Modding Help Mod wont load, Details in post

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by zilten, May 24, 2016.

  1. zilten

    zilten Void-Bound Voyager

    Heya there! Im making a custom mod and im having touble getting it to load. This is the error message:
    Fatal Exception caught: (StarException) An error occurred during loading: (AssetException) Error loading asset /species/myrace.species

    And this is the contents of the file in question:

    "kind" : "myrace",
    "nameGen" : [ "/species/myracenamegen.config:names", "/species/myracenamegen.config:names" ],
    "ouchNoises" : [ "/sfx/humanoid/humanhurt_male1.wav", "/sfx/humanoid/humanhurt_female1.wav" ],
    "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.wav", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.wav" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.wav", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.wav" ] ],
    "skull" : "/humanoid/myrace/dead.png",
    "defaultBlueprints" : {
    "tier1" : [
    { "item" : "humantier1hammer" },
    { "item" : "humantier1shortsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier1broadsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier1spear" },
    { "item" : "humantier1axe" },
    { "item" : "humantier1dagger" },
    { "item" : "humantier1head" },
    { "item" : "humantier1chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier1pants" },
    { "item" : "conceptchest" },
    { "item" : "conceptlegs" },
    { "item" : "coolchest" },
    { "item" : "coollegs" },
    { "item" : "sweatervestchest" },
    { "item" : "sweatervestlegs" },
    { "item" : "workoutchest" },
    { "item" : "workoutlegs" },

    { "item" : "flaghuman" },

    { "item" : "humantier2hammer" },
    { "item" : "humantier2shortsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier2broadsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier2spear" },
    { "item" : "humantier2axe" },
    { "item" : "humantier2dagger" },
    { "item" : "humantier2head" },
    { "item" : "humantier2chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier2pants" },

    { "item" : "humantier3head" },
    { "item" : "humantier3chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier3pants" },
    { "item" : "humantier3hammer" },
    { "item" : "humantier3shortsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier3broadsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier3spear" },
    { "item" : "humantier3axe" },
    { "item" : "humantier3dagger" },

    { "item" : "humantier4head" },
    { "item" : "humantier4chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier4pants" },
    { "item" : "humantier4hammer" },
    { "item" : "humantier4shortsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier4broadsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier4spear" },
    { "item" : "humantier4axe" },
    { "item" : "humantier4dagger" },

    { "item" : "humantier5head" },
    { "item" : "humantier5chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier5pants" },
    { "item" : "humantier5dagger" },

    { "item" : "humantier6head" },
    { "item" : "humantier6chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier6pants" },
    { "item" : "humantier6dagger" },

    { "item" : "humantier7head" },
    { "item" : "humantier7chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier7pants" },

    { "item" : "humantier8head" },
    { "item" : "humantier8chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier8pants" },
    { "item" : "humantier8hammer" },
    { "item" : "humantier8shortsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier8broadsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier8spear" },
    { "item" : "humantier8axe" },
    { "item" : "humantier8dagger" },

    { "item" : "humantier9head" },
    { "item" : "humantier9chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier9pants" },

