
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kiaito, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Kiaito

    Kiaito Space Spelunker

    In the grave yard, there is a grave stone that has gibberish written on it, once I'm able to read it, it says:

    "Stand between the pillars three
    with gift as precious as sky;
    A rainbow forged from land, not sea
    Then Galaxies will heed your cry."

    The Rainbow forged from land would be the Prismatic Stone, but where would the "pillars three" be?
    • kepo

      kepo Space Hobo

      There are 3 pillars on the desert. You need to fix the bus to get there
      • Prosciutto

        Prosciutto Void-Bound Voyager

        No, it's just that mystery became out of trend.
        • shadowbane12

          shadowbane12 Orbital Explorer

          what about the 3 standing pillars in the secret woods? (i know theres more than 3, but only 3 are standing)
          • Kiaito

            Kiaito Space Spelunker

            They're in the desert, I'm trying to get another prismatic stone to find out what I get.

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