Remove Omni Geodes from Oasis

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by lolyeahgames, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. lolyeahgames

    lolyeahgames Void-Bound Voyager

    As some of you may know, you can purchase any amount of Omni Geodes from Oasis (the store in the Desert) on Wednesdays. They cost 1000g a piece, but if you're already a multi-millionaire, it's hardly an expense to buy a few hundred. Personally, I bought 350. And I spent a day cracking them open and got every mineral in the game, along with about 40 Iridium Ore.

    I'm concerned that this is unbalanced. Basically, if you're rich, you never have to mine again to get rare minerals. And I think it makes the game a bit too easy.

    Let me be clear, I'm a firm believer that the game should be easier for rich players. I'm fine, for example, with Clint selling iron/gold/copper/coal. And I'm also fine with Robin selling wood and stone. However, I think a line should be drawn. Flooding your file with purchased Omni Geodes is just too strong.
    • Ralph444

      Ralph444 Void-Bound Voyager

      I would consider just increasing the price five fold. 5000g a piece. I think if you have that much expendable cash, you should be able to buy whatever you want.

      I mean the Statue of Endless Fortune spits out gold and iridium bars like nothing. But it IS 1,000,000.

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