[Request]Item worth in every tool tip

Discussion in 'Mods' started by GewaltSam, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. GewaltSam

    GewaltSam Big Damn Hero

    Topic should say most. If you go to Pierre, open the buy window and mouse over crops or fruits that he buys, you see an item price. Would it be possible to get a price for all the stuff in their item tool tips when you mouse over? It would be a nice quality-of-life addition. The framework for this request should be in game already, but I'm no expert. Thanks in advance!
    • heartphilia

      heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

    • GewaltSam

      GewaltSam Big Damn Hero

      Oh, I just looked for something like that before posting, but the forums move quickly these days... Thanks for that hint mate!
      • heartphilia

        heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

        You're welcome. I just happened to see it a few days ago.

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