Modding Help Perhaps a dumb mistake- But I'm getting a headache.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by NewAgeOfPower, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. NewAgeOfPower

    NewAgeOfPower Space Hobo

    So, I tried to make a certain legendary weapon craftable since I've heard some other modder start with that.

    First boot- fail to load; stuck on loading.
    Reboot computer, I get a Perfectly Generic Item recipe.
    Third boot, recipe vanishes from my menu... Lovely.

      "input" : [
        { "item" : "torch", "count" : 1 }
        { "item" : "plantfibre", "count" : 4 },
        { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 1 }
      "output" : {
        "item" : "starcleaversword",
        "count" : 1
      "groups" : [ "plain", "all", "other" ]
    and yeah, I added

          { "item" : "starcleaversword" },
    to the player config.
  2. kieve

    kieve Intergalactic Tourist

     { "item" : "torch", "count" : 1 }
    should have a comma at the end of the line.
    Make sure the last item in the player config tier list DOESN'T have a comma. Yeah. It's super picky.
    "tier1" : [
          { "item" : "..." },
          { "item" : "..." },
          { "item" : "..." },
          { "item" : "..." }
  3. NewAgeOfPower

    NewAgeOfPower Space Hobo

    You stalker. :D

    Love you Kieve!

    Still doesn't work. : [
  4. Russy

    Russy Pangalactic Porcupine

    The line ("groups" : [ "plain", "all", "other" ]) shouldn't it be "groups" : [ "anvil", "weapons", "all" ]

    I'm not sure if that would affect it

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