Keys binding

Discussion in 'Other' started by lousebi, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. lousebi

    lousebi Lucky Number 13

    I tried to play the game (i'm left handed) and even if it's a beta, i thought i would find this option.
    For people with disabilities, for left handed, for comfort, it's a must have in a PC game.

    Could you please try to implement this quickly?
    Lachee, N.R.Gunne, brut and 14 others like this.
  2. Fhqwhgod

    Fhqwhgod Orbital Explorer

    I had the same problem in Wanderlust which is collecting dust in my "never touch this again" Steam section. Please let us rebind the keys.
    I never have and I never will play a game with WSAD controls.
    jamestomasino and Ejraiel like this.
  3. Ninjassassin509

    Ninjassassin509 Poptop Tamer

    I agree with this completely. Being a lefty, it is excruciatingly difficult and off-putting to try to play a game using the right-handed controls. Please implement key binding customization ASAP!
    Fhqwhgod and Ejraiel like this.
  4. Calimsha

    Calimsha Seal Broken

    Gonna second this (third) thread about key mapping. Autokey doesn't seems to work properly with Starbound so we can't even remap with a third party program.
    Fhqwhgod and Ejraiel like this.
  5. Quilivi

    Quilivi Orbital Explorer

    Here here. I can't use the WASD layout comfortably, and it really does hinder my enjoyment of the game.
    Fhqwhgod and Ejraiel like this.
  6. Hostik

    Hostik Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I can't use inventory on "i", need to rebind it to "v".
    And a bunch of other rebinds, so yeah...
    Gonzalord, Fhqwhgod and Ejraiel like this.
  7. Ejraiel

    Ejraiel Master Chief

    ALL of the above. (Including Wanderlust; I tried the tutorial, found out the controls were unusable, and wished I could delete the game from my Steam inventory.)

    Such a basic, fundamental structure.

    There is no Options submenu, no alterable defaults in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\starbound.config", and AutoHotkey doesn't work for this specific executable, either.

    Very disappointed.

    Any OS should have full input configuration. (Keyboard layout, mouse handedness, etc.)

    Any program reliant on input that is not common to the OS(es) it runs on should have it's own built in configuration. (Hotkeys, movement / actions, etc.)

    User inputs are NOT all the same.

    Hopefully this is fixed soon.
    Gonzalord, lousebi and Fhqwhgod like this.
  8. Psykmoe

    Psykmoe Orbital Explorer

    I hope it's added soon but I don't know how realistic that hope is - when they first showed screenshots of the option menu (back in June?) people were already requesting a 'Controls' tab/subsection for it, and here we are in December with nothing.
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  9. Fhqwhgod

    Fhqwhgod Orbital Explorer

    WSAD might be the standard in games now but I cannot use it. But then again most games support changing controls in some way.
    Ejraiel likes this.
  10. Ejraiel

    Ejraiel Master Chief

    Well, they *are* quite busy.
    Could simply have been an oversight.

    (I'd say it could be a low priority, but yeah, you'd think they would have done it by now with all the content and laborious code already added.)

    They certainly seem to have UX / UI in mind, after all.
    Especially, for instance, this:

    We'll certainly see if / when a developer replies, or config options are added in an update. ;]
    Fhqwhgod likes this.
  11. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nthing this. It's quite the awkward setup for a poor lefty to use. Purty plurz?
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  12. Tikkamasala

    Tikkamasala Tentacle Wrangler

    Indeed, please add a config file (or just the necessary options in the starbound.config file) or an in-game menu to change the controls.
    With regards to Autohotkey. I am using it right now (just as i had to for the few programs that are good enough to warrant jumping through such hoops) and remapped wasd to qwed, etc. So it does work with Starbound; but with my settings it changes the keys for all programs and windows so i need to be extra careful when switching tasks. Annoying.
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  13. Hostik

    Hostik Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think they will add it regardless of this thread, because it's such a basic thing in every game. Would be really stupid if they thought people don't need it. :)
    Ejraiel, Fhqwhgod and Xron11 like this.
  14. EdgeOfThorns

    EdgeOfThorns Space Hobo

    I really hope this is implemented quickly. I never got into terraria, but this game just has a better overall premise to me....but I need to change keys for some things, its driving me nuts. I just hope this is implemented quickly as I really wont delve in until I can change the keys.
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  15. Xron11

    Xron11 Poptop Tamer

    YES just yes. As a left-Handed gamer myself this is a big issue and i'm hoping for a fix soon. Anyway Thanks 4 reading :)
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  16. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    +1 for the Keys Bindings !

    Really need to change many keys !
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  17. Bishop101

    Bishop101 Space Hobo

    Add my support to this thread. Quick accurate jumping is impossible with my pinky finger.
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  18. EdgeOfThorns

    EdgeOfThorns Space Hobo

    Yea I simply do not enjoy jumping with space. Id rather it be W or something I can put on my mouse.
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  19. Robin Everheart

    Robin Everheart Space Hobo

    Good Lord, PLEASE, I need to rebind the keys! I'm Left-Handed, I can't play with WASD, I NEED the arrow keys! I just paid the $14.99 for Beta on Steam and I can't even do anything because of this. :(
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.
  20. Sunai

    Sunai Seal Broken

    I can't even play the game as my "right" key on WASd doesnt work, the only reason I'm able to type with it is because I keep the key on Ctrl V, so I dont have to spell everything wrong.
    Ejraiel and Fhqwhgod like this.

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