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how to buy in bulk on PS4?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Frickensweet, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Frickensweet

    Frickensweet Space Hobo

    is there a way to buy items (seeds) faster? like how on pc you can shift click to buy alot quickly.
    • UndyingXian

      UndyingXian Seal Broken

      On Xbox you hold X...try holding the square button.
      • Cramped Sultana

        Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

        Square is correct. Took me two full in game years to learn that. I was buying hay a piece at a time.
          UndyingXian likes this.
        • UndyingXian

          UndyingXian Seal Broken

          I did the exact same thing hahaha
          • ChaosB

            ChaosB Astral Cartographer

            Really wish they pointed this out more clearly in-game(or pointed it out at all I suppose would be more accurate), I was mid/end of year three, buying hundreds of coal/wood/seeds one button press at a time before I accidentally stumbled upon the 'Hold square to buy multiple items at once' feature.
            • Timedye

              Timedye Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Given that it wasn't even possible to buy in bulk until patch 1.1 came out, I'm not surprising it isn't mentioned in-game anywhere. The PC version has the same problem: you can buy in bulk when using the mouse and keyboard, but when you're using the controller, it isn't possible (or at least it wasn't when last I played on PC).

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