REQUEST Remove the big lake?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by marabri, May 28, 2016.

  1. marabri

    marabri Space Hobo

    Are there any mods where you can remove the big lake, and replace it with tillable soil?
    • Hammurabi

      Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

      There's a few. The following list is, I'm sure, not even close to exhaustive, but it's what I came up with after a little bit of searching.

      SmoothFarm (Tidy version and onward) removes the lakes; it's not supported/updated anymore, but it's still for the current game version and I'm not aware of any major issues with it if you don't use the Sandbox (or onward) versions.
      French Vanilla moves the lake to a different part of the map, but doesn't entirely remove it.
      Tego's Stardew Expansion has two different versions that replace the normal pond and lake with a pond further from the house, but it's got a lot of other content besides that.
      • Androxilogin

        Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

        Hmm.. Well I just did this up for you but according to the SmoothFarm description in the post above you may run into problems when crops reach their peak. If you want to test it, please backup your save (as well as the original Farm.xnb) and try growing some stuff where the pond would normally be, wait a couple days, harvest them and keep a look out for any problems. I'm not sure and have no time to test it right now.

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