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Modded Maka Soul's Starbound

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by makasouleater69, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. NewMilenium

    NewMilenium Void-Bound Voyager

    8 days later : damn, this doesn't sound good. I hope he's fine. And I hope I'll get at least to retrieve at some point my hard work on the server. I made a base that was awesome...
  2. NewMilenium

    NewMilenium Void-Bound Voyager

    The base I did on that server. And I even think it is a bit small, I could use more space to put decorative things, here is almost only functional :

  3. Sir Blargh

    Sir Blargh Void-Bound Voyager

    Hellllllo, i would like to join and just wander, is spawning in items not allowed on this server? i have a character who is decked out from survival, and i dont know if i should use him or a cheat character? Please reply soon.
  4. Dekadrachm

    Dekadrachm Heliosphere

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