Race Meet the Parfelians

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Suika Ibuki, Dec 9, 2012.

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  1. I'm not too sure about it myself, since I'm not very much of a politics kind of person. Though my gut tells me it looks like some kind of monarchistic sort of government. I really don't know though.

    I don't think it would mean much directly, though it could be similar to humans wherein older people tend to have more experience in life in general. Older suits are vintage and really "expansive" however.

    They normally just trade with those they recognize and trust. Humans and possibly* Hylotls, for example, are people they would most likely trade with. Normally, they wouldn't have thought of humans as a trusted species had they not helped the Parfelians create their suit. Florans, and Avians are likely the race they will never ever trade with, due to them both looking like scary predators and the lack of tech. They have a natural distaste for Apex, they can never coexist together.**
    In short, their trades depend on trust.

    *May change when the "Meet the Hylotl" is released
    ** It's kind of like how two positive charges negate each other, unless a certain something is applied, which I don't know of. Yet.
    blind sniper likes this.
  2. Tails7712

    Tails7712 Spaceman Spiff

    A good idea for a government leader could be a suit with multiple domes,which holds the advisors or helpers,or maybe even other leaders if it is an oligarchy.
  3. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Steampunk kittens?!
    That's... great!
  4. Brilliant!:idea:
    Multihead Super-Kitten MegaBoss!:mwahaha:
  5. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    Now, I have a few questions.
    Wouldn't it be easy for they to be killed? Its glass, so....one shot, and bam, big problems.
    What does the suit run on? How does it stay running? If it ran out of power, would it just stop, and fall over or something?
    And, lastly, Does the suit have a computer IN IT? Like, an AI, or the equivalent of a desktop computer?

  6. Try to shoot yourself in the head. Don't do it. One shot, bam, big problems. That's an equivalent.
    It runs on steam. It is unable to run out of power, gameplay-wise.

    And no, it's not glass.
  7. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    I see.......What is it made of, then? I assume a see though metal? if so, They have proven to be some clever kitties.

    *looks at own cat* WHY CAN'T YOU BE LIKE THIS!?
  8. Could be plastic, or polished crystal.
  9. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    Crystal, most likely.
  10. It's made of compressed smelted retinium, which is an alternative source of glass.
    blind sniper and Mokunen like this.
  11. Bolt

    Bolt Cosmic Narwhal

    Looks awesome as always Suika Ibuki.
  12. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

  13. Kab

    Kab Space Spelunker

    My knowledge of politics is severely limited aswel, however I can't help but find myself intrigued as to how this race is governed and how their society runs.

    Taking your initial post and response to my queries into account I have thought of the following:

    On Government:
    The Parfelians are ruled by monarchs, they have always been led by the royal bloodline, even before they gained their suits. It is said that those of royal descent were the strongest and most intelligent of their kind, respected for their wisdom, and sought out for their guidance.
    The Parfelians were never a numerous lot, their numbers were only in the tens of thousands before the arrival of the other races and their innovations, but after they came, that soon changed. The increased mobility gained from the suits allowed the Parfelians to populate more of their planet, and their numbers increased dramatically.
    By law every citizen can request an audience with their King or Queen and have their request or problems heard. However, with the increase in population there also came a fundamental change, whereas previously every Parfelian citizen lived in the relative vicinity of their rulers, they now populate the entirety of their planet, creating a much larger distance to be traversed should a citizen seek guidance or aid, causing many to not undertake these journeys. It has come to the stage where the monarchy is questioned for its wisdom by those who live far away.
    While the monarchy governs the lands, sets laws and keeps the peace, with the recent expansion they are taxed to ensure the safety of their citizens across the lands. With the recent expansions though they are hard pressed .This has lead to the situation the Parfelians find themselves in today. Across the planet small settlements are confronted with the monarchy's apparent ineptness, secluded settlements are being raided by bandits (could be alien), and the monarchy is seemingly unable to stop them. Instead Overlords are installed to govern in the monarchy's absence. (Inspiration for this came from the "Support the Feline UpRising, Support Your Feline Overlords.") The Overlords seem to genuinely care for their fellow Parfelians however and are seen working together to ensure the safety and peace of their lands. While they do not own it, they take responsibility for those that now look to them for guidance.
    At present all of this is happening peacefully, the monarchy are afraid however that this will not last, they are even fearful that there may be some darker nefarious purpose behind all of this, but as of yet have no evidence towards any of this.

    (it can go either way, utopian form of small communities working together to pick up where the monarchy at present cannot be, or it can be a seedier darker nefarious plot by some group of disgruntled Parfelians (or maybe even humans) trying to get back at the monarchy)

    I dunno, what do you guys think? Kinda wanted to give them the potential for a slightly dark twist it's just an idea though, don't tell anyone :X
    Suika Ibuki likes this.
  14. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    Perhaps one of the overlords convinces his area's population that HE/SHE should be the king/queen. So, that area would become a rebel group, and war would begin.
  15. Kistaria Prime

    Kistaria Prime Cosmic Narwhal

    Definitely a race that I could see being as delightful. Praise be the kitten overlords, as long as they don't chew me I might make an exception and get quality Emperium Catnip for them...
  16. Duke

    Duke Big Damn Hero

    This is ridiculously adorable! D:

    I back this one-hundred percent!
  17. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    except that stuff is SO hard to find these days........shame, I had some once. even tastes good to us robots.
  18. Яetrospekt

    Яetrospekt Pangalactic Porcupine

    I agree.

  19. Chaell

    Chaell Aquatic Astronaut

    If only reddit knew of this...
    Duke likes this.
  20. Duke

    Duke Big Damn Hero

    That's a dangerous thought, Chaell.
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