Digital SDV - Alien Resistance (14/41 Townspeople — Added Marlon and Gil)

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Landwalker, Mar 26, 2016.


Which of the Single Characters Looks Least Awful? [Pick Up to 2]

  1. Alex

    4 vote(s)
  2. Elliott

    7 vote(s)
  3. Harvey

    4 vote(s)
  4. Sam

    2 vote(s)
  5. Sebastian

    6 vote(s)
  6. Abigail

    4 vote(s)
  7. Haley

    8 vote(s)
  8. Leah

    10 vote(s)
  9. Maru

    2 vote(s)
  10. Penny

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Landwalker

    Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love a good fan-art as much as anybody. And I love Stardew Valley. Unfortunately, my personal artistic skills are only slightly inferior to those of a blind, epileptic woodpecker in an earthquake.

    So in lieu of making any actual contributions of any quality whatsoever, I did the only thing I can... I decided to start creating renditions of the Stardew Valley NPCs in the XCOM 2 soldier customizer.

    As you'll find out (if you haven't gotten bored and left already), I end up taking a fair amount of liberties with the characters. Part of this is the limits of the XCOM 2 customization, particularly with regard to hair styles (not much in the "spiky anime" department, or much really significant variety in general) or, honestly, faces. And part of it is my own conscious decisions to try to make them stand out a little bit more.

    I started with the five bachelors. Why? Because on the wiki, they're listed first.

    My apologies in advance for any sloppy formatting. I don't quite have the hang of posting images yet.

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    UPDATE 3/29/2016: Added Marlon and Gil

    No new NPCs are, for lack of a better word, "scheduled." However, I will likely chip away at them in smatterings as I have bits and pieces of time.

    REQUESTS: Want your character to fight aliens? Don't mind them looking as bad as the ones I've already provided? I'm happy to oblige! All I'll need are:
    1. Front and side shots of your character. If your character normally wears headgear that obscures most of their hair, include both "with hat" and "without hat" versions.
    2. A couple of adjectives describing your character's basic personality.
    3. Any specific preferences you have in terms of accessories (type of headgear, facial accessories, etc.), body art, outfit styles, etc.
    4. If you'd like your character to be a specific class of XCOM soldier, let me know what that preference is. The options (and examples above) are:
      • Grenadier (Alex, Penny)
      • Ranger (Haley, Sam)
      • Sharpshooter (Elliott, Leah)
      • Specialist / Combat Hacker (Maru, Harvey, Abigail)
      • Psi Operative (Sebastian)
    5. Given the obvious limitations on SDV sprite detail, if your character's gender isn't abundantly obvious, you should probably specify it just to be safe.
    6. Your character's nationality, if that matters to you. XCOM 2 doesn't have every country available, decal-wise, but it has a lot of them, and mods are available to me to add others. It's unlikely that the national emblem will be visible on any screenshots (it appears on the back of the armor just below the neck, i.e. not a highly-photographed area), but it might sneak in there.
      Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
      Livi, Gabaw, Pudassassin and 4 others like this.
    • Ghostly Fox

      Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

      Excuse me while I snicker helplessly.

      Edit: Just realized I never finished my comment. These look interesting though they make me think of the Fallout 1 and 2 style talking follower avatars for some reason.
        Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
      • Landwalker

        Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

        Believe it or not, I never played Fallout 2, and only played a very small amount of Fallout 1. Which is odd, because I really like the Fallout concept. And it isn't like they aren't available to me. I own them both.

        Anyway, I had some extra minutes before I leave for work / go back to the grind. Not enough time to bang out all the bachelorettes, but I did get Abigail in there. So, my sincere apologies to all Abigail fans for inflicting myself on her.
          Gabaw likes this.
        • Alkanthe

          Alkanthe Supernova

          Hey, I like your style! Though Abigail does look more stocky than I imagined her, I guess that'd work best in an alien resistance.
          • Landwalker

            Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

            Yeah, there's a definite limitation on certain aspects of the character customization in XCOM 2. Each gender has exactly one body type, essentially, which you try to disguise using various armors. And while they technically each have 24 faces, there are four "races" (informatively labeled Race 0, Race 1, Race 2, and Race 3), each of which have six faces... but some of the faces look pretty interchangeable between a couple of the "races".

