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Racial Differences...

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by RedPanda_Warrior, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. ComatosePhoenix

    ComatosePhoenix Phantasmal Quasar

    I'd like to take a second to say Immersion =/= realism. Also, is there some underground MLG starbound pvp league I should know about? I don't remember competitive balance really being a concern in a freeform sandbox game. As it is the races are NOT equal, as glitch clearly get the best ship with a variety of room sizes.

    Isn't it? After all I've never had problems with my space suit burning up after an ill timed dip into lava. :p

    They technically don't NEED air though. They need to keep their heat under control. a system as complicated as the glitch would probably use some kind of internal liquid cooling system. alternatively the future tech that goes into glitch doesn't produce heat or is especially heat resistant. A more likely culprit for glitch behaving like a normal person is their programming which dictates they have to do things like breath, eat, and take medicine even though logically they don't need it. as a player glitch is one who has escaped its programming...

    are you sure that isn't just the innate glow that all characters have?

    I agree that realistically Plants are not more flammable than any other organic matter, but it is tradition for the nature aligned creature to be vulnerable to fire. Additionally they don't really like fire in most of their flavor text. while they do use torches, they prefer their glowy plants whenever they can.
  2. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    You don't need traits to boost immersion.

    The issue isn't PVP. Most of these threads list off effects that rather drastically alter gameplay. IE, slower movement and jump height. "You want to play a speedy glitch assassin? Well screw you! You are pre-disposed to being a melee tank in heavy armor."

    Even internal cooling requires a place to vent heat. The ISS is a perfect example of this. Literally they are a closed environment with a liquid cooling system, but that heat has to go somewhere.

    Their body sprites are actually not effected by lighting effects and are always "fullbright", which leads to the appearance of things being brighter than they actually are. That said, I do believe they do have a slight innate glow increase over other races, but it is so small that it doesn't matter and might as well not be there at all.

    That really isn't a good reason to incorporate the trait. Lets make one of the races weak against the very element that comprises basically all of the end-game content.
  3. ComatosePhoenix

    ComatosePhoenix Phantasmal Quasar

    I agree, changes that effect movement speed REALLY don't mesh well with a game that relies on being a 2d platformer, RPG tropes don't translate too well when applied this way. on the other hand some of the more exotic changes like the highly religious avians getting bonuses near religious relics, or the florans becoming stronger with hunger don't negatively impact the play experience and just adds something to make the race you pick more meaningful than a glorified hairstyle.

    Yeah, they run the liquid through radiators and let the heat escape into space, No external airflow required. Which was the original point of this issue.

    To be fair the lack of variety in end-game content is an issue in itself. If the current hype threads on reddit and the blog forum are on point It might not matter. If I was to implement such a change I would probably go with the increased burning duration effect, that can easily be solved by mid game medicine while still leaving time for the weakness to matter.
  4. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    As a spear wielding human that only uses guns occasionally I do not see how stereotyping the races through racial differences is in my best interest.
    lazarus78 likes this.
  5. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Exactly. Suggestions like these heavily restrict game play.

    Isn't it kinda the point that your character is broken away from the norm of the race? Your glitch is free thinking and not part of the hivemind anymore. Your avian was an outcast, etc. And lets not forget personal character backgrounds. So why is forcing racial traits based on these types of things a good idea? At the very least, the Glitch traits are based more on the fact that they are literally robots, but the avian one is purely based on psychological aspects, of which, not all of that race might adhere to.

    As for hunger effects. I absolutely despise hunger, so those effects are wasted on people like me. Glitch not needing to eat? Yay... I don't eat anyway, so how does that benefit me at all? It is a wasted stat.
  6. ComatosePhoenix

    ComatosePhoenix Phantasmal Quasar

    Well, thats what the point of this discussion is, to find new and interesting racial traits to ADD to the game. Yes directly fiddling with the damage numbers on each race is not the way to go, I've already stated my opinion on it.

    The avian idea doesn't have to be based on psychological aspects. After all the player can receive blessings of Kluex from the priest. It stands to reason that Kluex, possibly as real an entity as the ruin or the maker would exert his power to help a member of his people fight the Ruin.

    We are definitely coming from completely different gaming experiences then. I personally enjoy hardcore as It reminds me of Cataclysm: DDA. I don't mind starting from scratch but having a variety of racial traits to play with early on would add a lot for me.
  7. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    But most of these proposed traits stem from lore about the races, which completely disregards the will of the players and how they wish to play by imposing restrictions of some sort that could be polar opposite from what they want.

