Scythes. For the perfect creature soul-reaping.

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by MrBluu, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. MrBluu

    MrBluu Void-Bound Voyager

  2. Magnumcannon

    Magnumcannon Pangalactic Porcupine

    Now you spoke Magnum's language!!
    MrBluu likes this.
  3. x6snake6x

    x6snake6x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I was just thinking of this today. Maybe even one handed scythes so you can dual wield.
  4. muxaun

    muxaun Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'd like to see scythes in the game.
    Although I would prefer them to be simplier - like in real life - so that you can actually mow wheat with it.
  5. muxaun

    muxaun Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It is called kama.
    Zoolot likes this.
  6. MrBluu

    MrBluu Void-Bound Voyager

    You mean like sickles? or maybe a bit bigger.
  7. Xalarion

    Xalarion Void-Bound Voyager

    If you don't mind, I made something of how this may look on a Starbound character sprite. Just went with a basic design though.
    Usha and MrBluu like this.
  8. MrBluu

    MrBluu Void-Bound Voyager

    :up:WOW! That is just completely amazing, that was exactly what i was hoping for! You just made my day!:DD
  9. Xalarion

    Xalarion Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks a lot! This was a pretty quick thing since it's pretty much just a mockup but the compliment is really nice!
    MrBluu likes this.
  10. Usha

    Usha Void-Bound Voyager

    Was thinking maybe if there was a legendary/rare type of scythe could design it so that every other swing it would make a glowing shockwave, or just some sort of strange thing come out from the weapon. Or if it looks like the scythe above from MrBluu (or demony or something)... maybe have it as an easter egg kind of weapon and make a nod back to Terraria by having a "demon scythe" styled swirling bolt come out from the weapon when u swing xD ((.... man I:love:loooooved:love: that weapon! Definitely would NOT mind seeing something like that again even if it's not on a scythe - I think it would be a nice scythe thing tho xDF but that's just my opinon.))
    MrBluu likes this.
  11. ausche

    ausche Tentacle Wrangler

    Hope no references to Bleach will be made :eek: /shot

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