            There also aren't any hairstyles that match the tone/style of a lot of the hairstyles in SDV / Harvest Moon / etc. None of the spiky-anime stuff. It's most glaringly noticeable on Sam (whom I like the least of the six I've done so far), and I may go back and hide his hair with some headgear at some point, similarly to what I did with Alex (and to a lesser degree, Sebastian). And change his face entirely. (Although I do like his full-body picture.)

            This evening I plan to finish off the bachelorettes. I have undeservedly high hopes for Haley and Maru, because of all the "Single" characters, their hairstyles are most likely to match something in the XCOM 2 arsenal.
              Alkanthe likes this.
            • Landwalker

              Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

              Had a few minutes between work and dinner, so I added Haley. Definitely my favorite so far. The hair is a much better match, and I didn't have to take ridiculous liberties with her face or anything like that the way I did with Sebastian or Sam.

              I'll shoot for getting Leah, Maru, and Penny up later tonight.
              • Landwalker

                Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

                Leah, Maru, and Penny are all added! The Singles Club is complete.

                The usual disclaimers about liberties taken:

                Leah's distinctive over-the-shoulder-braid isn't available, so I did the best I could, and then slapped a hat on her. It was a huge pain in the butt making sure her braid was in all the shots. Ballistic goggles seemed like a good fit for someone who normally works a lot with wood-working tools and/or paint.

                With Maru, I just said, eff it, she's getting dreadlocks. I actually liked how less-awfully-than-I-expected that worked for her.

                Penny, like Leah, has extremely distinctive hair canonically because of her weird pigtail-bun-things. Unlike Leah, I've never liked Penny's canonical hair, so I didn't feel as bad about just giving her a bob and a bandana, and it seems reasonably fitting. I also made her the Grenadier class in the game, because Penny with an LMG and a grenade launcher was amusing to me, and I get to do what I want. :p

                Oh, I also completely redid Sam. He has the same face type, but I added some scruff, some goggles pushed up on his forehead, and changed his hair to Ridiculous Mad Max Post-Apocalypse Something. Which was not as horrible as I thought it would be. He also got a smidge of face-paint.

                So, there are the ten singles! Point and laugh/ridicule as desired (I know I already have). I'm undecided on whether to do any other villagers. Some of them I think would work really well (Gunther, Marlon, Kent, maybe Willy), others less so (Vincent, Jas, George, and Evelyn, obviously. I think Caroline would be very tough, too.)

                Edit: I also just completely redid Sebastian, because I was sick of how terrible he looked. No more bandana, no more glasses. Added some pushed-up goggle-things, changed his whole outfit to something that bears slightly more resemblance to a hoodie, added some short sideburns because why not, changed his class from Specialist (which has that pet drone over the right shoulder) to Psi Operative, and changed his weapon. Also got some just better-quality pictures of him. All in all, a pretty good improvement, and I no longer want to just out-right delete him.
                  Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
                  rhomboid and Alkanthe like this.
                • Landwalker

                  Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

                  Decided to add Clint this morning, because (1) I had time, (2) I wanted to showcase the E.X.O. Suit armor option, which had not appeared on any of the bachelors or bachelorettes, and (3) I think Clint is awesome.

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                  (Edit: I also did Gunther because I wanted to show off his sweet hat, but I didn't have time to finish him off and upload the pictures, so that'll be coming later tonight.)
                    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
                    Alkanthe and rhomboid like this.
                  • Landwalker

                    Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

                    Added Gunther. complete with swanky boonie hat.

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                    Tragically, the current facial hair options in XCOM 2 don't include "sweet pointy mustache," but I'd say on the whole he could have gone worse.

                    (I also added some "guidelines" for requests, should anybody actually want this inflicted on their farmer character.)
                      rhomboid, KayokoSalsa and Alkanthe like this.
                    • Landwalker

                      Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

                      For those of you who met Marlon and instinctively knew, "Here is a man who could chop me into sashimi faster than Pam could down a half-pint," the head of the Adventurer's Guild has been uploaded, along with his silent-but-deadly partner.

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                        OmbreDice and Alkanthe like this.
                      • Gabaw

                        Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

                        This is a freaking great idea. Now with the DLC pack and other mods it really opens things up.

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