Horse with Boobs for Glitch (Poll: Yes or No?)

Discussion in 'Other' started by Thundercraft, May 29, 2014.


Should the "Horse with Boobs" A.I. art be used for the Glitch?

Poll closed Jun 5, 2014.
  1. Yay! It is cool and funny! (And it works for the Glitch)

    51 vote(s)
  2. Nay! It is ugly and -not- appropriate for the Glitch!

    97 vote(s)
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  1. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Phantasmal Quasar

    The 27th of May, 2014: GeorgeV Super Update in News revealed GorgeV's "WIPs for the various racial A.I.s". Being WIP, it sounds like these are not set in stone... yet.

    While 6 racial versions were presented, the vast majority of the talk was about the "horse with boobs" (aka, "Titty Horse"), which was in the bottom row, 2nd from the left. Interestingly, it turned out to be the A.I. intended for the Glitch. This was confirmed by GeorgeV on reddit:


    Many thought it was hilarious and cool. Others thought it was ugly, if not freaky and/or inappropriate for Glitch style and lore. It has sparked an intense debate and feelings seem a bit high. So far, this thread is 18 pages long (and rapidly counting).

    While opinions very greatly, it is clear that many feel passionately about it - one way or the other. It seems very devisive: Either you hate it, or you love it. There does not seem to be much of a middle ground.

    I was curious as to how many want to keep it as the Glitch racial A.I. and how many prefer that the devs use something else. So, I've started this poll...
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
  2. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    I've said my piece about this on the other thread, so I'm not going to go into much detail here. Suffice it to say, a creepy she-horse in an evening gown has nothing to do with the Glitch.

    I have no problem with it as an optional AI for those who want to use it, but I love the Glitch too much to see a silly internet gag forced on them - especially when the Hylotl and Apex get much more appropriate avatars.
  3. I think it might actually be related to the glitch, as the AI itself is glitched visually atleast as far as we know, why else would the weird thing that it is a horse headed woman be an AI? also, please no waifu-ing like what happened in the other thread, THAT is just creepy.
    Zucess likes this.
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Don't you mean "yay" or...

    *puts on sunglasses*


    I voted "yay", though. It's humorous enough, and has already lead to a lot of jokes.
    Serenity, Boneslord, Dust and 9 others like this.
  5. Between you, Eonwe, Slendra, and BRAWW, i have no idea which is the better moderater
    Serenity and Jonesy like this.
  6. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    This kind of highlights a problem with this poll. Despite what the options suggest, the question isn't "Is the horse funny" or "should the horse be in Starbound". The question is "Is the horse appropriate for the Glitch?"

    OP, I'd suggest editing the answers down to "yes" and "no".
  7. Pretty sure starbound isnt meant to be any sort of serious, edgy, or grim game. go play Warhams for that
    its tone is to be somewhat humorous most of the time. i would risk that it being funny, DOES infact count towards it being appropriate.
  8. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    As I said in my first post, I don't think it's inappropriate for the game - just for the Glitch.
  9. how can it be appropriate for the glitch, if its not appropriate for the game?

    I honestly cant believe i am defending a boobed horse, considering my abberent distaste for a certain show and its fandom.
  10. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm... not sure what you're arguing here. Are you disagreeing with me?

    My basic argument is that while most, if not all of the other races have WIP avatars that suit their lore and tone, the Glitch have been given one that was designed with more emphasis on getting a laugh than representing the race. Nowhere in their lore - be it through codices, objects, or PC statements - do the Glitch ever talk about horse-people. The closest they come are the robo-horses ridden by the occasional Glitch knights, which, you know, are quadrupeds and not ugly creepy furry bait.

    So I'm saying, by all means, keep the horse AI in the works... just don't force it upon a subset of players. Make it an option, like everything else in this game.
  11. what i had posted above is that The AI program itself for the Glitch is, well, likely Glitched, which goes perfectly with a bunch of robo larpers whose programming is also glitched.
  12. phillip2001

    phillip2001 Phantasmal Quasar

    And while the Horse may be ridiculous, the Glitch have a medieval style about them. The Horse not only seems like the most practical thing, it could also lead to Glitch Horse tech. (If that isnt already a thing.)
  13. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    I still don't see how the "sexy" horse in modern clothing is more appropriate than, say, an actual Glitch. Or a suit of armour. Or, as someone suggested in the News thread, a string of binary (hell, they could even build a face into it, that'd be cool).

