunlight. Her dark skin had a warm glow to it. He just wanted to pull her into his arms.

                                    Aisha’s almond eyes met his and she smiled. “I think this is where you kiss me now,” she said softly.

                                    Gunther leaned in carefully, hesitant, and his lips brushed against hers. Aisha wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her, pressing harder against his lips.

                                    “Wow,” Gunther said after a moment. He met her gaze and smiled. “Worst date ever.”
                                      lilly_ampleton likes this.
                                    • Skyloft-Farm

                                      Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

                                      “Do you have to watch me work?” Sebastian asked as I lay on his bed, my chin in my hands.

                                      I kicked my legs in the air and smiled. “Yes. You’re sexy when you work.”

                                      Sebastian rolled his eyes, but I caught a glimpse of his rare smile. It always made my heart melt.

                                      “Well,” he started. “I’ll be done soon.”

                                      I turned over and watched him, upside down. “Whatcha doing after?”

                                      He watched me from the corner of his eye, still typing at the keyboard.

                                      “Abby and Sam wanted to hang out,” he said, his eyes moving back to the screen.

                                      “Am I invited?”

                                      “Of course,” he said simply. “You’re already here.”

                                      “What are we going?”

                                      Sebastian shrugged. “I got the latest StarCraft game,” he said.

                                      “Legacy of the Void?”

                                      Sebastian turned to me. “Yeah, you play?”

                                      I nodded. “A little.”

                                      “Any good?”

                                      I shrugged. “Adequate.”

                                      “I’ll be the judge of that,” Sebastian said simply. He turned back to his computer.

                                      It wasn’t much longer until he finished his work and Abigail and Sam came over. Abigail sat with me on the bed while Sam hovered over Sebastian at the computer.

                                      “Get ‘em!” Same shouted to Sebastian.

                                      “What the hell do you think I’m trying to do?” Sebastian yelled back angrily.

                                      “You play like a girl,” Sam said, crossing his arms.

                                      “I bet I could kick your ass,” Abigail said to Sam, shooting him a dirty look.

                                      Sebastian smiled. “Anyone could kick Sam’s ass.” He leaned back in his seat and turned to me. “Want a turn?”

                                      I shrugged. “Maybe,” I said. “I’m probably not very good, though.” I had never played the newest version of the game, but how different could it be?

                                      I sat on Sebastian’s lap playfully and took control of his computer, picking up where he left off. They watched in silence as I made it through with ease.

                                      “Damn,” Sam muttered. “She kicks your ass, Seb.”

                                      “You’re way more than adequate,” Sebastian said.

                                      “I’ve played a few times.”

                                      “You should do competitions,” Sam said. “I bet you could compete in the e-sports.”

                                      “I have a few times,” I said casually. “I used to play under a different alias. You’d probably recognize me if my hair was still blue and green.”

                                      “Oh my god,” Sam said. “I knew I recognized you from somewhere!”

                                      I smiled sheepishly. “That was a long time ago,” I said. “Before my grandfather passed away.”

                                      “Wait,” Sebastian said. “You’re Kala Cado?”

                                      “I was, yes.”

                                      “You were like, the most popular player,” Abigail said. “Why the hell did you stop?”

                                      I shrugged. “Life got in the way.”

                                      “Dude,” Sam said, shoving Sebastian’s shoulder. “You’re dating Kala.”

                                      “Back off,” Sebastian said playfully, pulling me closer to him.

                                      “Can you get us through all the hard parts?” Sam asked.

                                      I smiled and scooted closer to the computer screen, eager to show them my skill.

                                      idk this one probably isn't my best so i apologize in advance xD
                                        ApertureGaming011 likes this.
                                      • ApertureGaming011

                                        ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        I got what I wanted! Satisfaction garunteed! If it's okay, may I have the same trio (again! I love those three especially sebastian) who realize that the farmer (dating Abigail) used to be in the special forces division when he rescues her/them in the mines (he has all of his rquipment like SMGs etc)
                                          Skyloft-Farm likes this.
                                        • Skyloft-Farm

                                          Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

                                          oh man you're really challenging me with these lmao. like i actually did research to try to make that last one fairly accurate. this one is gonna require a lot more research xD good thing i have the day off tomorrow! ^_^

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