OOC It Sucks To Be Earth(Not open)

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Rgbunpro, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. nomad ninga

    nomad ninga Star Wrangler

  2. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    There are a couple things off here. 1st, you need to have 6 custom traits, one of which must be neutral, and you have 1. Also rage isn't an element. Also what the heck is a Winston?
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  3. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    I think he means Winston from Overwatch.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  4. nomad ninga

    nomad ninga Star Wrangler

    yes my friend
  5. nomad ninga

    nomad ninga Star Wrangler

    in some mythosis it is and you failed to explain that so why cant i have it, also why couldn't a higher end demon infuse me with a rage element, also you said i could have six and i thing partly zombie is neutral. so i didn't brake any of your rules.

    ps. I am I minor story writer so normaly I would be respecting you and your story but this rely isn't as rule breaking as other characters you let in
  6. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    *Explodes from space into the planet* I was summoned to rectify some serious logical errors here.
    You're a terrible writer if you can't even master basic grammar or capitilization my friend.
    First, *normally*. Second, everything wrong with this post is right here, If you can't respect people around here you're GOING to get curbstomped by someone, likely me! Also, basic rules of "If you don't like it shut up and leave" apply everywhere on the internet, this is on the internet (unless I'm hallucinating again).
    Okay this is Rgbunpro and if I have known him for as long as I have I know very damn well he explained everything to a fine point, as he always does, this is your own error here. Secondly, you can't have it because he runs the show on this RP and not you, any other explanation he gives you is completely invalid as that is the well-known rule of artistic dominance applying here.
    Because Rage isn't an Element, and if it is, I'd check the point one above this.
    *really*, and do you think being rude is gonna help your case as distinguishing yourself as someone deserving of slight rule bends? My own character got some rule bends but that was because I gave logic and Lore behind it that made sense and wasn't a whiny ass about it.

    Also unrelated but I should probably actually show up in the RP soon.
    *break* Sorry but that was bugging the shit out of me xD
  7. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    You know what? Never mind. You are coming in here and trying to walk all over the GM, it's time for me to tear this apart.

    First things first: your spelling. Practically every other word is misspelled, or unintelligible, it's like you dictated it to a six year old to write. If you do end up fixing this and are allowed into the RP, I hope to a higher power that you learn how to spell. Secondly, Rage. When he said elemental zombies, it was assumed it would be basic elements, ie water, fire, etc. Rage is in no way an element. You even said for him to tell you if it is OK, he said it isn't, and you instantly started making excuses as to why it should be fine. It's not ok, find something else. On to your traits, or better yet, lack thereof. The given traits aren't counted as positive or negative, they are traits that you start with and are supposed to build on. Your supposed "Rage" element is completely overpowered for fights. Your "missing something" trait makes no god damn sense. It seems more like it should belong in a Backstory section than the trait section, and the added bit of "will randomly become enraged and break stuff" is just you throwing something in last minute so that you'll have an excuse for poor role playing. You would just be giving an excuse for being completely disruptive for no reason. Thirdly, the appearance. You aren't descriptive at all. The point of appearance is to paint a clear picture of what your character looks like. You just said, "eh, zombie". That's not gonna fly. Also, along with that, gender does matter. Put one down. Finally, the inventory. What the hell is "e scrap"? You don't explain what it is anywhere. You want to fix it? Make a genuine appearance, not a half-assed add in. Actually give him traits. Without any traits, you won't be able to do anything practically. And good and negative have to balance out, so don't put something like "can fire lasers from his face" and have the negative be "lactose intolerant". Please put more effort into your app, don't just throw something together in a few minutes and call it done.
  8. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    Crit I think the internet isn't ready for either of us because we both did this within minutes of each other
  9. nomad ninga

    nomad ninga Star Wrangler

    ok one im a fast typer and often times will spend hours contemplating what i will write then write it in two seconds two, almost no writer can spell for shit that's why they have editors, three all my righting is for for games so it rely doesn't mater to me, four when ever i try and use that many quotes/spoilers it all goes to hell;(proper use of semi-colon) how do you do it?

    wow i never get this much hate for liking math more than English this is like a new recored
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2016
  10. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    You know... I had a response too, but at this point I think that bandwagon's already full...
    Also, as a writer myself I am honestly just a bit offended you said that, with such spelling as you used...
  11. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    No, they have editors because they want their work to be as good as possible and should always have second opinions and eyes on their projects, not because they're an incompetent and lazy mop who can't check their own work. You want writing, try actually reading.
    *sigh* I'm developing cancer cells from this. Nobody gives a single shit what you like more, fix your rude ass attitude before I bring the entire staff of Chucklefish on your head just to get you to cram it and be civil.
  12. nomad ninga

    nomad ninga Star Wrangler

    you are relay nice, not adding to the flames
    Snow_Blaze likes this.
  13. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Don't test me. I'm really miffed by what you did regarding disrespecting the GM and being unwilling to take responsibility for your actions.

    Also, *You and *Really
    I mean... Really? What grade are you in? This quality of writing leads me to believe you are not 13...
  14. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    Fairly sure he's actually on our side right now.
  15. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Just shut up. I really don't want to hear your idiotic rudeness and I doubt anyone else does neither.
  16. nomad ninga

    nomad ninga Star Wrangler

    • User has been warned for this post. Reason: Breaking the Golden Rule. Penalty: 1 point / 1 month + Threadban
    who gives a shit
    if you want i can pull a shit ton of science on you and prove your a ass(with links to study's)(also im getting tired of arguing with dumb asses so pls don't respond)
  17. Red Ryder

    Red Ryder Guest

    I am also an extremely fast typer but you don't see any mistakes, do you? That's because I have the mind to go back on my work and edit it before submitting it like any good role player does. In casual conversation these errors would be totally acceptable, not formal role play this. Also, respect the GM's, they are in charge so you better listen to them, got it kid?

    I'm not trying to be mean or start shit, or anything like that. But seriously, get you damn toes in line or you're gonna have even more people on your ass, especially since a lot of people hold both @Rgbunpro and @critsarecool to high regard, and respect both of them.

    Also, don't call my friends dumbasses or I will roast your petty little ass to hell and back you fucking quim.
  18. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    I'm literally the very last person to ever grace the internet you want to try that game with. Trust me. Be glad the Mods will get you before I do. Very, very glad.
  19. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Do it... As an AP Capstone student, I've been itching for an argument for a while...
    Go ahead and argue with me... I dare you...

    Also, it's "you're", "studies" and "I'm".
  20. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    I may not be eloquent, I may not be smart, but you are outnumbered five to one. And I'm about to jump on this too.

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