WIP Making an NPC Mod

Discussion in 'Mods' started by sheetcakeghost, May 23, 2016.

  1. foghorn

    foghorn Pangalactic Porcupine

    I will see a guy with pink hair named 'Toine walking around Pelican Town soon.

    (Go back and read that again)

    Fleshed out his backstory yet? Any Stevie Wonder-sized skeletons?
    • sheetcakeghost

      sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

      HAHA! Well right now his backstory is that he moved to the country because his old, fat cat was getting sick living in the city. His mother is "Japanese" (he never actually says where she's from, only that she isn't from the republic, but she made him treats like Taiyaki so you can make assumptions) and she taught him how to bake.
      • sheetcakeghost

        sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

        I was feeling a bit restless so I redrew the cat. I couldn't make a full sprite sheet of the girl, but she looks pretty fluffy and fat to me.
        [​IMG] [​IMG]
        • taintedwheat

          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

          Awwww too cute.

          I am so happy for you with all the work done! I cant wait to get up to your level of w.i.p. !
          I think I need to take some of sebs sprites for mine haha x.x

          Lolol I thought about drawing at least rose and ivy interacting because i like that they have plant names and the possible sister act. Oooh sister team vs haley and emily sister team
          • Taerie

            Taerie 2.7182818284590...

            He looks so cute /and/ he bakes /and/ he's a cat person! The man for me.
              sheetcakeghost and Alkanthe like this.
            • sheetcakeghost

              sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

              Well me developing Rose is on the backburner to getting Antoine here done. I'm getting closer to needing to do the DLL required bits, which I'm not capable of doing due to not having an editor for it. Oh, and tainted, have you run me joining in on the group NPC shop keeper mod you mentioned by the others in the group yet? I'd like to know how I should be designing the shop exterior and for what kind of space.
                Alkanthe and taintedwheat like this.
              • taintedwheat

                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                I feels it, and yes I have. Although the area won't start until the other map stuff for the farm is done for smapi.

                Maybe I should like set up a little checklist and what to do /and be done to be handed off to jinx and advise. They'd probably take that info, tilesheets (i think we should have two [one for interriors, another for exterior] town interrior sized ones for all of this + towninteriors would be big enough you think for everything or one more?) and get the .dll ready and what not and then let us edit it.

                I did mention intially Id like the some of them to actually have store fronts you warp inside when touching door, too.
                • sheetcakeghost

                  sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                  Alright. I'm still in the process of doing the art for both of those, but I agree. Two sheets should be enough. Then there would be two to three sheets for each character. (Portrait sheet and possibly two character sprite sheets if you want them to alternate between clothing like I'm considering with Antoine.)

                  What kind of area did we want to use for it? Somewhere just off town? On the secret beach? In the secret woods? In Cindersnap Woods? Maybe an area off to the right of Joja? Or north of Joja? Depending on what we decide on that'll determine how the buildings look. Or if they have a stand set up or something. I'm looking forward to helping put that map together, tbh.
                    taintedwheat likes this.
                  • sheetcakeghost

                    sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                    Okay, got some of the items he's gonna sell made.
                    Obviously a bunch of these need touch up. Also, you probably recognize the items from the game, and the ones from Kirby games, but the ones you don't likely recognize are from World 2 of Do Re Mi Fanasy.
                      IronZelly and Alkanthe like this.
                    • Ribbonain

                      Ribbonain Pangalactic Porcupine

                      what type background is that is a that a program? I found these http://neoriceisgood.deviantart.com/art/100-Food-sprites-348664936/
                        Last edited: May 28, 2016
                      • sheetcakeghost

                        sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                        The background in the images? That's photoshop. I have the grid on and my transparency is set to blue and white.

                        Also those are super cute! Though I'm mostly just stealing from SNES games. I'd rather not use someone's personal sprite art for the mod since there would be almost no way to credit them for the art in game.
                          Alkanthe likes this.
                        • AfrokingJ

                          AfrokingJ Pangalactic Porcupine

                          I've been working on an full conversion of Stardew Valley with darker issues [though not without comedy Emily is now a Druggie who is constantly high] and modified events. I noticed the sweet shop. Now sure i'd love to make or have custom NPCs made and i'm more then willing to write dialogue for them and even write events though figuring out the exact way to do some is a bit of a challenge. But what interests me most is the sweet shop. Because if it can be made. Then someone can make an Inn where NPCs can live and thus you can end up having eight or 9 different Custom NPCs living in the valley each with their own room at the Inn. We could have friends for Jas and Vincent so they aren't the only kids in the Valley. Maybe even romantic interests for the loner NPCs. Maybe Willy's wife or Linus has a long lost daughter that's come to the valley looking for him. Innteresting.
                          • taintedwheat

                            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                            Yeah, I was thinking to the right of Joja or we talked about having the bustop road to the right lead to our place. It would be cool if either the joja mart was used and not just a dilapidated building after it gets shut down.

                            EDIT: actually, sheet you might be able to use that second link rib shared, its sprites originally found in maplestory
                            • sheetcakeghost

                              sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                              Are they? Hmm, the style doesn't 100% match, but I can adapt that easy enough.

                              Let's see, the bus stop road (I'm assuming you mean the area to the left of the bus stop) does have a lot of empty space, plus it'd make sense that there might be shops set up there, but it also might feel separate from the town.

                              It would be cool if we could re-purpose Joja but that would mean the player would have to complete the community center first. d:

                              I think setting the area up to the right of Joja mart might be the best call here. They could still feel like a part of the town while being an area that we'd have complete visual control over. We could even put, say, a rock or stump in the path to it so the player can "unlock" it. (Something the NPCs could all mention during the introduction dialog. Maybe even bicker over in an event.)
                              • sheetcakeghost

                                sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                                Yeah, if this works out then it'd be possible to do that stuff. Which would really help make Pelican Town feel more full of life and opportunities.
                                  Alkanthe likes this.
                                • taintedwheat

                                  taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                  Lolol i know but its such an eyesore, both of them are when they're shut down xD

                                  But ah, I didn't think about that, I think that would be cool. I'm down with that.

                                  Maybe the opening intro scene is Haley getting excited to go shopping?
                                  • Ribbonain

                                    Ribbonain Pangalactic Porcupine

                                    As long as link was in the mods description when its released :eek: thats credit right to them. I made sure they were both free to use as long it wasnt commercial like your selling this mod the other is from a game online Nexon.
                                      sheetcakeghost and Alkanthe like this.
                                    • sheetcakeghost

                                      sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                                      I might use the first link (the second doesn't fit on a 16x16 grid) but I've got a lot of items going atm. Thanks for the help though!

                                      Yeah, I'd be down for an opening scene. Ha ha, poor custom villagers though. Cut off from the town because of some rocks all because no one in there had a good pick axe. Ha ha!
                                        Alkanthe likes this.
                                      • Ribbonain

                                        Ribbonain Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      • sheetcakeghost

                                        sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                                        Aw, thanks for the links! I'll sort through them when I get the chance. Right now I'm thinking about map stuff and don't have photoshop open anymore.

                                        So, I think I found an interesting place to put the path to Mod Square. See on the far right center of the image? It's kinda tucked out of the way and I figure we can block it with the fallen tree log. Then the farmer goes in to find two of the NPCs bickering about the fallen tree. The two NPCs fight over this a bit, ignoring the farmer, until another NPC rushes in with a chainsaw to deal with that tree once in for all (Clint has a chainsaw on his sprite that we can adapt). The third NPC then stops short of the farmer and everyone realizes someone dealt with the tree for them.

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