Hey All!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Xaol, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Xaol

    Xaol Master Chief

    Hey guys! Kinda new here, but excited for this game.
    I am Xaol- a SuperAdmin on a popular Terraria server (Sithous) and programmer by trade. Like I said, really excited for this game and hope to be very involved with it as I was (and continue to be!) with good ole Terraria.
  2. Shotgun Steve

    Shotgun Steve Zero Gravity Genie

    Hello, welcome to the forums Xaol.

    How do you pronounce that?


  3. Xaol

    Xaol Master Chief

    Good question. You were correct with your second guess. Kinda hard, I know ;)
    Zowl is close enough I'd say. Appreciate the welcome.
  4. Mrhighseas

    Mrhighseas Star Wrangler

    Hello and welcome to the Forums, Xaol! Don't hesitate to blast a PM at me if you need help. Hopefully Starbound will be even better than Terraria!
  5. Xaol

    Xaol Master Chief

    Thanks mate! From what I've seen so far, it really will be. Terraria held and continues to hold a special place in my heart, but I am ready for something new!
  6. Mrhighseas

    Mrhighseas Star Wrangler

    You are very welcome! And I agree about Terraria, we do need something new. That's not to say that Terraria isn't good, or that I won't still play it, but I fully expect to play Starbound more than any other game so far!
  7. Xaol

    Xaol Master Chief

    I agree with you there. I came a little late to the mod creation and addon race for Terraria, and, maybe I am overstepping my bounds considering how little I know of this game as of now, but I hope to do a lot code-wise with this game, too. Not much, as this game seems that it'll be literally PACKED with content.
  8. Mrhighseas

    Mrhighseas Star Wrangler

    Indeed! I have never used a mod for Terraria, and in fact didn't know they existed 'til a week ago. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with, as I'll use it if it's cool. PS, I like Halo. A Halo mod would be cool, almost as cool as bowties!
  9. Tiger

    Tiger Phantasmal Quasar

    Bowties are cool.
    Hiya, and welcome to the forums! Programmer, you say? Mind if I send you a message sometime about it? I'm a seventh grader trying to learn C#, my dad tries to help but he only knows VB.NET. He is a large help, but more help would be even more...helpful. Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to, I understand :p
  10. Helios026

    Helios026 Void-Bound Voyager

    yo xaol welcome the the forums!
  11. Vargus

    Vargus Big Damn Hero

    Welcome to the Forums Xaol! Your name is original and cool lol. I completely agree with you, Terraria is an awesome game that will always have its special place in my heart, but I am ready for a new game. A game that will take me, Starbound! :)
  12. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Welcome to the forums, Guid- Xaoul. Enjoy :)
  13. Hostail

    Hostail Pangalactic Porcupine

    Welcome and enjoy your time here in our wonderful community :D
    If you want to chat then go ahead and visit the IRC, its filled with friendly people.

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