Tutorial How to successfully pack and unpack .pak files

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by SexualRhinoceros, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. SexualRhinoceros

    SexualRhinoceros Existential Complex

    wait for it to finish m8, it'll take 20ish minutes
  2. agmoyer

    agmoyer Cosmic Narwhal

    I managed to get the files now I just need to figure how I put an item into the anvil crafting system because I finally fixed everything else.
  3. SexualRhinoceros

    SexualRhinoceros Existential Complex

    look here for info on how to mod things, also try downloading and inspecting other people's mods that edit crafting systems or even specifically the anvil.
  4. agmoyer

    agmoyer Cosmic Narwhal

    I did and got it work and uploaded it. But after about 10 hours of trial and error I'm taking a break. Thanks though!
  5. DarkzXD

    DarkzXD Void-Bound Voyager

    "[name]$ /Users/[name]/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/osx/Starbound.app/Contents/MacOS/asset_packer /Users/[name/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/packed /Users/[name]/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/packed.pak " is this what you mean? if it is, then this.
  6. Dolan

    Dolan Pangalactic Porcupine

    It seems that you want to repack the unpacked if I'm wright ?
    Mac and Linux are working a little bit differntly than Windows. Folders are always followed with a /, if not they are considering it as a file.
    In your case, your a specifying ".../Starbound/assets/packed" without any slash, that's why it's telling you that it's not a directory. So just add a slash to the end of your packed folder location.
    Are you also using the old asset_packer or the new one (Upbeat Giraffe) ? Because the last one need a new argument (Asset name) at first to work.

    Try with this command line with old asset_packer (Avoid to override the packed.pak) :
    "/Users/[name]/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/osx/Starbound.app/Contents/MacOS/asset_packer" "/Users/[name]/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/packed/" "/Users/[name]/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/packed2.pak"
    Or this one with Upbeat Giraffe asset_packer :
    "/Users/[name]/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/osx/Starbound.app/Contents/MacOS/asset_packer" "Packed" "/Users/[name]/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/packed/" "/Users/[name]/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/packed2.pak"
  7. SleepySquidd

    SleepySquidd Tragically Magic Hands

    For some reason my Mac doesnt have the unpacker, happen to anyone else?
  8. SexualRhinoceros

    SexualRhinoceros Existential Complex

    just in case this is a problem, here <3 Mac OS packer/unpacker
    SleepySquidd likes this.
  9. DarkzXD

    DarkzXD Void-Bound Voyager

    yeah, that didn't work...
    it just says "
    If server mode is enabled with -s then ignoreFile must also contain a string list named "serverIgnore"

    If -d is given, pak will be generated with a digest that must match from server to clientExample: { "globalIgnore" : [ "/ignore_file.config", "some.*regex[here]" ], "serverIgnore" : ["/sfx/irrelevantMusic.ogg"] }

    Exact paths are assumed to start with a /, all other strings are treated as regex." im not good with coding and understanding it so i dont know what any of what i said means
  10. Dolan

    Dolan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Don't care about asset_packer option (-s or -d), you have to use asset_packer with 3 arguments like this :
    In my case, I created a tool to simplify the use of the packer and get the same error as you with upbeat giraffe update.
    This is where I realized that asset_packer changed and required now 3 arguments to pack assets (instead of 2 before).

    Enraged Koala :
    asset_packer <arg1> <arg2>
    <arg1> : Mod folder location to pack (Ex : Location/MyModFolder)
    <arg2> : Name (+location) of mod to pack (Ex : Location/MyMod.modpak)

    Upbeat Giraffe :
    asset_packer <arg0> <arg1> <arg2>
    <arg0> : Mod name (Ex : "MyMod"). Seems to be the name shown in start screen (down/right) but put wathever you want it will work.
    <arg1> : Mod folder location to pack (Ex : Location/MyModFolder)
    <arg2> : Name (+location) of mod to pack (Ex : Location/MyMod.modpak)

    So if you updated Starbound to Upbeat Giraffe, just reuse the same command line than before, just add your mod name before your mod location (In your case, before unpacked asset folder).
    MarkusBananason likes this.
  11. DarkzXD

    DarkzXD Void-Bound Voyager

    im not making mods. im just looking at the files. and, im using upbeat giraffe too... i really wish I could figure it out
  12. PoeShmoe

    PoeShmoe Space Spelunker

    This is really useful. Thank you. Now I can finally try to modify the music files...
  13. CecilNailo

    CecilNailo Void-Bound Voyager

    I keep trying to pack the files but it tells me that the directory dose not exist. can you help with that i'm on win7 32
    okay I have red the posts and i feel like a retard cuz i dont get any of this.:mad: i feel like i need someone to hold my hand to do this :)
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  14. Dolan

    Dolan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wich version of ModPackHelper are you using, and which version of Starbound are you using too ?
    For Starbound version before Upbeat Giraffe : Use "ModPackHelper_v0.7.bat" and place it in "<replace_with_full_path>\Starbound\mods" folder.
    For Starbound version Upbeat Giraffe : Use "ModPackHelper_v0.9b.bat" and place it in "<replace_with_full_path>\Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods" folder.

    Hope it helps ;)
  15. CecilNailo

    CecilNailo Void-Bound Voyager

    :facepalm:Thank you sssssssooooooooooooo much! hi ho hi ho its off to moding i go :mwahaha:
  16. DarkzXD

    DarkzXD Void-Bound Voyager

    I figured it out! If you're on mac and cant pack the folder, get rid of packed.pak and change the folder "packed" to "packed.pak" with no quotation marks, it'll work!
  17. BaconaturTheBacon

    BaconaturTheBacon Yeah, You!

    Sadly, even though I have done all the steps correctly... on mac os , it still doesn't load the mods.
  18. Priest of Cthulhu

    Priest of Cthulhu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hi, I unpacked my assets, and they arent showing in the "assets" folder, I got a mac BTW.

    Please help.
  19. madmab1990

    madmab1990 Aquatic Astronaut

    i followed the instructions but i was lost after he said he will be right back in the video what exactly am i supposed to do here
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\win32\asset_unpacker.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\assets\packed.pak" "C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Unpacked starbound\unpacked1" then i get the message that says not a recognized command program batch or file what am i doin wrong and to answer any questions
    no i am not a modder this is my first attempt
    and as for the other threads nothin is explained to where i can clearly see or understand whats goin on
  20. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Step 1. Download ModPackHelper
    Step 2. Install ModPackHelper in giraffe_storage/mods/
    Step 3. Run ModPackHelper by double clicking, and unpack the assets

    Sorry, I also never got the hang of manually extracting the assets. ModPackHelper is an amazing tool, though.
    Kayuko likes this.

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