Dev Blog Quest Friends Forever

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Just now I had one felin tenant ask me to escort them to a floran merchant that wasn't there before to buy a thing for another tenant. They had a short conversation when we got there, and I was given an owl clock to hold onto. Escort them back to the colony, to the other felin tenant's house, who asked me to put the clock somewhere nice.

    I never had that quest type before :3
    Axe Garian likes this.
  2. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    At least it wasn't one of those ridiculous Avian Emblems... you know the HUGE 12x12 (I think?) ones that will never fit in any sane person's house?

    I've had an avian tenant request one of those before and I was like "dude, where do you expect me to PUT that thing!?"
  3. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    I was referring to Hylotls that would give me any Quest NOT Farming, making food, giving food.


    Planet: Sadalbari Order V

    X: -757020601

    Y: -718784815

    From Beam Down Point, head right. :)
  4. Bahroth

    Bahroth Star Wrangler

    Personally after doing a character through the game once and starting another I have learned these few cheeses/tricks.

    Abandon food related quests after getting the seeds, MY FOOD NOW MUAHHHAHA *cough* Saves having to get some rarer food types, and helps you stockpile on foods as seed rates are somewhat poor for expecting some sort of gain in the end.

    Never smelt all your ore. The "Get 2-4 of these and come back and make ingots" become a one stop mission and you can complete most in less than 30 seconds, unless the want fabric then... almost the same situation. These missions are definitely the ones I farm the most.

    Settlement quests stack so, you could get a "Make an Apex room" on planet X, and another for an Avian on planet Y, its possible to make a room on your ship and just swap out the furniture for spammy bags.

    Unless you are a tier or two above the planet, bandits are almost not worth the trouble. That is unless you have a guided rocket.
    Unfortunately I never knew you could hire bad guys form these missions because of my no survivors/witnesses policy.

    I would say the current system is nice, but I would like to see some more exotic seed quests later on *cough* Neon Melon *cough*
    and perhaps a few throwbacks to the bugcatching outpost mission.
    Definitely looking forward to what you guys have in store.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Well, if I play a Hylotl at some point, I know where I'm setting up my home. That place was gorgeous.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  6. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    I'm surprised I haven't ever yet got any "Kill Bandits roaming this spot" Quests considering Places of Interest with Bandits already in them are already Generating anyway... possibly even near Civilians in their Hermit Underground House.

    Also where I caught me a...:

    Adult Poptop! :love:
    Mooncalf99 likes this.
  7. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Strange, because those crop up everywhere for me save for in my moon base (because moons don't have Places of Interest, I guess). At one point, I got three quests simultaneously at a place a stone's throw from my settlement: group of cannibals, group of Miniknog scientists, and an outlaw. I kept having to retreat so much, I finally defeated the outlaw inside the barn on the edge of the settlement. And then he surrendered and said he's hiding from people. So I let him hide out in my barn, because it just seems so fitting.

    Sweet! Poptops are the greatest. After I read the original contest entry and found out that they're plants, I had to have one as a pet for my Floran. So adorable. And bloodthirsty. Adorabloodthirsty.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  8. Arkefyre

    Arkefyre Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome. I've been following and playing this game for years, and the quest system with permanent effects is one of the most exciting parts of the full release for me. I am thoroughly enjoying it.
  9. emeraldgreen72

    emeraldgreen72 Phantasmal Quasar

    My experience with NPC quests is this

    "Can you find me this material so I can craft something" then I get the stuff
    "Okey now go to the other side of the map and give this stuff to this other guy" ....fine "now that it's all crafting I'm gonna put on a mask/hat that looks stupid also can I join your crew?" image.png
    Jareix Cryvix and Axe Garian like this.
  10. Bahroth

    Bahroth Star Wrangler

    And that is a good ending :mwahaha:

    ...depending what role they are though. :lickitung:
  11. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    This is why I only do quests in my moon base. They can't tell you "Go to this guy at [certain place of interest]" if no places of interest exists - only endless dust and meteors. So they keep it to "the guy two rooms over", which is so much easier on the shoe leather.

    Alternatively, it's "the guy standing two feet to my left". I get quests to deliver parcels they could deliver just by extending their arms a little. But as long as they pay well...
    Axe Garian and Jareix Cryvix like this.
  12. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    I'd rather do that than the "CAN YOU GROW THIS FOR ME!?"

    I'm like "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" because, yanno, it takes 30+ minutes to grow most plants.

    That, or if I'm desperate for quests, I'll just /spawnitem the stupid food.
  13. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    This is why I have my ridonkulously extensive off-world garden where I plant every seed I find. I can just teleport over, grab what I need, and get back.

    "I need you to grow this sugarcane and pearlpea--"
    "Got it." [vanishes in a flash of light, reappears thirty seconds later] "Here you go."
    "That was quick! Now, you need to cook--"
    "--Pearlpea jam? Already done. Here you go!"
    "How did you--"
    "--Know what you needed? It's the only thing you can make with this."
    "Surely I'm not--"
    "--Incredibly predictable? Oh yes, you are. Shall I deliver it to the guy you have a crush on, who's incidentally standing behind you and admiring the furniture and you could probably take it to him yourself, or can we skip to the bit where you pay me?"
  14. Denny Davito

    Denny Davito Space Hobo

    This turned out horribly, never has something in post been so unlimited yet feelt so limited.

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