    Which is exactly why it is best to leave races as they are. That way, anyone can play with any race and not have to sacrifice anything just to play that race.
    Lintton likes this.
  8. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Lazarus, this is not what this thread is about. If I you want to complain, complain in a different thread, preferably one in suggestions. That's right. This WILL never be added to the game, we are purely discussing and building on an idea. We are ignoring your posts from here on out, as you have derailed this thread so much that it has rode onto completely different tracks. So stop. Everybody realize we are not suggesting this by any means. If I was suggesting it, I would have put it under suggestions. Agree to disagree, but stop complaining please.

    Anyhoo, let's start discussing what this thread was originally meant to be about, shall we?
  9. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Also, the races may not have to have disabilities, and abilities would not include any boring stats. That way it would be more balanced. So just think about that.
  10. ComatosePhoenix

    ComatosePhoenix Phantasmal Quasar

    So? I'm a player and your continual stonewalling of my opinions is polar opposite of what I want. I'm just trying to have a discussion with like minded individuals trying to find what racial traits feel the best for me and allow me to play the game I want to play.

    If your only argument boils down to "this is a bad idea because some people won't like it" you can say that about literally everything.

    To get this thread on topic I will say that Lazarus and the other naysayers are right about changes to movement speed. It is incredibly unsatisfying and may make certain platforming sections impossible if movement speed or jump height is reduced. Therefor if any changes to movement are made I highly suggest that the current movement speed be the minimum. Instead of making any race slower, make other races faster. Personally I feel that movement should not be changed.

    also its worth pointing out that one option would be to implement a full on rpg stat system as in the earlier elder scrolls titles and allow players to become what they want but provide a certain set of bases dependent on race.

    I was also thinking of the option of adding actual abilities to the races. It only really felt relevant on the glitch being machines. but just as you can "overclock" a computer to get increased performance a glitch can theoretically kick themselves into overdrive at some personal risk. Drammatically draining the hunger bar is probably the easiest to implement.

    I can't really think of abilities for other races that would require triggering, maybe Avian's could pray to Kluex or something.
  11. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Ok. From now on, movement speed will not be changed. Or at least, below what the normal speed is.

    Actual abilities would be cool! Like maybe the avian could sorround themselves in a barrage of those crystal shooty things that fire at the nearest enemy? Of course, that might only apply to a holy, magic deity, but seeing as you did destroy a living planet from the inside health and died, only to be revived by the greatest good force ever to exist, I think that your Avian might so be a diety themselves!

    And of course, abilities that are not boring stat boosts, more clever ones, like Apex eating bananas and gaining slight Regen, or apex climbing on plant fiber vines and vine blocks and being able to jump off.
  12. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    CosmatosePheonix, why don't you make a racial difference list yourself! I'd like to see what you think about the matter.
  13. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Again I refer to the OP:

    It isn't derailment to discuss why your thinking otherwise on adding racial differences would be more harm than help and attempt to shoehorn the player into certain styles of play. In fact, that was the 1st response to your OP...
    lazarus78 likes this.
  14. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    You original post made it sound like you were wanting it put in the game. Then you said it was a mod idea, now you are saying it is just a discussion about the premise and not intended for implementation. You keep changing your mind on this and getting upset at me for it just because I don't agree with you. Your attempts to dismiss me has caused more derailment than myself.

    I am not complaining, I am countering. That's what a discussion is. You say your side, I retort with my side, to which you retort. Back and forth we go. You are just attempting to only allow those that agree with you rather than seeing opposing views.

    Now, I do admit this post is a derailment form the initial topic, and as such, I will refrain from any further posting in here. I've said what I wanted, so I will leave it at that.

    Also... Learn to edit posts. You have double and triple posted several times in this thread alone.
  15. Megumin

    Megumin Guest

    +more damage to florans if you put knife into NPC's back
  16. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    Guys please keep this discussion civil. All thoughts are responded with other user's feedback. If you can't reply nice, there's no point in replying at all.

    ANYWAY back onto subject.

    I personally wouldn't have ANY racial differences whatsoever. Primarily because having positives and negatives about a race would then make some people choose races based on racial perks, as oppose to appearance.

    If races had bonuses then this would make opinions in what race is better. Whereas right now no race is best, as everyone has the same options.
  17. ComatosePhoenix

    ComatosePhoenix Phantasmal Quasar

    I understand the desire to keep races strictly aesthetic. But at the same time it feels like a wasted effort since most clothing options completely obscure the character's race anyway. Part of the reason to make this kind of change is to make the race more visible.
    Some of the changes I suggest wouldn't even have a noticeable effect on gameplay like altered sound effects.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
  18. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    By the way, I just realized: Novakids already have a different playing style, as the can only craft guns.
  19. ComatosePhoenix

    ComatosePhoenix Phantasmal Quasar

    Right time to try and write a list complete with pretty formatting and fancy labels.

