Modding Discussion Need some volunteers to watch a video for corrections.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by The | Suit, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I am redoing my old Video Tutorial series and I just want to double check for mistakes before publishing it.
    This is only Part 1 of the video, Part 2 and Part 3 will be added in the future to this post when ready.

    If you see any mistake please provide
    Time Code - Then the Mistake - so I can easily find it.

    Also please provide any useful feedback you feel, such as legibility of the font used, music, if some explanations are too vague.

    Version 1.

    Version 2. includes Corrections to Part 1 as well as the Total of Part 2, part 3 will finish it with exaplantion of frames file + packaging and distribution.

    So finally was able to finish it, thanks for all the help.

    version 3.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
    Cyel and IHart like this.
  2. IHart

    IHart Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    specify this is a windows tutorial
    the image padding hurts and makes the text start to be illegible at 480p
    0: 32- music began, gouged out own ears.
    0: 42- i feel like ctr-h is the better strategy to advertise for toggling hidden.
    The | Suit likes this.
  3. Cyel

    Cyel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Minor details:
    - The text tooltip says to create a "unpacker.bat" but you name it "unpacked.bat"
    - "What ever is capital keep capital" seems sloppy to me, I'd go for "Capitalization should be exactly the same" but that's MyOpinion.jpg
    - The black minute at the end bugs me, I think you should instead make a fadeout for the music rather than just wait for it to finish

    Less minor stuff:
    I think that the .bat file shouldn't contain the echo lines, as this kind of information is better suited on the video guide itself. It adds unnecessary lines that users will have to retype, panicking over the warnings that capitals and newlines are important, just to be told that those 2 first lines were basically useless.

    The code itself should be given in the description for easy copy-paste, with a placeholder for the assets.pak location.

    Given all the free space, maybe you should use a bigger font for the code editor too, to make it more lisible when not in fullscreen, and if possible, zoom on the concerned windows?

    You're also using a pretty specific windows setting (the selection boxes thingy instead of double-clic), that might confuse some people?

    Otherwise, it's pretty neat!

    Edit: Oh, you should also mention that all the assets file with an "unknown" extension are to be opened with a text editor. By default, they aren't linked to any software and windows will ask what to open it with.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
    The | Suit likes this.
  4. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I don't think Control H is for File Extensions.
    Also I will see if I can do a fade in for the audio at a lower amplitude.

    There will be example files which can be downloaded, they just aren't completely ready yet.
    You are right about the Capitalization part, i will change it up for the next version when part 2 is added.
    I think the ECHO Lines are important as I noted that for a really common mistake new users make closing the window too early.
    The black minute in the end is actually just a place holder for part 2. There is more content to the video but I am just doing it piece meal. Making changes when the full video is out is more harder than when making changes in parts - since everything has to deal with individual timings.
    Cyel likes this.
  5. Cyel

    Cyel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's probably a mistake people would do in front of a apparently-empty terminal running some code they've copy-pasted out of a textual tutorial, but I'd doubt it's something they'd do if they can see on a video that it just needs time, but I have no experience with teaching newbies about that, so I guess better safe than sorry.

    I thought it was a multiple videos tutorial instead of everything in one video, my bad about the black part.

    (I'm editing my posts too much) When you were writing your answer, I added: "Oh, you should also mention that all the assets file with an "unknown" extension are to be opened with a text editor. By default, they aren't linked to any software and windows will ask what to open it with."
  6. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I uploaded version 2, which includes part 2.
    I wanted to do a single large video that explains everything - so people can learn basic modding and not have to really hunt for the other parts.
  7. Cyel

    Cyel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well links and playlists exist, but I see the logic

    I think you should mention that it's a mod tutorial to add a basic decoration object; while it tours them to the basics of modding, some people might be searching to add / modify something else.

    • At 5:\38, "An easy way to remember it is if the game uses the parameter "name" in the suffix it is designated for the game and needs to be unique!" while this is meaningful it took me too long to understand. Maybe something more like "is if the value's name is suffixed by "name""?
    • At 6:\39 you wrote "description of objcet" (d e t a i l s)
    • At 8:53: "In a future note, when you "learn" a recipe, you learn all recipes with that same output. So simply changing the recipe file name won't let you unlock the recipes at different times." This sentence confused me too. "In a future note"? "So simply changing the recipe file name won't let you unlock the recipes at different times."?
    • When you're editing the item file, maybe talk / mention infos about JSON's syntax (at least "strings", [arrays] and {objects}), add a reference to a JSON validator tool ( ?), and maybe talk about what's in ?
    • While you do mention at a later time that admin gives access to all crafting recipes, I think it'd be important to mention it when you talk about it the first time; and/or mention why you're going into admin mode.
    • For people who aren't using the same text editor as you, mention other tools to search strings in files, like Agent Ransack, Astrogrep, and [URL=']more[/URL]?
    • At 12:17, I think you should explain more how a patch's written - what is "op" (and quickly mention other operations), what is "path" (and the importance of the - at the end, which means "at the end of the list")

    ^All of this might make it less "lightweight" of a tutorial, but I think that these informations are important for them to understand what they're doing. Or you could maybe just add it in a "links for more / tools" list in the description? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Some of the most common editors include Internal File Searches such as,
    Ultra Edit Pro.

    All of them use the default Control + Shift + F

    As for JSON patching - I will be linking my JSON patching tutorial in the description.

    Which is reasonably indepth as it is.

    As for the rest I will look into correcting them tonight.
    I am hoping in part 3 to go a bit more indepth into frames - since it will be important to beginner modders to understand the parameters.

    Thanks for the help.
  9. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    So the lastish version is finally up and public.
    There is one small mistake It says Part 2 twice, when I meant to write 3.
    But a 20 minutes to render and 20 minutes to upload and process such a mistake doesn't seem justified to correct.
  10. Cyel

    Cyel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you're still looking for corrections:
    5: 22 "Also using the initials of your mods name is a prefix" -> "as a prefix"?
    5: 38 "if the suffix is "name"" -> "if the parameter's suffix is "name"" ?
    6: 02 "Though in this tutorial I won't." you do tho
    9: 53 You didn't mention that quests too can teach recipes
    16: 08 That's not really SuperUsefulTM but might I recommend another image viewer than window's default, eg. ImageGlass? For crispy pixel-art
    About the steam uploader tool, maybe you should mention that it doesn't let you set a "includes" field and that, if using another mod's thingies, you'd need to manually add it?
    Since you went and explained frame files maybe you could've toured anchors too?

    Otherwise and again, it's great overall!
    The | Suit likes this.
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Thanks , ya there is going to be one more major correction I need to make again.

    Oh the pixel art really isn't important - it is just the size and being able to identify the object.
    Quests is too complicated of a subject for new users to grasp - so I avoided it.

    6 -> I was talking about naming the file also fm_test as well as the object name.
    file name is just test.
    Cyel likes this.
  12. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Ok - finally did the final corrections, and made all the fonts the same.
  13. Cyel

    Cyel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Decided to rewatch the whole thing and maybe not worth correcting but:
    3:58 reccomend
    4:55 assocaited
    11:00 "REGEX is" -> regexes are (regex is shorthand for "regular expression")
    14:17 Also since the rest[...] also. repetitions aaa
    You didn't mentionned it was a windows tutorial (although it mostly only concerns unpacking and upload tool)
    Maybe you should also mention to watch this video at a good resolution - Youtube decided to automatically downgrade quality for me and it was terrible to read)

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