PvP Customisation ideas: Add your ideas to make PvP the way YOU would like to to be!

Discussion in 'Other' started by Earic Lodger, Mar 5, 2012.


Yes, No, Maybe?

  1. Yes, i think your ideas are good and should be added

    0 vote(s)
  2. No, i think your ideas are terrible and should be set on fire, like Terraria. I also hate sunshine.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Maybe. Some good ideas, but needs to thought through more.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    So, here i am thinking about PvP (Hence title) and thinking "Hm. You know what, i wonder just how customisable PvP will be" Because, the thing is no matter how good the game itself is people will always cry out for something different in the game itself if you understand what i mean. (If you don't know what i mean, i'm trying to say that people want different things to do rather than having to do the same thing over and over, it's why Custom Games in Halo Reach is so popular, so many people want their moneys worth that they will get custom gametypes to expand the length of the game). And i got to thinking; what zany, crazy, and downright awesome ideas could the community on this forum come up with? Well guys, (or girls) post your ideas in this thread please, and if there good enough and enough people like it (Mostly me and one other), i will add it. I also plan to stucture my ideas this way:
    • Bulletpoints​
    Simple right?
    Let's start simple:
    PvE: Now i know what you're thinking, "What? Didn't you just say this thread was about PvP a second ago"? Well yes, it is, but PvE means "Player vs Environement" (Or something like that) so i mean in the middle of a PvP game, how about an Alien Invasion? Or a swarm of monsters randomly come out to attack the team with the highest score? Or how about the losing team gets an obitial bombardment that they can use on the enemy team? (It would last only until the losing team was even with enemy team, so it could potentially save your team from losing) Really all the kinds of things that could just-so-conviently-happen is without-end (Endless).
    • Enemies unleashed at certain times of a match against the winning team to help the other team IE if Red team is beating Blue team (And no i don't mean Redigit beating the crap out of Blue and Tiy, although that would be funny "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME BLUUUUUUUE!?!?!" hahahahahaha, i'm just a psychopath like that :) ) by say 20 points (This is assuming that they will run of a Point basis) then a threat level 50 swarm of enemies, such as an alien invasion would come and attack Red team and help out Blue team. Though through extension that means Russia, Britain, Germany...... Nah not gonna go there :p There will of course be options to turn this off so this idea is entirely optional.
    • One thing i had been thinking about just for kicks was maybe a one-sided mode, where one character, at endgame, go up against a team of begin-game tier players with the worst weapon in the game (Here's hoping that they make the Copper Shortsword the worst weapon in the game as a joke) Think fatboy from Halo infection, and you wouldn't be far off.
    Handi-caps: Yes i know, i know, basic, but gotta start from somewhere right? Well, the very basic ones are damage multiplyers (Whether negative or positive), and health modifyers (Whether negative or positive). Sure there are about a bazillion other ways to disable your opponent(s) but i think for the sake of time i will just list these 2.
    • A damage modifyer that makes you one-shot opponents but you also die in one hit
    • A damage modifyer that makes you do no damage to opponents so you have to use other means to kill them, such as traps (A game of Whodunnit anyone?) and other things that may kill your opponent.
    • A health modifyer that makes you near indestructable BUT makes you move more slowly and do less damage. It could infact be something you could inflict opon your enemies if they are winning a game of capture the flag, and would only last about 10 seconds, just enough for your team to take the flag from the enemie base and make a small amount of ground away from the base.
    That's about as far i thought into this guys (or girls) so please respond incase of any spelling mistakes or if you have a idea of what should be incorporated.

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