Rotating Buildings/Items?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AstrellaLunari, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. AstrellaLunari

    AstrellaLunari Void-Bound Voyager


    Having a blast with the game, but when I was trying to place a barn today, I realized that I really wanted it to be backward, or at least sideways. I feel the same about the TV in the house. Can some objects/buildings be rotated? (I thought I saw a dev post about it earlier.) If so, could someone share how?

    • Chleiya

      Chleiya Phantasmal Quasar

      I was wondering too
      • Haebaragi

        Haebaragi Weight of the Sky

        For rotating items, I've found that some of them just don't seem to and are stuck facing forward. For some that will rotate however, I discovered that right clicking rotates it (it was a reflexive press, from playing Sims 4 where the right click also rotated an item)

        For rotating buildings, I've never tried but I suppose now I will. I'm not sure if it can be done but someone please correct me if I'm wrong I'd love to redo my farm layout.
          Faeryheart and Tamorr like this.
        • Tomwa

          Tomwa Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          I can't imagine rotating buildings making any sense. How would you be able to see the door? Every door in the game faces downward as far as a I can tell which is indicative of this being the case.
          • Xuaran

            Xuaran Big Damn Hero

            When it comes to rotating buildings, I would say they'd have to change the model slightly to simply be a thinner/longer version of the building, where the doors would be on the side of the building instead of the front. Just so it could more easily fit into spaces. There are some items I can see not making sense if they were sideways, but there's a way buildings like coops and barns could work.

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