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Not sure how to fix this...

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Budd, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Budd

    Budd Intergalactic Tourist

    I hadn't played Starbound in a while, so I decided to boot it up since I heard about the new updates, it crashed, I thought it had something to do with my mods, such as Frackin Universe, because I remembered something about needing to reinstall Starbound to get a normal game again. Anyhow, I uninstalled starbound, then reinstalled it, and I kept getting this error message on Steam: http://prntscr.com/dmnfbm (sorry, couldn't copy-paste the error), so I looked in the game files, and it kept saying access denied for a lot of the files, including the ones in the screenshot, is there any way to fix this? I really love Starbound, I have 199 hours (probably closer to 200 though) and I want to see all the cool new stuff added in 1.2. Thank you!
  2. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Seems to be more likely a steam issue here. I'd recommend contacting the steam support instead.

    ~ Iris ~
  3. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Restart your computer. Once you start back up, immediately go and manually delete the starbound folder. If something is locking up the files, this should get it before they can be locked up again.

    If this doesnt work and files are still being locked up, you can give this program a try: http://lockhunter.com/

    It can try and force unlock files and allow them to be deleted.

    From there, you can try installing again.

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