    Human - I see human's as the "charismatic race" they were responsible for the protectorate and managed to unite several disparate races under a single banner. as a result human's get better prices at shops and random planet shops have a better chance of having rare items. They also get better prices for selling items. They are similarly skilled with tenents and crew.

    Human Charisma: 75% shop prices and 5% more pixels when selling items. Tennants can give 25-100% more rent.
    Natural leaders: Crew is better, able to deal more damage and take more hits. easier to recruit new crew members.

    Apex - Apex are the hardest for me to really come up with ideas for but being a genetically engineered race for perfection. A interesting thought was making them more internally efficient.

    Optimized genetics: food buffs, chemical steroids, and poison tick faster, this reduces the duration of effects without modifing the total healing / damage over time.
    Over-engineered: Hunger bar drains faster. say 5-10%
    Primal tenacity: if struck by an attack that would reduce you to below one health, your health is reduced to one instead.

    Avian - going to be honest, I don't really know avian lore. is Kluex even a good guy?

    Kluex's blessing: At any time an avian can say a prayer to Kluex for help, depending on the avian's actions/situation kluex may help, with a variety of divine intervention. restoring hunger, to the starving, curing the poisoned, smiting thy enemies, giving random buffs etc. Praying too frequently, killing avians, or pillageing avian artifacts reduces Kluex's disposition causing prayers to turn from beneficial to harmful. Kluex will always accept an avian back into the faith given enough time, altars, and sacrifices though.

    Hylotle - they are amphibious people, they live under water, even if they don't actually breath water they should get some benefit from living in it.

    Amphibious affinity: Instead of wetness slowing you down gain a 15% increased movement speed after taking a dip or when running through the rain.
    I have natural flippers: Your move through water as naturally as other creatures walk on land, you can even sprint and dash through the water
    Big Breaths: Your breath meter lasts twice as long as the other races.

    Floran - Natural hunters and scavangers with just a hint of magic Floran are more in tune with nature than any other race

    Plant Biology: Your hunger bar depletes much slower when exposed to sunlight, say 90% slower
    Natural hunter: ALL weapons are treated as hunting weapons, Killing an unsuspecting creature always drops meat/hunting related drops
    Natural Scavanger: Drop rates are increased for all non legendary drops (legendary drops are figures/boss drops)
    Greenfinger's blessing: plant's grow faster when your around. crops are more likely to drop multiple fruit/seeds

    Glitch - Glitch are drammatically different from the other races and as a result can really push the boundry of what can be done within lore and reason. however they are programmed to behave like an organic creature would. A lot of what a glitch does is because it is programmed to believe it has to do so. As a free glitch the player can somewhat recognize the truth of its existance and fight its programming to take advantage of its true form.

    Placebo effect: Glitch cannot starve to death. However they still suffer the movement speed debuff of low hunger unless they are actively fighting their programming.
    Poison ignorance: Poison doesn't affect the glitch, attacks that deal poison damage will not inflict the status condition.
    cold Resistance: while fighting their programming they can use the functions of their body to offset status conditions caused by the cold.
    It looks cool: Glitch explode on death dealing damage to anything nearby.
    Self Hacking: glitch have the ability to override their programming briefly giving them increased stats, resistance to status effects, and immunity to certain environments. the hack is only temporary as their programming will eventually reject the hack. Having more energy improves the duration of the hack. a glitch can only hack themselves in this way once a (insert unit of time)
    Glitch honesty: Glitch are not good at bargaining. (bluffing. I wouldn't pay more than 100 pixels). non glitch tenants will only pay the minimum pixel rent and non glitch wandering merchants will charge 25% more for items. (outpost prices are posted on signs so they can't really get away with that)
    robotic body: sound effects are more metal.

    NovaKid - Similar to the glitch novakids are REALLY different from the rest of the races. Their unique biology and western theme is easy to draw cool abilities out of.

    Sunny Personality: Novakid's constantly illuminate the area around them on par with a torch or other basic illumination item.
    Walking Sun: Novakids cannot be set on fire
    Sun's are hot: Novakids are not affected by extreme heat.
    Still a sun:Sun's are not affected by radiation
    Supernova: Novakids explode in a fiery eruption like a Molotov on death.
    Help I'm on water: Novakids drown very quickly release large amounts of bubbles when immersed in liquid.

    Gunslinger: Novakids do not have cooldown when switching weapons
  20. The MechE

    The MechE Existential Complex

    It's an armor. They already fly through space in the space ship. It doesn't make sense for them NOT to be interested in building something like that. Think about it.

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