REQUEST MC with portrait?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by shashama, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. shashama

    shashama Orbital Explorer

    HI! I was thinking that the personage we play can have a portrait to... more inmersive ya know? like that you chose a portrait that looks like the mc you created ^^ and if possible that the mc can answer with text too...
    • asdasdgfrw

      asdasdgfrw Title Not Found

      It could be pretty fun if there was a player portrait in your inventory. Making it match the sprite is obviously too much work that would break the moment you mod anything regarding the player, but it could work if it just loaded the png from the mod folder, I guess?
      • shashama

        shashama Orbital Explorer

        yeah that's what I was saying, you personalice your character to make it look like the image you chosed, would someone interesed in do this mod..?

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