    { "item" : "humantier10head" },
    { "item" : "humantier10chest" },
    { "item" : "humantier10pants" },
    { "item" : "humantier10hammer" },
    { "item" : "humantier10shortsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier10broadsword" },
    { "item" : "humantier10spear" },
    { "item" : "humantier10axe" },
    { "item" : "humantier10dagger" }
    "altOptionAsUndyColor" : true,
    "headOptionAsHairColor" : true,
    "altOptionAsHairColor" : true,
    "genders" : [
    "name" : "male",
    "image" : "/interface/title/male.png",
    "characterImage" : "/interface/title/humanmale.png",
    "hair" : [ "male1", "male2" ], // "hair2cut" "hair9cut",
    "shirt" : [ "workoutchest", "coolchest", "conceptchest", "sweatervestchest" ],
    "pants" : [ "workoutlegs", "coollegs", "conceptlegs", "sweatervestlegs" ],
    "facialHairGroup" : "",
    "facialHair" : [ ],
    "facialMaskGroup" : "",
    "facialMask" : [ ]
    "name" : "female",
    "image" : "/interface/title/female.png",
    "characterImage" : "/interface/title/humanfemale.png",
    "hair" : [ "fem1", "fem2" ], // "hair2cut" "hair9cut",
    "shirt" : [ "workoutchest", "coolchest", "conceptchest", "sweatervestchest" ],
    "pants" : [ "workoutlegs", "coollegs", "conceptlegs", "sweatervestlegs" ],
    "facialHairGroup" : "",
    "facialHair" : [ ],
    "facialMaskGroup" : "",
    "facialMask" : [ ]
    "bodyColor" : [
    { "ffe2c5" : "ab8c77", "ffc181" : "86644a", "d39c6c" : "684431", "c7815b" : "40271d" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "c5ad98", "ffc181" : "a47a59", "d39c6c" : "865d40", "c7815b" : "66412e" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "e1b98d", "ffc181" : "c88959", "d39c6c" : "9e6a4d", "c7815b" : "784930" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "c9b181", "ffc181" : "ac8348", "d39c6c" : "87633f", "c7815b" : "694c31" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "e8cebc", "ffc181" : "cfa97d", "d39c6c" : "ae774b", "c7815b" : "804e34" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "f4e0ba", "ffc181" : "e9b768", "d39c6c" : "c18f54", "c7815b" : "a2683d" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "ffe9d3", "ffc181" : "ffc181", "d39c6c" : "d39c6c", "c7815b" : "b97551" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "fbe1d4", "ffc181" : "f6baa2", "d39c6c" : "cc9582", "c7815b" : "ac7261" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "fff7ec", "ffc181" : "f9d3a9", "d39c6c" : "d3a57c", "c7815b" : "b37c5d" },
    { "ffe2c5" : "fff6f6", "ffc181" : "f7d5d3", "d39c6c" : "d1aaa1", "c7815b" : "a27f70" }
    "undyColor" : [
    { "dc1f00" : "4d76ad", "be1b00" : "395187", "951500" : "20325b" },
    { "dc1f00" : "7c41b8", "be1b00" : "6c2f90", "951500" : "471962" },
    { "dc1f00" : "c63442", "be1b00" : "9b2724", "951500" : "6a1210" },
    { "dc1f00" : "eaa245", "be1b00" : "b47020", "951500" : "834a0c" },
    { "dc1f00" : "e3e13a", "be1b00" : "a8a614", "951500" : "848008" },
    { "dc1f00" : "6ab841", "be1b00" : "45902f", "951500" : "296219" },
    { "dc1f00" : "535353", "be1b00" : "363636", "951500" : "111111" },
    { "dc1f00" : "e6e6e6", "be1b00" : "979797", "951500" : "6f6f6f" },
    { "dc1f00" : "9e9e9e", "be1b00" : "6e6e6e", "951500" : "434343" },
    { "dc1f00" : "f794f8", "be1b00" : "d355c1", "951500" : "b72c95" }
    "hairColor" : [
    { "d9c189" : "dc1f00", "a38d59" : "be1b00", "735e3a" : "951500" },
    { "d9c189" : "00bddc", "a38d59" : "00a3be", "735e3a" : "008095" },
    { "d9c189" : "003ddc", "a38d59" : "0034be", "735e3a" : "002995" },
    { "d9c189" : "dc9f00", "a38d59" : "be8a00", "735e3a" : "956c00" },
    { "d9c189" : "dc00c8", "a38d59" : "be00ad", "735e3a" : "950087" },
    { "d9c189" : "00dc14", "a38d59" : "00be12", "735e3a" : "00950e" },
    { "d9c189" : "00dc94", "a38d59" : "00be81", "735e3a" : "009565" },
    { "d9c189" : "dc0048", "a38d59" : "be003d", "735e3a" : "950030" },
    { "d9c189" : "7a779b", "a38d59" : "62607c", "735e3a" : "333241" },
    { "d9c189" : "f4f4f4", "a38d59" : "d6d6d6", "735e3a" : "adadad" },


    I know its something to do with Expecting 'STRING', got 'undefined' on line 107 and potentially 119 but I cant figure out what is wrong.
  2. TheWall

    TheWall Phantasmal Quasar

    According to JSONLint, it is either the comments (// "hair2cut"), or the trailing coma at the end of your hairColor array.

    "hairColor" : [
    { "d9c189" : "dc1f00", "a38d59" : "be1b00", "735e3a" : "951500" },
    { "d9c189" : "00bddc", "a38d59" : "00a3be", "735e3a" : "008095" },
    { "d9c189" : "003ddc", "a38d59" : "0034be", "735e3a" : "002995" },
    { "d9c189" : "dc9f00", "a38d59" : "be8a00", "735e3a" : "956c00" },
    { "d9c189" : "dc00c8", "a38d59" : "be00ad", "735e3a" : "950087" },
    { "d9c189" : "00dc14", "a38d59" : "00be12", "735e3a" : "00950e" },
    { "d9c189" : "00dc94", "a38d59" : "00be81", "735e3a" : "009565" },
    { "d9c189" : "dc0048", "a38d59" : "be003d", "735e3a" : "950030" },
    { "d9c189" : "7a779b", "a38d59" : "62607c", "735e3a" : "333241" },
    { "d9c189" : "f4f4f4", "a38d59" : "d6d6d6", "735e3a" : "adadad" },

    Last edited: May 25, 2016
    lazarus78 and The | Suit like this.
  3. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Starbound.log is a modders beat friend. Not transcribed error windows.
  4. zilten

    zilten Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah ha! Thank you! Though now im getting "Fatal exception caught: (StarException) An error occurred during loading: (JsonException) No such key in Json::get("portraitFrames")". I have checked the log, and checked files and other mods for the problem or missing files but there is nothing to be reaped. Any other help I could recieve? Thanks for being a huge help!
  5. TheWall

    TheWall Phantasmal Quasar

    This error seems to be referring to the ai.config file. Around line 71 you will find something like:

     "species" : {
        "apex" : {
          "aiFrames" : "apexAi.png",
          "portraitFrames" : "portraits/apexportrait.png",
          "staticFrames" : "staticApex.png",
    If you did not add an entry (using patching) for your race, it will error out when it goes to look for it. This is probably the SAIL AI used in the player's ship, so you will need to also add these portrait images and frames.
  6. TheWall

    TheWall Phantasmal Quasar

  7. zilten

    zilten Void-Bound Voyager

    Its working all fine now! Thanks for everything! Now, if only I could get conveyor belts into my mod...

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