RELEASED Sebastian Ponytail Portrait

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by spudthulhu, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. spudthulhu

    spudthulhu Master Chief

    This was my first time making a mod and doing pixel art @o@ fun times dawg but I did it~
    Long story short, whenever I see Sebastian's portraits I always think he has a ponytail and then I'm disappointed when he doesn't so I was like let's make it happen! o7o)b
    I didn't edit his world sprite, I might in the future but I'm not skilled enough at pixeling and it wasn't coming out right so I gave up :"3c
    ah well~
    Anyway~! I hope you guys like it! d(o7<

      Attached Files:

    • dimasep0

      dimasep0 Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I was skeptical about the ponytail because I'm not really into it but yours looks good!
      Not my cup of tea but if this was the default look, I wouldn't mind it at all.
      • Yppit

        Yppit Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Ooooo I love the idea of Sebastian with a pony tail! it looks great.
        • Lazward

          Lazward Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Oh my goodness ! He looks precious with a ponytail !! Good job on it !!!
          • spudthulhu

            spudthulhu Master Chief

            Ahh thank you guys so much \Y7Y)/
            • sivolobwho

              sivolobwho Phantasmal Quasar

              I love this a lot! Would you be okay with me updating the sprite?
              • noxvulpes

                noxvulpes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                He looks really cute with a ponytail. >3<
                Good job! :D
                • spudthulhu

                  spudthulhu Master Chief

                  sorry i took so long to respond but yes i absolutely would! i was having trouble myself and if you're willing i would appreciate it so much Y7Y)b
                  • pigeonsmall

                    pigeonsmall Orbital Explorer

                    It's a super subtle touch but I enjoy it.
                    • buddy4life

                      buddy4life Void-Bound Voyager

                      I hope no one minds, but I did try my hand at adding a ponytail to the sprite.... I haven't tested it yet, but here it is!

                        spudthulhu and pigeonsmall like this.
                      • spudthulhu

                        spudthulhu Master Chief

                        ooohmigodohmigod!! Q7Q

                        thank you so much ooohmigod they look really really cuuute!!! ;777;;;;; If you send me the XNB file for it i can test it out for you and if it works i can update the OP (with credits of course !!)
                        If that's okay with you of course uvu
                        • buddy4life

                          buddy4life Void-Bound Voyager

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