    I'm just not very impressed with the fact that every other race gets something appropriate and not entirely ridiculous, while the Glitch get stuck with a lame joke because someone was running out of ideas.
    Lecic likes this.
  14. Are you even reading what im writing? it doesnt seem like its only JUST a joke to me
  15. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    First, I was responding to both you and phillip.

    Second, no need to get your panties in a knot.

    Third, as I mentioned above, even if there is some tiny sliver of lore in there, it's pretty obvious that the joke was given priority.
  16. Bar of Soap

    Bar of Soap Intergalactic Tourist

    Yeah, it's a bit like Marmite; you either love it or you hate it, yet the context I put it in was a bit inappropriate, because I dislike Marmite and like the horse AI. I can see it's a joke, and I kind of agree that it should be related to actual glitches, not horses. But... Starbound.
  17. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    Yup. I get that. I've argued in other posts that Starbound is like a cartoon, and shouldn't be taken too seriously. That's why I'm totally cool with that AI being an option - I just don't want it forced on me simply for choosing a race that has nothing to do with creepy anthropomorphic horses.

    As someone mentioned in the original thread, the AI is going to be the primary NPC the player interacts with. For this reason, it's one area where the comedy should be scaled back, or at the very least, optional. A joke told a thousand times gets old pretty quick, especially if you don't find it very funny in the first place.
    BrokenValkyrie and Lecic like this.
  18. Bar of Soap

    Bar of Soap Intergalactic Tourist

    I totally agree with you. Sometimes there can be jokes, but sometimes it's not necessary to add them.
  19. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Phantasmal Quasar

    Sorry, but this board does not allow the OP to edit anything about a poll after the OP post is submitted. (Perhaps to prevent the OP from abusing the poll by changing things?)

    I phrased it that way to reiterate the reasons people tend to give for voting one way or the other. And I think all those points are worth considering. Though, I am sorely tempted to agree with you that, "Is Horse Woman appropriate for the Glitch" (emphasis on this particular image, not just horse symbolism in general) should probably be the most important factor in the vote.

    That said, ultimately, this poll should be interpreted as a straight Yes or No on whether they want the Horse Woman included as the Glitch A.I. in the finished game. One's reason(s) should not matter as the Yes / No vote is what I'm after. A focus on anything else might muddy the waters.

    Anyway, I did edit the title to "Yes or No" to make this more clear.

    Who said anything about "edgy" or "grim"? I don't recall anyone ever using such words to describe Starbound. Not in all the posts, reviews, and dev talk I've read, anyway.

    Admittedly, Starbound does have some slight sillyness or humor from time to time. Certainly, one can not take this game as seriously as some games, such as Mass Effect or Dead Space. Everything from the art to the game mechanics is just a bit too unrealistic for that.

    That said: I don't see anything that prevents players from taking this game a bit seriously, if that's the way they want to roll. Just take a look at The Agaran Menace thread, which is the official thread to theorize about the Agarans, post screenshots and other evidence, and debate them at length. It was started Jan. 30th by a dev and, to this day, has accumulated 110 pages of posts. It ranges from some tongue-in-cheek stuff to some very serious arguements (even scientific) and everything in between.

    One has to wonder if, just maybe, appealing to a certain fanbase came up during their decision making process.

    Isn't that a bit like saying, "Since the Glitch are known to be glitchy, it is perfectly in-character for them to choose a silly and wacky mascot for their ships." By that logic, would it also be appropriate for them to choose a bunny in a clown suit or a squirrel with a large mustache wearing a sombrero?

    Very well put!

    If the devs just had to have a horse symbolise the Glitch (which, as janusforbeare pointed out, Glitch lore does not support), then it should at least look the part. It should be robotic. And certainly not humanoid.

    Anyway, it's very easy to imagine other avatars that would represent them much better. A dragon, for example. Or maybe an elderly robot, Glitch royalty, or a Glitch knight, to name a few more.

    Also, the head is WWAAAAAYYY too big for that body. If she were physical instead of virtual, she would fall over from the weight.

    Now, compare Horse Woman with the 5 other racial avatars. It just fails, miserably, to fit the style! It's the only one that's downright silly. And it's the only one that people have to stare at and scratch their heads while trying to figure out which race it belongs to. :confused: All of the other 5 avatars make some sense and are more-or-less obvious.

    Indeed, if Horse Woman fits any race, it fits the Horse mods (yes, there are horse mods) and the MLP race mods perfectly!
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
  20. phillip2001

    phillip2001 Phantasmal Quasar

    HEY! You acknowleged me! YAY!
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