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Resolved Mouse won't stop moving up

Discussion in 'Support' started by Kedd21, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. Kedd21

    Kedd21 Space Hobo

    So I actually had two bugs (I'll post about the other one after this), but they might be co-related. This was the first one. After fishing for the first time and catching the fish, my cursor wouldn't stop moving up by itself. I tried restarting the game and the main menu was fine, but once I loaded my save it wasn't.

    Sorry for a long-ish post but I'm tryna be as specific as possible. I really want this game to work again

    TL;DR: Mouse wont stop moving after fishing for the first time

    EDIT: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/crash-after-eating-algae.107000/ the link to the second bug/crash
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
    • Kedd21

      Kedd21 Space Hobo

      I fixed this one, turns out I kicked my controller over which was plugged into my PC lol.
        WHATGOESINTHEBOX likes this.


        Thank you, can't believe how long I spent trying to figure this one out

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